Showing posts with label crusades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crusades. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

AM~Erica is Tired of the Crusades & Persecution: Part 3

So anyway...

(continued from Part 2)

By no means am I anywhere near a “Perfect Christian”. But I will say that I try to live by example. If you love those around you & leave a positive print or connect with them on their level (humor, interests, hangouts, etc.), it is then you make the most impact. I will always be myself. I try to live in the way that God intended for me. I try to use the gifts He gave me. I have a lot of friends & some family who shrug off the Christian part of me, but I am humbled by compliments that people give me because I feel like they should be directed at God for making me who I am. And I choose to use my freewill in a positive way.

Heck...there's a bumper sticker that I saw several years ago that still resonates in my brain:

Jesus ate at Hooter's and rode a Harley.

Think on that one...

OK, I know that my soapboxes aren't always positive sounding...but they have a positive message & I try to show that there is hope. There is hope here, too, people.

Telling others they are wrong because of their sins & saying all they need is Jesus while trying to bound them, tie them, throw them in your trunk & drag 'em to church to make them “all better” is not the best approach. Show the joy in your heart & simply invite people to come with you. Don't let “no” get you down & think they are so super lost. It's a gentle leading & showing them that you have something beautiful that they don't & might actually want. Forcing someone to church is defeating the purpose. We have chased people away because of the nasty examples we have been setting.

Reading the bible just to try to throw words back at followers is wrong. I get excited when people read the bible, but it makes me sad when it's read for the wrong reason. So much can easily be taken out of context if you don't understand the why behind it. If you want to read the bible, do it for the reason that you want to know the Word. That you look for answers from God. If you use it for the purpose of holding words hostage or as stones to throw, you've missed the entire reason of the greatest love story ever told.

We all need to take a stand to end the Crusades & the persecution. It's embarrassing to the whole human race. Love your neighbor, love your enemy. Reach out to the lost. I know that there are those of you out there who are not “a people person”, but you still have to deal with people all the time. I've had my share of sarcastic remarks & not-so-nice words. I can admit it. I also ask for forgiveness.

Faith is a beautiful thing, but we have turned the sake of religion into something so ugly.

So, instead of uttering things like:

“...even though they are gay...”
“...even though they don't go to church...”
“...even though they go to church...”
“...even though they claim to be Christian...”
“...even though they have been in jail...”
“...even though they are in jail...”
“...even though they have tattoos...”
“...even though they are still single...”
“...even though they have no job...”
“...even though they are young...”
“...even though they are old...”
“...even though they have their hair like that...”
“...even though they dress like that...”

...just let people be people & live to be an example. We are all role models of sorts.

I have already said that I'm not a perfect Christian. I fall. I fall hard. Often. But I get back up & try to live better again. I try to watch the words coming out of my mouth & words I post anywhere: whether it's from this blog or on Twitter or on Facebook. I have a messed up & twisted sense of humor. I do. I am ornery as all get out. I know it. But I try to keep it positive in the end. I'm not going to post hatred toward other groups or people. Personal digs against people you don't know are wrong.

So...if we are not open to accepting each other, then we are sad and pathetic. If you openly do or say something stupid...well, you might be open to some backlash. So be smart about what you say.

I have hugs for all of you. Just be wary of how you are treating others. If you were treated in the same manner, how would it make you feel?

As a reminder, we are not the judge & jury. We are not God. We are all made in the image of God. When you see your reflection, it is what you look like, but it is not you. So, just because we are made in God's image, certainly doesn't mean we should play God. God is the final judge. Awfully bold of us to believe otherwise. Because, though we have ONE loving & forgiving God, it is still up to God to show us how we will spend our afterlife eternally. If you spent (or are spending) your life just gossiping about or openly judging others on their sins, how does that make you look while you sin right in front of them, too?

Take a breath, say a prayer, and love one another.

Now...let's bring it in & hug it out!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Read Part 1

Read Part 2

AM~Erica is Tired of the Crusades & Persecution: Part 2

So anyway...

(continued from Part 1)

Christians – I am so sad in how we are showing how we follow Jesus. We pout, we gossip & we shout such vile hatred toward anyone who doesn't believe what we do. We point fingers & shake fists...almost to the points of torches & pitchforks. We have groups who claim to be “Christian” that we get compared to. Why? Because we don't prove much difference from groups like One Million Moms & Westboro Baptist. We get compared to these extremist groups & it bleeds into political standoffs, too. It's embarrassing. Should we stand up for being Christians & our beliefs? Absolutely! But with love & understanding. Don't shove someone down with your words of hate standing up for Jesus. Is that how He would have handled it? We fight with each other. We fight with each other about buildings & why people to come to us. We argue about committees & in committees. We are stuck in the 1950's & prior in the Establishment-type thinking. We are viewed as an “Institution of Religion”. That's not flattering at all.

Non-Christians – SHAME ON YOU!! Many of you spout off about equality & “no hate”, but in fact, you are some of the first ones to tear down a particular Christians. The rudeness is unbelievable! With the peace, love, positive energy, harmony & group hugs you tout, Christians don't seem to work into that for you. I don't know if there is a jealousy there or if Christians seem hypocritical to you. Well, I'm going to point out that you all are being just as hypocritical of us. You should be embarrassed. And when you see a Christian group acting in a not-so-Christian way, take note that the particular group doesn't speak for Jesus, doesn't speak for God & certainly doesn't speak for ALL followers. You talk about individuality, but you will group us into this group in your own concentration camps in your minds.

For both sides - We are all sinners. No sin is greater than another. There is the Ten Commandments & the Golden Rule. You step away from these, then it's bad. A sin is also anything that separates you from God. We all sin differently. Take care of the log in your own eye before you start throwing stones at others. You can't see where you're throwing. And we shouldn't throw the stones at all. Remember that whole “Golden Rule” thing? Treat others how you would want to be treated. It's not difficult. But somehow it so is...

Christians get persecuted for being hypocrites. Well, the church is a hospital for hypocrites. Some need more treatment than others. But there are some that view this treatment as an obligation & to make face. This is wrong, too. Making church about themselves & their own entitlements. If Jesus physically walked into these buildings, how would he react to our actions?

Non-Christians watch Christians in a big way. They wait for us to fall. They want us to fall & we get laughed at. So we get back up & try to beat up those who laugh at us as we try to put ourselves on a pedestal of sorts. What an ugly & vicious cycle.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Read Part 1

Read Part 3

AM~Erica is Tired of the Crusades & Persecution: Part 1

So anyway...

I am finally getting onto the soapbox that someone desperately needed to get on. And I am going to let so many of you have it! But consider it tough love. Because this post comes from my heart & it hurts when I see a large amount of you doing it.

Oh, and this is another one of those posts. You know: if you're offended...then I'm probably talking to you.

I am totally going to talk about intolerance. But a slightly more focused intolerance that can leak into more generalized intolerance. So brace yourselves.

Today, I'm talking to the Christians & the non-Christians. Yes, I'm going there.

Here it is, the year 2012, and the Crusades are still happening as well as the persecution of Christians. In a time there has been such a large push for “No Hate”'s running rampid! *face palm*

Hmmm...which side to I start with? I will be going back & forth, so please be patient.

Please note that each of these will be a blanket posting. I know those of you who do NOT act/react in these ways.

I also need you to know that I am going to come from my Christian point of view.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Read Part 2

Read Part 3