Showing posts with label princess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label princess. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2014

AM~Erica Doesn't Need All That Stuff

So anyway...

Yesterday seemed to be a big deal to a lot of folk out there. Whether you are one who is in a relationship & was hoping to get or forced to give hearts, cards, flowers, expensive dinner, jewelry...whatever the case...or whether you are the person NOT in a relationship & is dealing with everyone else is getting or being forced to give hearts, cards, flowers, expensive dinner, jewelry...whatever the are dealing with February 14th.

Here's my question for you: why does it matter? Seriously! WHY?

I think I have become bothered, over the years, that February 14th is the one main day out of the year to be showered with love & major affection. Just the mere expectations become a competition! The receiver of such "affections" want to show it off to others...and sometimes gets let down when someone else may have gotten something bigger, better, shinier, more expensive...


There is an unbelievable frenzy that breaks out on Valentine's Day! It's stressful!

OK, OK...I confess...I do celebrate with my hubby. Well..............kinda....

It was 18 years ago, on February 14th, that my hubby & I fell into a holiday trap: we got engaged on Valentine's Day. But I'm not talking that down! We were young & in love. We were caught up in the whirlwind of the idea behind what Valentine's Day has come to be known as in this day & age.

But, with all the stress & over-the-top tokens to proclaim love for one just wasn't enough! We show love to each other ALL OF THE TIME! With tokens & actions, we find our continued love in our everyday lives. That's right...the beauty in the mundane.

So, we don't need no stinkin' Valentine's Day! We do, however, celebrate the anniversary of our Engagement Day. (previous post on it HERE)

We make a big deal about certain milestones in our lives: we celebrate the anniversary of the day we met, we celebrate the anniversary of our first date, we celebrate the day we got engaged, we celebrate our anniversary. These are important connections thru our relationship journey!

Just because we got engaged on February 14th, it doesn't mean I need a $100 bouquet of roses that will wither & die, a $20-30 mylar balloon that will deflate, I don't need a heart-shaped box of chocolates...but I will certainly take the chocolate. I really don't need a card with chintzy hearts all over it. No stuffed animals, no expensive dinner, no blingy jewelry (the only one that mattered was when I said yes to my Prince Charming)...
Just spending time with him & reminiscing while continuing to dream of our future is the most romantic thing!

I'm about to tick off some businesses (i.e., florists, Hallmark, restaurants, jewelers, super stores & drug stores) when I urge you to think about the stress of Valentine's Day! Is it about the gifts & money spent? Or is it about the romance of the attention? And...why do we have to have the pressure of just that one day?

My hubby & I have "a place". We go there for our milestone things. If we weren't engaged on Valentine's Day...I'm not sure we would work going there on that day. Maybe it's life that has set in to open our eyes to the fact that Valentine's Day is so over-blown! We work going out for lunch (like this year) because we have kiddos who have schedules & lives that don't care that it's Valentine's Day, either! So we spread it out. We did it last year, too. Just going out for coffee was fine by us. It's about the time spent together...not the gifts! 

 As a Disney Princess (a reminder HERE), I love that my Prince Charming & I can see past the big show to know that our love is deeper than the biggest bouquet & biggest heart-box of chocolates on the same day that so many others are getting the SAME kind of thing! 

We prefer to share our quiet moments together, in our palace, while the kingdom goes about in madness of raised expectations. In our eyes, it's not about the size of the show, but of the show of affection...FROM THE HEART! It's different for everyone!  Just like each person's individual personality, style, wants & needs...that's how our relationships should be treated. If you are a simple person & then want to be lavished with a lot of expensive gifts just because it's Valentine's Day...and that's not how it is any other might want to stop & reexamine that thought. 

Plus...I question as to why there should be an insane & near-impossible scavenger obstacle course to get these "sentimental tokens of affection." The retailers KNOW what is up! And they will price gauge your pockets out by inflating the prices of things to huge numbers! A $20 bouquet of roses does become a $100 expenditure around Valentine's Day. Heck, even restaurants have "specials" that are actually more expensive than usual on Valentine's Day. Our favorite restaurant even said, as they gave their specials, that they had at least a $1 markup of things because of the holiday! *face palm* 

Schools still give Valentine parties...and it amounts to some cards being handed out & eating some heart-shaped candy, chocolate, red or pink-colored candy, drinking pink punch or red Kool-aide...and that's about it. As much as I loved, Loved, LOVED making Valentine boxes back in the day...what has it really become except for niceties? These are kids, people! CHILDREN!

