Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

All AM~Erica Wants to Do is Give Thanks

So anyway...

HALLOWEEN HAS COME & GONE, and as usual...that means the onslaught of Christmas music, decor & food.

I have said it before, and I want to say it again...
I'm very sad about the diminished & disappearing November holiday.

Last year, I talked about the shocking disappearance of a particular "holiday". (read it HERE)
And, if you read it, you will see it's not the one you might automatically think of.

But, it's worse this year. And it makes me sad.

If I were to take a poll of a lot people right now, and I asked them to choose between a big meal with the family or to spend it in a crowd...most folks would SAY it might be the family time. But that's talk. Isn't it?

The concern of the dwindling holiday of Black Friday is disheartening. Why? Because it's not on just Friday. "Black Friday" has now become just a term for holiday shopping. But there is a bigger issue with this:
What is happening to Thanksgiving? That's a real question!

It's enough that each family gets together to decide that "dinner" is at noon, or 2:00, or 4:00...or an actual dinner/supper time of 6:00. Not sure why that is...but eat some breakfast or a decent brunch to lead into the gorging of the feast later in the day. That's all I'm saying. But there's a reason I point it out. If Thanksgiving was already set apart to plan on the eating & the get togethers...then why are we so willing to give in to giving it up?

I still blame KMart. The being open on Thanksgiving to shop is just sad. But they've done it for a long time...and it's pretty much the one gimmick they could hold on to. But now that so many other retailers have jumped on that bandwagon in the last couple of years...I sense this could be the absolute demise of KMart. They did it to themselves...killing themselves ever-so-slowly.

And while KMart is slowly is Black Friday...and so is Thanksgiving.

Now that there has been an outpouring of backlash to the additional retailers jumping on the Thursday "Black Friday" opening...more retailers are making their employees give up a time of thankfulness with loved ones to be ready to slave away on their registers with less-than-thankful customers who only care about the greed of getting stuff for themselves.

Wow...sounds so warm & fuzzy...(yes...that's sarcasm, folks)

People, I implore you: please treat Thanksgiving with the respect it deserves. Eat with your friends & loved ones to be thankful for everything you have; or go help serve meals to the less fortunate. Do NOT...DO NOT...under ANY circumstance give in to the Thanksgiving Black Friday. Because if you are part of the problem.

How soon is it that most stores will open at 6:00 AM on Thanksgiving for their Black Friday sales (which even aren't the real sales anymore, btw) to try to "beat the meal"...but really it will end up having staggered sales (like Walmart is gonna do at dinner time as it is) and the ONE item you want is on sale at 4:00? Then what?

I'll tell you. Thanksgiving will be an oxymoron term for the beginning of shopping, and then Black Friday will be the oxymoron for the rest of the shopping days.

This makes me sad. The greed is greater than the pausing for giving thanks. Shame on you for anyone who is justifying their Thanksgiving shopping! Facebook, Twitter & texting have all given way to the lack of communication as it is. Let's just give another reason to spend time with folks you don't know while being awful to those total strangers...all while ignoring those you should be spending time with...face-to-face...having actual conversation & sharing & laughing. *sigh*'s almost totally official that we are giving the bird the bird. SERIOUSLY!

If anyone takes in the sales...then it's worse next year...
...and so on...
...and so on...
...and so on...

Maybe we need a reminder. And the retailers need the reminder. We all need reminded of Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation:

Click on the photo to take you to easier-to-read text. The overall message is quite important.Oh...and it's pretty much law & note.
What has society turned this into? I can answer that: greedy chaos.

Kelly Ripa (who honestly needs to be a best friend of mine...she just doesn't know it yet) pointed out that she has Thanksgiving dinner at a "normal time" of cocktails at 5:00 (because it's a fancy get-together & stuff) & dinner at 6:00. She pointed out that they have a little lunch to hold them over..."like normal people" (I have to talk to her about that ugly "normal" word). She questioned the chaos of the retailers opening on Thanksgiving & wondered if folks would just enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at the JCPenney restaurant or how it's not the same at the food court.

People who think that TV is worth missing dinner with the family that they camp out in front of Best Buy in a tent & think they should put in an order for someone to bring them dinner should be out the dinner. They made the choice. A sad one...but that's extra greedy!

Not sure at point this would happen at this point.
But I would if I wasn't crashed on the a food coma.
(pic posted by several friends from LAUGH OR CROAK page)
Folks...while many of you are receiving "Black Friday" *cough-cough* ads, via email/text, I place it in front of you, again, to make plans to enjoy Thanksgiving around the table, enjoying our bountiful lives & loved ones...or get perspective by helping those less fortunate. If it's anything beyond might be part of the problem. We need to make the Thanksgiving shopping phenomenon stop here! Don't give in to the temptations...(trust me - better sales come later) Take back Thanksgiving as the holiday it was meant to be!

