Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

AM~Erica Wonders Why Holy Week Gets Overlooked

So anyway...

It’s Holy Week. It’s a difficult journey to the cross so that we may celebrate Easter. Everyone just wants to celebrate Easter, but without dealing with the yucky, messy death part. But that part is so very necessary so that we may celebrate Easter.

I was reading a daily devotional this morning. The author, who is also a pastor, pointed out that there is no issue with so many people filling pews for Easter, but it is the dark & ugly side that churches commemorate with services that are so much less attended. Maundy Thursday & Good Friday are only 2 days out of all of Holy Week…and they are so important. Few want to face that part of it. Instead, they feel like they have to be at church on only Easter Sunday morning, hoping to find some eggs, eat candy & wear pretty clothes without the full understanding & witness of how & why we really got to that celebratory point.

I am a full believer in having the full gamut of Holy Week services. No combining. Jesus went thru all of these things & it was much harder for him. Just take a good look at ‘The Passion of the Christ’ to get that idea. We can take 2 nights out of our week to remember what else Jesus went thru for us.

When churches start combining or leaving things out because people don't come, we become a Church of Convenience &/or the Church of Warm Fuzzy Feelings (which is a whole other soapbox). Well, guess what, folks...there is nothing warm & fuzzy about Holy Week & there was absolutely nothing convenient for Jesus to give up his life for every one of us. Yet so many hide from this fact & become like Peter...denying Jesus & what he was going thru.

People, if you are willing to take part in the Lenten season by giving something up, then take an hour out of your Thursday & out of your Friday to understand why we change our lives for Christ thru this time. Then you can truly celebrate Easter with the understanding it deserves.

Do you have guts to do it...the heart? How's this...I DARE YOU! The WHOLE experience.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Monday, March 7, 2011

AM~Erica on Lent

So anyway...

Tomorrow is Mardi Gras...Fat Tuesday! It's the day that is supposed to be your last big shot at the stuff you love to do or eat before Lent kicks off with Ash Wednesday the following day.

Lent is a season of preparation in Christianity to get ready for the culmination of the prophecy of the Christ on Easter - it lasts 40 days, minus Sundays. It's the time when we remember that Jesus [the] Christ sacrificed himself for the sins of ALL people. It's a solemn season where we fast/sacrifice something to focus on Christ in meditation & prayer instead of the consumption of whatever it is that takes our focus away from Him.

Now here's my reminder:
Everyone tends to make a big deal about what they are giving up for Lent. Some people even give something up without even knowing what Lent is about. It's a spiritual thing & not meant to be a popular society-trend tradition of "something you're supposed to do." With this in mind, there is no need to announce & make public what your personal sacrifice/giving might be. When we do that, we have become like the pompous Pharisees that told everyone what they were doing because they were so "holy". Do NOT be the Pharisee, but instead make it known to only you & God. If it is something that you need to let someone else know because it is for dietary reasons, etc., then do NOT make it a big ordeal; instead quietly make your current needs known when necessary. It might effect dinner with the family, or watching a TV show with friends. But keep in mind the true reason of the piety behind what you are doing instead of turning into a Pharisee during the Lenten season.

I hope everyone has had or is having a fun & safe Mardi Gras, but remember what Lent is truly about. And may you truly have a thoughtful & blessed Lenten season.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Back to AM~Erica

So anyway...

Holy cow! Is there anyone still out there?

I have been so caught up in about a BILLION things, I haven't had time to get back to this.

So much has happened...where do I even begin?

We saw family at Christmas time (about a week later). It was our first Christmas by one to go one coming to see us. This also meant having to plan our own dinner menu & occupying ourselves. So we got a Wii from Santa. Wasn't that nice? And Ethan got Guitar Hero I & II for the PS2. And dinner came out great!
My youngest turned 3 during this time. (Boo hoo hoo)

I was involved in a musical with Ethan's church choir soon after that & we just got thru the performance of "Heart to Change the World". It's a mission-driven musical that was so cute & so touching. Ethan even played the inventor of the "Globe-a-Scope" with a ginormous line! He was awesome...of course. Oh, and I overcame a fear that had me traumatized since high school...I sang a solo in front of about 500 people. My folks were there & they were shocked. I didn't tell them I was actually singing.

We also got a puppy. A cute yellow lab we named Casey. We got him at 9-weeks old & he is now 13½-weeks, and has more than doubled in size...and still growing...

It snowed on Easter here...yes...snowed. I took a couple of videos with my new camera I got. You can find the videos at YouTube (Easter AM: & Easter PM: It is also on my vlog:
During Holy Week, I got to dance an interpretive dance to "Via Dolarosa". I danced while a friend sang.

And still working on potty training...ARGH!! We've come up with a's only kind of working.

Oh! And my hubby has joined our blogging community! Check him out at

Stay tuned for more...please...

God Bless, AM~Erica