*ahem*'s what I'm saying: If you are looking for affections to be lavish & expensive just because it's Valentine's might need to reassess your relationship. I'm not talking about those who get engaged or married on that day. Good for you! But is it JUST because it's Valentine's Day? And how do you celebrate it afterward? As an anniversary or Valentine's Day? If you have to have the outward show to prove your significant other's love for're doing it wrong.

There are many ways to show love! They aren't always big proclamations! It's fixing coffee for your love to make sure it's done before they walk out in the morning; it's sharing the couch while the kids are in the room with you...just holding hands; it's sharing your thoughts with each other that, hopefully, includes your dreams for your future together; it's reminiscing about your past & seeing how far you've come...

I have seen this illustration several times...but in great timing... I wrote this blog, one of my favorite FB pages & blogs, Snarky in the Suburbs, had this posted!

Can you be extravagant with each other from time-to-time? Sure! There's anniversaries & birthdays to cover some that...or no reason at all. The pressures of being forced to show love in a spectacle is a bit over-rated.

Grow what's deeper, first. The harvest will be greater. It will show thru if it's constantly taken care of...even if it may not appear as a lot on the's what's being grown on a deeper level.

My hubby & I don't get to spend a lot of time together out in public...however, people always tell us they can see how in love we are. It's starts at home. It starts by planting the seed & allowing it to grow. You aren't going to plant one seed & expect an entire garden harvest next week.

Just some deep thoughts from a princess still in love...thru the mundane...

A simple glance across the kitchen table at breakfast or dinner, just walking up behind your mate to give them a comforting hug; just a kiss before you leave each other's presence & an "I Love You", no matter if you mad at each other or not; just hold hands while you sit on the couch watching the news; a simple compliment on you really like that shirt on them...

Because there are singles out there who don't get this...whether it's by a failed relationship, someone they want to be with, or by forever losing their one-true-love: death, affairs, they fell out of love with you...and it's heartbreaking to have this rubbed into them, too.

How are you treating the look of love? As something very real...or a total charade to make it look like things are great...even if they aren't?

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

AM~Erica Remembers the Princess at the Ball

So anyway...

If you've kept up...I'm sure you know that I HAVE BEEN PRETTY SICK. That also means I haven't been able to do a whole lot in the last couple of weeks. To the point that just being lazy while well feels more productive than this. It's frustrating. But I'm getting better...

Besides WORKING ON STAYING WELL, I have been blessed to have backup & reinforcement to help me out...

Even though I am not one to put mushy-gushy things out there...I am going to about my hubby. He has been amazing & patient thru this whole thing. He works really hard to keep up his calling...nearly thanklessly...and then coming home & having to deal with home stuff that I just can't get to.

If you remember, and you should by now, I AM A DISNEY PRINCESS. Amm-i-rite? And my hubby is truly my Prince Charming.

Here I've already compared myself to SNOW WHITE/PRINCESS LEIA, and then to PRINCESS MIA...then I came across this:

Yes, it's that major moment in Cinderella's life: THE MOMENT she meets Prince Charming. And it got me thinking about meeting my hubby...

So...I present to you our modern day fairy tale!


Once upon a was incredibly close to Christmas when a couple of people I grew up with had decided to get married. It was a Friday night. I had just gotten off of work & had a busy evening ahead. After the wedding, I was also supposed to go to a friend's house to exchange gifts.

I was also single...been out of a not-so-good relationship that lasted WAY too long! Had been swimming in the dating pool...and not looking for any long-term anything, especially after what I'd been thru.

I met up with my mom at the wedding, which was happening at our church. It was a large wedding in my hometown, and I knew pretty much everyone there. However, I was seated by a guy that looked VERY familiar, but couldn't quite put my finger on it...

As I was seated next to my mom in the church pew, and the wedding got started, I began to realize that I knew the entire wedding party, except for one. Like I said, the groomsman that sat me looked familiar, so I had to have at least seen him somewhere before...but it was the best man that I didn't even recognize. So weird.