Who's in?

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

AM~Erica Thinks You Should Just Say NO

So anyway...

It's that time of year again.

That's right! We are gearing up for day that appears to be losing its meaning in the midst of the craziness of society. You know what I'm talking about, right? That's right! I'm talking about Black Friday.

WAIT, Wait, wait! Say What???

Folks...I'm not kidding. I just read an interesting article this morning lamenting the fact that Black Friday is losing it's meaning. Seriously.

*face palm*

I've already talked about how NOVEMBER TENDS TO BE OVERLOOKED. Halloween ends & then December begins. Doesn't it? There has already been true lamenting as to whatever happened to Thanksgiving...but we still give into the society timing pressures.

That poor turkey. Forced into Witness Protection for the sake of society & commercialism.

I actually put initial blame on KMart. Since their business has not exactly done so well the last several years, their ploy was to open on Thanksgiving. It apparently drew enough crowds that the competition grew. So others began their "Black Friday" stuff earlier & earlier.

What used to be about toy shopping for the kids at Toys-R-Us at the "crazy shopping hour" of 6:00 AM, has now become a greedy, angry mess of "electronics just for me at any cost" type day.

My hubby & his mom started doing the Black Friday thing years ago. It was probably the 2nd year. And it was at Toys-R-Us. He & MIL made a tradition of shopping for the kids, grabbing breakfast, and then showing up at home to brag on their purchases. Then the competition started...
All of a sudden, Best Buy, Walmart & many other retailers jumped on the bandwagon and started offering the electronics. My hubby will attest that things went into an ugly, downward spiral at that point.

What used to be about getting some shopping done for family became something very greedy. And, to make matters worse, stores will advertise big deals on major electronics...and then have 10 sent to the store. So comes the trampling, fist fights, shootings, bruises, injuries & pure insanity just to get a camera, a TV, a computer, the latest Elmo toy, etc.

Last year is when it was really awful. Retailers picked up on KMart's ploy. It took several years, but the stores were weaning themselves & employees that direction. People missing time with family just to make sure to have that iPad is really sad.

People camp out at Best Buy a week before now...hoping family will bring them food so they can get hold of the TV. That's not right.

I know everyone wants good deals. I'm a sucker for a killer bargain! And I love shopping...but not under conditions like that. And I can't imagine not recognizing that THANKSGIVING IS A HOLIDAY!!! And I would never get up THAT early just to have to fight my way thru crowds just to HOPE they have I was wanting to get. Hubby asked me for years to join them...and I always turned them down...who's the smart one, now?

The article points out the Black Friday phenomenon being a diluted "holiday"...what about the disappearing of Thanksgiving? Just a time to enjoy our bountiful blessing with family.

I do not begrudge the Target & Walmart employees striking the working on Thanksgiving issue. They want time with their families.

Last year, it was finally at such a horrible breaking point, my hubby walked into the doors of Walmart...looked around at the insane, and increasingly growing angry crowd...and gave up. He didn't participate for the first time in over a decade. He is not planning on doing it this year either...I don't think...

What it has become is sad. If Thanksgiving wasn't being shoved off enough...the "diluted holiday" of Black Friday has already been overtaking this time.

All in the name of the all mighty dollar.

I pray that everyone within reading distance of this post has a beautiful & peaceful Thanksgiving. May you truly celebrate the blessings you have. SIT DOWN and enjoy the dysfunction of your family, the food you're blessed with, the roof over your head, the relationships, the transportation, your talents, your health, you know...anything & everything you have. The things you have NOW! Not what you are willing to give up family time for to beat up a stranger to get hold of something you may not even get.

You want to do something out & about with your time on Thursday? How about helping those less fortunate & seeing what your blessings are truly about. You want to pick something up on Thanksgiving? How about perspective.

*deep breath in - deep breath out*

May you have a truly blessed Thanksgiving with your family & friends. Enjoy every moment of that time with them.

Can I get an Amen?


Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Friday, April 20, 2012

AM~Erica Apparently Appears OK Thru Mediocrity

So anyway...

It's Friday. The day of the week my hubby & I get to spend the day together. Usually it involves going to the grocery store without the kids & either breakfast or lunch out. Sometimes other things we want or need to do...but that's pretty much the major gist of the day. We are an exciting couple!

Today was no different. Except we were out of milk, so cereal, oatmeal, know, the "breakfast essentials" were a little weird to deal with. After getting the kids out the door to school, and we were having issues piecing breakfast together, my hubby offered up that we go to breakfast. Here was the deal: he had a chance to get showered & get ready; I had not. He thought I should just throw on a hat & we should go.

Well, since I had gotten the kids up, fed them, fixed them lunches, made sure they were fed, dressed & out the door in time...I obviously had not had the time to get cleaned up. As a matter of fact, I was in some baggy sweats. Nice, huh? But he was hungry, the breakfast thing at home was NOT working, so he figured we could make a short jaunt to a place we haven't had breakfast at. We go to places like Bob Evan's, IHOP, Cracker Barrel...places like that. Not today. My hubby said it didn't matter what we looked like (even though he was READY) since we were going to a different fine dining establishment...

Wendy's. They have these artisan breakfast sandwiches that my hubby has bragged about having before, he wanted to eat NOW, so...OK. I did go & put on something a little more decent than sweats since he looked decent; this included jeans, t-shirt, cardi, boots with leg warmers (it was chilly this morning), topped off with a woven beret that I added a flower too (of course) & a scarf. I put on some deodorant & a spritz of body spray (you're welcome, to all those who were standing near me) & sported my day-old makeup. Yes, I was exhausted last night after celebrating 16 years of wedded bliss, so I did not remove my makeup before crashing hard. So there. I'm pretty sure, even with a slight upgrade in attire, I was some kind of sight to behold. But, whatever...we were just going to a fast food place.

We got there & there were only a few old men gathered there along with an older woman in front of us who had just placed her order. When our order was taken, my hubby & I gave our preferences...which included coffee. I know, you're shocked. HA! While we waited, I found a spot for us to sit & hubby waited for our order to come up. As I got up to get napkins & thought I overheard the employee who took our order say this to my hubby, "blah-blah-blah- young lady - blah-blah?" I wasn't sure if it was said to my hubby or not. But when he came to the table with the order with the coffee, I realized she brought up to him that she forgot to ask the "young lady" how many creamers for the coffee. Whoa! She was referring to me!! I decided she's my new best friend. But I never got her name. But she's now a true-true friend.

Then we saw the most adorable little old lady come in & sit down close to us. On a dreary, chilly morning, she walked in wearing a coat & a straw hat while sporting a cane, red lips & sunshine on her face with a big smile. While we ate, she flagged me down & complimented my hat. Awww...cute little old lady is my other new best friend! No, I didn't get her name either...but she was a day-maker...wishing us well & warmth through the rest of the day as we left. So Adorable!! I was actually feeling pretty good for feeling a bit day-old stale. But we got our stuff together & headed to the store. No, I still hadn't cleaned up. Yes, I was still unshowered & in day-old makeup. Still a sight to behold.

We got to the store, shopped & headed for the checkout lane. Hubby tracked down our cashier...the one we try REALLY hard to get to, no matter how long her line is, and her line was completely open & waiting for us! Woo Hoo! I think she had a manager type person standing behind her & we all got into a conversation about our past week. We told her that we celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary yesterday & she congratulated us. The manager & the cashier pointed out that I didn't look old enough to be married that long! Woo Hoo! They said the same for my hubby, too. But that was crazy-awesome!

Even being a day-old stale, day-old makeup, unshowered...I was being told that I looked "young". Apparently the mediocrity of self-staleness worked to my favor today. But take heart in knowing that will not be the norm. I have gotten cleaned up by now. But it was pretty entertaining.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Sunday, February 20, 2011

AM~Erica Has New Bargain Skill

So anyway...

In my quest to figure out what our life holds right now during life changes, we have talked about where to save more money. If you have kept up at all, you know I love my coupons! But a friend told me about Extreme Couponers & they have been showing up on several talk shows. I half joked about taking their lead! I'm always in for a good bargain!! But I very recently picked up a new (to me) technique & I highly encourage it...


Oh yes! does take some homework & prep...but sooooo worth it!!

We go to Wally World (aka - WalMart) for our one-stop shopping. THEY PRICE MATCH!! So when I find a sale from a competitor in a sales paper, I just circle (in red) what the item is & the sale price. It is so satisfying to see the things you buy forced to a lower price...then you can add a coupon on TOP of that! It's amazing & I've got the bug for it! Coupons on top of price matching at a place that usually (not always) has lower prices? Oh yes!! I am also going to go back to printing coupons, too. The more the merrier, right?

Not sure if I can get $300 worth of groceries for $12, but I'm willing to take it down as much as I can!