My mom & I sat there during the wedding discussing as to how I might know the groomsman who sat me. She asked me if he was a customer where I worked. I was a bank receptionist at the time, and I felt like I had seen this guy there, but didn't remember him being a customer. So I was baffled.

But I was quite focused on that best know...the mystery guy - the one I did NOT know at all. Cuz he was really quite nice looking, I must say...

Now then...much like Cinderella, I really had kind of a "curfew" since I had a place to having an evening wedding kind of knocked out the chance of going to the reception. Bummer...

When the wedding was over, and we were headed out of the sanctuary, the familiar groomsman, the mystery best man & a blonde in between them were sitting in the back pew. (no...this is not the beginning of a joke) All of a sudden, the familiar groomsman pointed at me & yelled, "HEY! You're the bank lady!" I was startled, and also realized I really did know this dude from my workplace. When I confirmed his accusation, he told me he comes in every other week to get our rugs. OH!!! That's why he looked familiar! He just looked very different in a tux. Then the mystery best man looked confuzzled as he asked the groomsman, "You mean, you know her?" And then out the sanctuary we went with the flow of the crowd...

As I prepared to leave, my mom decided to twist my arm a bit & convinced me that I should go the reception for just a little know...maybe to see who the blonde is with. Because, " never know..."
Hmmm...not a bad idea. And who IS the blonde with??

Plus, I'm sure my friend wouldn't mind if I got there a little later than planned. Keep in mind...this was before the whole everyone-has-a-cellphone kick. So it's not like I could dial her up real quick...or send a text to tell her the situation. So...I would just have to make her wait. Simmer down! I was only 20...I didn't know better. OK?

Well...I got myself to the reception hall. I chatted with some folks I knew, mingled a little more...and just waited...and waited...and waited...and. . . . waited . . .
Wow these pictures were taking a long time! At least in my mind. And I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only single lady there to try to get some face time with part of the wedding party...who was hopefully single.

(Did that just sound like an hipster Bachelor episode? Hmmm...Prince Charming is the hipster Bachelor. Think on that one. The prince trying to find a mate from a large group of preselected know...before it was cool.)

Finally the wedding party was being introduced coming into the building! So, like an idiot...I sat positioned at the end of a table to face the doorway...with the biggest, cheesiest smile on my face. Cuz...who wouldn't want that? Amm-i-rite?

Yeah...kind of what I looked like. Really...what guy would not want to get to know this right here? C'mon!
*face palm*

So, I waited for the Familiar Groomsman & Mystery Best Man to walk thru the door. As it turned out...they entered...together...with The Blonde right in between them...hanging on to each of their elbows. Are you kidding me??? *sigh*

As the night continued, The Blonde stayed firmly planted between the 2 guys. It was a bit frustrating...especially when The Blonde would kiss one on their cheek & then turn to repeat the same thing with the other. I was about to give up...

Someone did point out that we (my mom & I) should go look at the cake since it was SO amazing. Whatever. Frustrating night...I'll just go stare at cake. Well, we got over to look at it...and this is kind of what we saw...just slightly less elaborate:

Yeah! It was really awesome looking...cuz it was all Christmas time, so it looked like it snowed all over it. Ooooh! Ahhhhh! Then, as we stood there gazing upon this goodness, the announcement came that it was time to cut the cake. Well, well, well...that was timing. I could feel the crowd of people close in behind me, so there was no moving out of the way. At least I had a good spot to watch bride & groom.

As the newly married couple cut the cake, a voice right behind me said, "So, any bets on who shoves cake into the other's face?" I thought it was a weird thing to say...cuz it wasn't a familiar voice, so there's no way they could've been talking to me...but it was awful close. So, I turned around...

I think my eyes popped out of my head & my jaw may have hit the floor when I realized I was being spoken this unfamiliar voice...of the Mystery Best Man! I was doing cartwheels in my head, but I could hardly move or talk at that moment. I could see my mom backed up in the distance...her eyes were as big as mine!

From that moment on, he had me by the hand. The only time we were actually separated was when it was only the wedding party on the dance floor to dance. But as soon as that was over, The Best Man was back with me...and we danced almost the rest of the time. *swoon* It was like Cinderella dancing with the prince at the ball...

But I had to go...remember? The Best Man had asked if I would continue the evening with him at a movie or something. I had to decline...and had to run off. It was almost a Cinderella moment of the magic wearing off at a certain time...but I left my number instead of a shoe. He did escort me to my car & kissed me on the cheek.

And off I went to my friend's house. I was only 3 hours late. Oops...but I told her all about this Best Man & how the evening went. I, being such a girl, had imagined if I'd married my friend was just smiling & nodding at me.

I do believe, to this very day, it was love at first sight. Seriously.

Oh...and The Blonde was with The Groomsman. They [were] married.

On Christmas (only 2 days later), I got a call from The Best Man. Happy Christmas to me! And? AND? We set up getting together the following night.

So, on a Monday night, December 26th, The Best Man came to pick me up, took my mom to another room to tell her where he would be taking me & then asked if I was ready. My mom just kept repeating, "Oh my goodness...oh my word...oh my word...oh my goodness..." Uh, yeah...what would ever be alarming about that? My heart pounded harder as he escorted me outside opened my door on the passenger side of his truck & had a rose waiting for me in my seat. And off we went...

The carriage (read 'truck') took us to a really nice Italian restaurant. It was a place in Johnson County called "Martini's". Anyone remember that place? We got to talk & really get to know each other there.  I even almost spilled water all over my date...and he had such quick reflexes, he actually stopped my glass from tipping over. WOW!

Then...we were off again...we drove by an airfield, & then realized we were pulling into the little airport...

When we pulled in, The Best Man parked & came to open my door & help me out. We walked over to where a plane was waiting for we could get a view of the famous Plaza Lights from the sky! a plane like this one over the lights of the Plaza. *swoon* (Que up the song "A Whole New World")

We flew over the entire KC area. We even saw the Longview lights, but from the sky...I could even see my house from there!! Amazing & breathtaking! Jelly? Oh, you should be!

When we was back to the carriage. We decided it's not really a date unless we see a movie. Amm-i-rite? to the movie theater we went...

Then we decided to see a movie...and we picked the most romantic movie that was showing at the time, obviously! So we kept the amazing magic romance momentum & feel of the evening going by seeing...

That's right. We went and saw "Dumb & Dumber" in the theater. Thank you...thank you very much.

After the hilarious gross out humor...that we BOTH laughed prince took me back home. He escorted me to the door for one last goodnight before he had to ride off. I hated for the date to be over. But we both had to work the next day, so it was sadly inevitable.

Probably the best 1st date EVER...especially after how we met! OK, WAS the best 1st date ever! I love telling people about it.

When I got into work the next day, a co-worker & former classmate of mine that went to the wedding, too, came to my desk, slammed her hands on my desk & proclaimed, "I. HATE. YOU." Well, that was a dramatic greeting...but I cordially responded with, "Well, good morning!"

Come to find out, she is also single & was sat by The Best Man...and just knew that he wanted her. So I asked her, "Did you go to the reception?" She did not...and she heard that I got to spend a lot of time with The Best Man. I didn't have the heart to tell her about my amazing date...but I did inform her that I was at the reception...hehe

The Best Man & I spent every evening together the rest of the week...he even invited me over to cook for me! *swoon* was more & more time together. There was hardly a day that went by when we didn't see each other...

You know what? We were just a thing. It just was. Eventually...just over a year later, on Valentine's Day, The Best Man asked me to marry him. So, coming up on 17 years ago...I said yes to my hubby.

Young couple...modern day Cinderella & Prince Charming

On my wedding day...The Blonde...who [was] the wife of my hubby's best friend...told my hubby I looked like Cinderella.

And we are still happily together to this day.

We even relived the first date just over a year ago. However...none of the things we went to exist anymore:

~ The restaurant is no longer became something else that didn't do well. It closed & became a TGIFriday's. We had a couple of dinners at TGIFriday's just because of the memory of the location. But, we certainly could not relive our first date there.

~ The little airport no longer gave the plane rides.

~ The movie theater became a gym. So we were not going to be able to watch a movie there again, either.

Once all of these things shut down, we just figured our 1st date was stand-alone. It could not be repeated. But we could do our best...

It was a Monday, December 26th, 17 years later...we went to a really nice Italian place that we heard about, which happened to be close to us:

Cafe Verona on Independence Square. It's amazing!