How will it work out? Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, January 20, 2011

AM~Erica Loves These Shoes

So anyway...

As many of you know, I am a bargain shopper. I actually have a standing rule of "nothing over $20"; however, that rule can be bent a little, depending on the item. If I find a good pair of jeans that fit me well, I might pay up to $30. Shoes might go up to $25 or $30 depending on the situation.

I recently found a fabulous pair of shoes at Shi by Journey's that I had been looking for: a stylish, nude-colored pump. I came across the Nadara Reyna pump there, but they cost $45. I was hoping for a serious sale, but I had been eyeing these shoes every time I saw them. Well, after having some Christmas money, I got the chance to purchase these beauties as my splurge. Here they are:

Love them? I do!

Then I came across some shoes that Kim & Kourtney Kardashian wore to the People's Choice Awards, earlier this month. They wore the Altadama nude platform pump from Christian Louboutin. Here's a picture of Kim in hers:

Pretty comparable, huh? But not in price, as you can imagine...

The Kardashian sisters shoes are $850 more than I paid for mine! Whew! And I considered mine a "splurge"...mine is a killer bargain next to theirs...and it has an adorable ruffle where theirs only have the red sole. I came out WAY ahead!

How much would you pay for your dream pair of shoes, or willing to pay? I would love to hear your thoughts...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

AM~Erica @ Random

So anyway...

* The countdown has begun to see Chris Rice! (notice the new countdown timer?) Yep! Saturday nite, 9/22, he will be at our church...performing...LIVE! Have I already mentioned that? Oh, and just a head's up for those in KC, I just read he is doing an "Under the Radar" tour, and the first one is Sunday nite, 9/23, at The SPOT, behind Fuddrucker's in Independece, MO. It will small, quaint & accoustic...and FREE. And the day after he performs for us! Geez! We had to pay a bit for our tix...even for the 2-year-old. Well, if you go (hope you do), make sure to tell him "Hi" for me...I'm sure we'll be buddies by then. (ha ha ha ...) Check it all out @

* Get ready for International TLAP Day tomorrow, 9/19 Every 9/19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Wear a Jolly Roger T-shirt, a bandana on your head, &/or just go all out with an eye-patch. Have fun with it, and make sure to check out for more fun.

* OK, y'all have figured out that I love shopping & saving @ the same time, right? And, I also love Rachael Ray! Well, today she had a segment about saving at the warehouse stores (i.e., Costco, Sam's & BJ's). Watch this for GREAT ideas:

* Also, Friday night, Lizzie sings the national anthem with her choir @ the Card's game, so we will be there to watch! If you get to watch the game on TV, look for us! Should be great fun! Around here, you're supposed to be a Card's fan CHIEFS!! OOPS...old habits die hard... Hey, it's still red!

OK, the Pirate Fest may have to wait until next weekend; after the game & the concert, we will be tuckered out!! Plus, we'll see how $$ is.

Oh...and have I mentioned that Chris Rice is coming to my church & we are really excited? OK, just checking!

Stay tuned for more...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Monday, August 27, 2007

More Shopping 'n AM~Erica

So anyway...

I promised some killer designer bargains, so let's get started, shall we?

Clearance!! Need I say more? Probably not, but I will anyway.

Whether you are at Wal-Mart or Macy's, check out the serious savings you can get! A lot of the reason things go on clearance is because they have discontinued the item, or they are making room for more inventory (probably an entire season early); it is NOT because the stuff is out of style! My favorite is probably Target & Kohls. I head straight for the clearance items, and I especially look for the 50% & up. I recently picked up a blouse from Nine & Co. (part of Nine West) for $3.40, and a pair of 1928 earrings to match the shirt for $6 at Kohls. I spent about $10 for a top & accessory ensamble. That's awesome!! The shirt was 90% off! About a year ago, I got about $200 worth of clothing for under $25 at Kohls.

DSW is a new fave of mine...I LOVE SHOES!! It makes my hubby crazy, but it's a passion. Even at "discounted" prices at DSW for their designer shoes, I still want to puke when I look at the pricetag. However...go to the clearance section (sound familiar?), and look at the color-coded prices. You can get 30%, 40%, 50%, 70%, even 80% off of the original DSW price. Learn when they have their sales, too. They had a sale all through the summer, plus gave 15% off coupons for Aug. 2-12. You could use 2 coupons at a time. I bought Lizzie 3 pairs of school shoes, which should have cost me about $80 or more, for under $25 for all three pairs - she got a MUDD pair, a Report pair, and (I'm not kidding) a BCBG pair! I wanted to do cartwheels in the parking lot! I found a pair of Katie & Kelly shoes, as well as a pair of Liz Claiborne shoes for under $10 each there. BARGAIN! I also try to keep track of the BOGO sale @ Payless. When they have their sale, Famous Footwear & Shoe Carnival have to have their buy-one-get-one for ½ off sale, too. Gotta love that! And that goes for every shoe in their store...including clearance items.