From there, we headed to the Plaza. Since we couldn't fly over it, we thought we could enjoy it from a horse drawn carriage. However, there weren't any available for a little while...but...for $10 more, we could be whisked away in the lighted princess carriage right then & we did:

Even though it was difficult to see the lights, something else happened...
Little girls in restaurant windows & with their parents along the sidewalks would light up as they saw a princess riding by. They would wave so big! It was so much fun to wave back to them. What a fun & beautiful moment.

And, since we do have children...we needed to get back home. We did make sure to get "Dumb & Dumber" so we could finish the night the right way...and introduce the kids to our beloved romantic movie.

** A follow up to Dumb & Dumber HERE

I would like to say, our first date, as well as the relived date, pretty much describes our relationship & marriage. Seriously. All the romance with all the stupid & gross humor.'s perfectly like that.

And here we are...after meeting over 18 years ago...

The fairy tale continues... the ever after...happily.


And, be Prince Charming cooks, cleans, works hard, and totally takes care of me. I am a blessed girl. And I knew years ago that I totally found my soul mate. And I had someone point out that he probably treats me like a queen. That, folks, he does.

Is it all sunshine & rainbows everyday, riding on a pegasus quadracorn on streets of glitter & gold? No. There are ups & downs, highs & lows...and we took these vows to get thru them together...forever. This wedded bliss has lasted longer than most already. And, in this day & age...that is a real life, modern day fairy tale at it's finest.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Quasi-Quarantine of AM~Erica

So anyway...

Here I'd worked so hard to stress to everyone about HOW TO STAY WELL, and to keep myself accountable...but alas...I have been hit by something nasty.

With all the weird stuff going around right now, it could be anything! However, I am still taking my wellness post to heart & doing as much as I can to cut this icky stuff short!

With the coughing that was eventually joined in by my nose taking up running & picking up sneezing along the way, as well as a not-migraine headache (I usually don't get not-migraines much anymore...I could probably count on 1 hand how many times in the last few years & still have phalanges left over)...and then...and THEN...I was just run down. This lack-of-energy thing is way tiring.

My hubby has been really good about making sure I'm taken care of. He made me go to bed. I would have resisted, but I didn't have the energy...

And, since I'M PRETTY SURE I'M A DISNEY PRINCESS, this girl had to take on Aurora's role...and just sleep. And my Prince Charming (yes, I am still talking about my hubby) would come check on me.

Now, Friday is our usual day of the week to spend time together. It's hubby's day off & we can get our weekly grocery shopping done & anything else we might want or need to squeeze in. It's like a morning & afternoon long date day...that just happens to include grocery shopping. Ummmm...we are more than into Saturday now...and we don't have much food in the house. Why? I couldn't even handle the umph of grocery shopping! Ugh. I've already stated that I WILL NOT MISS ANYTHING MY KIDDOS DO unless you physically make me...or it had better me something really big...or my own death to make me miss it, I was feeling pretty OK this morning while getting Lil Guy ready for his basketball game. the morning went...and the game went...the more I was running out of steam quickly. If I could've slept in the chair I was sitting in during the game...I might have. That, my friends, is not a good sign.

I had more to do today. Like helping a fantastic couple get set up for their 50th wedding anniversary festivities of vow renewal & reception. I was even planning what to wear...but I was sequestered back to bed by Prince Charming...and more sleep I got. Before I knew hubby was changed & leaving. I said I'd get around to meet him there for at least the ceremony...but he informed me that I shouldn't be around the public. *sigh* I feel so bad for feeling so bad. I didn't even have the energy to argue about it. That's how you know how zapped I am.

So I am quasi-quarantined. But I don't even have the gusto to go anywhere. I will help put together a mini list for a few things we desperately need...but other than that...don't count on a whole lot from me.

And with that...I'm going to hang out in my tower with my symptoms: Coughy, Snotty, Poundy, Sneezy, Sleepy... See? Just like a Disney Princess! And the Web Doc told me it could be a I could self-medicate & just get Dopey. *shrugs*

That's right...superheros show up in my fairy tales. What?

Well...I do have a handsome Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet...and make me sleep this stuff off.

A lesson I learned: total lack of motivation feels way more productive than total lack of energy.