Look at the mall for stores catering to Juniors. I say this, because their pricing and sales cater to the working teen-aged girl, making minimum wage. After I got Liz the shoes, we went over to Wet Seal (another fave of mine), paroosed the clearance section (there's that word again), and got her a t-shirt, a sparkely hooded sweater, a long-sleeved shirt w/ rhinestone-crusted bow graphic, and a party-dress for a dance - all for...under $15. This was during their buy-one-get-one free on all clearance sale. Geez, I love shopping! Also, try Forever 21 & Heritage 1981 for clearance deals starting at $2.99 and up...and that includes clothing!

No, I ain't too proud to Goodwill! Thrift shopping is so much fun. Yes, you see a lot of weird stuff, but take time to sort through it; it's amazing what you will find. I recently needed a navy purse - navy is always in style, but you can never find a good purse in the color. I found the cutest patent-leather navy clutch EVER! Found it at Goodwill for $3.99. I even found 2 Issac Mizrahi dresses that I'd had my eye on, and missed out on both of them, in my size for $4.99 each. I also got a groovy, mod white-hooped necklace/belt (can be worn as either) for 99¢. I even found Ethan a pair of Old Navy swim trunks for $1. Look for thrift stores from Association for the Blind, Salvation Army, or any auxillary that may sponser one. Great stuff, great deals! Oh...and they don't charge tax.

I have already pieced together most of my Halloween costume, from these stores, for just under $15.

Another trick I love to use is rewards programs. I have one for DSW, Famous Footwear, and used to carry for Wet Seal (back to that one in jiffy). If you join a store/franchise rewards membership, it is usually for free, and the more you shop there, the more they send to you in rewards; this means they pay you, in essence, to shop at their store. That's Fabulous! Wet Seal offers a program which you pay a one-time fee for the year, and you get 20% off your first purchase, a purchase around your b-day, and 10% every other time. This is for EVERYTHING in the store. Within the first 2-3 trips, you've paid for the card, and you can still use it for a whole year. I've even been given coupons with the card to spend, 1/month. That's even more savings!

I have real challenge now that my hubby gave me. He has been so impressed with my bargain finding, he has challenged me to find stuff for guys like that, too: things like easy care, button-up dress pressure. I'm up for the challenge & will keep you updated to my research & findings.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Shopping 'n AM~Erica

So anyway...

A few of you wanted some killer shopping tips. So I am going to start with the easiest of all of them...are you ready? Brace yourselves...


I love coupons! I get so excited to see the Sunday paper come, and I get the scissors ready, in hand, to sort through the sections to find the slick-paper booklets of savings - yes, even before I read the comics. If there are no coupons in the paper, my week is ruined! Same goes if I can't use any of the coupons that week.

Clip the coupons you find for products you use all of the time; then find ones of products or brands you wouldn't mind trying. Do NOT clip coupons for dog food if you don't even have a pet.

* Then, you need to do some homework. School is almost in session, so homework should begin anyway, right? You need to go to each store in your area to see how things are priced for the items you tend to get. Also, use your coupons to price check. Just because you have a coupon for 55¢ off of 3 of product Brand A, when getting two of Brand B would be less than that, doesn't mean you should stick to the product coupon you have; get the other brand. Just be smart when you compare.

* Generic &/or store brands are not bad things! Sometimes, we like them better than some of the name brand stuff.

* Know that you may need to do some store hopping for better pricing. Aldi's has great prices on most things. Go there first, then supplement with your other stores. Just remember Aldi's only takes cash & cards...NO CHECKS!

* Buy in bulk. Get a good deep freezer, and then get a membership to Sam's or Costco. But, be smart when shopping here...just because you buy bulk, doesn't mean you eat bulk. Get your paper products from here (i.e., paper plates, paper towles, TP, etc.). You can also get food items you use a lot; there are 5-6 people in my house...we go through a lot of stuff fast!

* Look for specials and sales at different stores. Another piece of homework is to look in the paper for the store's specials they are running for the week. If you have a coupon for the same product that's on special - BONUS!

I will have some more killer tips coming soon. (Think shoes, clothes, designer brands...for cheap!)

Stay tuned!

God Bless, AM~Erica