OK...This Snow White is gonna trap herself in her Rapunzel tower & totally pull an Aurora. No energy for the Cinderella stuff...

Stay tuned...(and stay well...)

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, January 24, 2013

AM~Erica's Disney Princess Doppelganger

So anyway...

I was approached by a sweet & hilarious couple from our church to let me know, and they had also told my hubby to tell me, that they totally found my Hollywood doppelganger. They were watching TV on a Saturday night. Yes, that was a flag that they were viewing an episode of Saturday Night Live. This particular night was being hosted by one of America's current sweethearts::

Anne Hathaway!

But wait...wha-WHA?? There is absolutely NO way...I mean it's a totally compliment and everything...but really??

They went on to explain that we now have the same hair[cut], smile...and personality. Hmmmm...
What do you think?

I always thought I had dopplegangers in Annie Lennox or Martina McBride (or so I was told)! The TRIP TO THE DENTIST told me that it may very well be La Roux or Dolores O'Riordan. I could see some of these, so I was thrown by the Anne Hathaway comparison.

She won a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress. As she gave her speech, she pointed out, when she began, that she started out as the Princess of Genovia....*SCREEEEEEEECH*


That was in Disney's "Princess Diaries". Remember that movie, and its sequel?

Then it hit me...Anne Hathaway is a living Disney Princess!!!

Then it hit me...So am I!

If you remember when I made the LEAP TO APPLE, it became totally obvious that I had become a Disney Princess by rite. Amm-i-rite? Well...totally obvious if you tilt your head to the left & squint a little. Whatever...

So...if Anne is a Disney Princess...and I am a Disney Princess...and we have the same haircut...and a passion for performing & fashion...

HOLY CANNOLI! We are truly each other's doppelgangers & kindred spirits.

This is a beautiful moment, everyone.

*ahem* You may bow down, now...

(or she's totally copying me...Hmmmmm...)

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Monday, December 3, 2012

AM~Erica Took a Big Bite out of the Offered Apple

So anyway...

I have officially entered into a new phase & crossed to a side that I never honestly thought that I would. So imagine my surprise when I figured out it would just work out better for me, personally, by doing such a thing.

You must understand that I needed a change...I just had no idea how much of a change it would actually mean & how things are gonna change because of it...

Wanna know what happened? Well...

You've heard that the Dark Side offers cookies, right? And I love me some cookies...and Star Wars...

But what happens when they offer you an apple? Is it more like the evil queen disguising herself as the old lady selling the woods...with one special one just for Snow White?

Well...what happened to me might be looked at as the evil queen situation in some people's eyes. Others will gladly welcome me over.

So...what happened? Well, I took a bite of Apple. 

I already had an iPod. I kind of used it off & on. And I've alway used phones from the Android flavor, but I was needing a new phone & was trying to figure out which was going to suit my purposes & uses best. After researching from both markets, I came to the conclusion that the iPhone 5 would be the best fit. And when that was figured out, I ended up taking over my hubby's iPad that he was going to trade in.

So, now my hubby & I are so cute (as if you all didn't already know that) by having our iPads & our iPhones.

So, now I'm trying to learn a whole new set of technology & get used to where new buttons are, new apps, and...well...everything.

Here's how I see it: there's people who are die-hard for Apple products & those dead-set against it. It's like the right & left of politics, too. Have you noticed?

For me, it's treated like MY STYLE OF POLITICS...I go on what is logical for me. OK, so I have Apple products doesn't mean I hated them before, but I don't hate Android products either. They are different & serve different purposes. That's how I see it. I weighed the options & did research & dabbled with both. This is what works for me.

Now my question becomes: Does this make me anything like a Disney Princess now...just for Apple since I took the big ol' bite this time?

* Princess Leia is Anakin's daughter; Anakin turned to the Dark Side; Star Wars is now Disney.

* Snow White is the Evil Queen's stepdaughter; the Evil Queen tried to kill her with an apple; they are from Disney.

Is it too big of a stretch to just totally assume I have joined the ranks? I have tiaras, I KNOW MY STAR WARS, I took the Apple...


Fitting crossover, don'cha think?

Oh, I'm getting a text, an email & Siri (you know, my page) are all coming in. But I've decided to call a carriage from somewhere else...I don't trust this Apple Maps horse.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica