Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2013

AM~Erica Sees No Need for Foolery Due to Irony

So anyway...

Tomorrow marks the start of a new month. Where has the time gone?

However, not only have we just gotten thru the first whole quarter of 2013, it also marks our calendars as April Fool's Day. Ah...the day of practical (or not-so-practical) jokes & jokers.

I'm not sure why many make today as deadlines, events & such...who honestly believes it?

When I was a kid, my dad was a mail carrier & had to go to work very early. Once in a while, he'd help try to wake us up by "running" down our hallway yelling,


He enjoyed sharing that navy experience with us from time-to-time. No, I was not amused.

Not only that, but once a year...he had an April Fool's joke he loved to use:

He would like to wake us up very excitedly yelling,


Being a kid in elementary school...boy-oh-boy was I excited to see that snow! So I would spring up & look out my nothing except my father laughing & yelling, "April Fools!"

Well, then it happened...IT happened! It actually snowed on April 1st one year! Fo realz, yo! So, guess what...GUESS WHAT!!! My father could no longer use that joke on us anymore. Aw, shucks. *snickers*

I tell you that story to tell you this one...

Because of ALL THE CRAZY WEATHER we've had lately, it also caused SOME SNOW DAYS at school...which means there would need to be some makeup days. This would also mean that the school year would be extended to 1 day past the Memorial Day weekend...and the Tuesday would be a half day. That would be ridiculous! INCONTHEIVABLE! So a survey was sent out to parents to see about getting rid of the day off after Easter, and then use it as a makeup snow day. Well, that's what the parents wanted instead of having to go back for only 1 half day right after Memorial Day.

Easter, of course, fell early this year. With it falling on the last day of March...that means that day they were supposed to have off but not anymore is...APRIL 1st! D'oh! Do you know how hard it is to sell the kids on the fact they have to go back to school on a day they were supposed to have off which is also April Fool's? *face palm*

Now, to make the irony even more amazing? It may snow on April 1st. For real. And it was in the 60's today.

So, snow in spring, on a now makeup snow day, on April Fool's Day.

The irony is amazing! Why even play a trick? It's all right there in front of them. Beautifully!

*insert crazy-evil-giddy fits of laughter here*

The kids would rather it be a joke. They are not amused.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, February 28, 2013

AM~Erica is Finding Peace Again

So anyway...



Do you hear that? Nope! Me neither!

It's the sound of near silence. I say "near silence" since the TV is on in the background, but as I am typing at this point, there is no other sound.

Generally...that should be scary to a mom. "What are they up to...?"

However...I am sitting here & enjoying my coffee. In peace, y'all! In Peace!

There is no arguing over how someone is playing the video game on the Wii, or which movie we should watch, or that anyone is so hungry even though they ate 5 minutes ago, or askin 1283.639 times what we are having for dinner, or that there is a video we need to watch & just playing it before asking if we want to see it...
None of it! Cabin fever is broken! School is back in session!! WOOT!!!

My kiddos weren't quite as excited...but we will keep reminding them of this when they might have to go to June to make up these days. Bwah-hahahahaha...!!!

I think I need to break out into a mama dance like many others in the area:

The only downside of today was having to get up so early to kick them out the door...I make sure they got up at a decent time so they could eat & get ready to go back to school and see their friends! That's totally what I meant. Really...what?

We have been cooped up for nearly an entire week due to THESE CRAZY SNOW STORMS! The 1st one was "The Storm of the Century", and then we had "The Blizzard of OZ" show that one up with more snow just a few days later!

I think, around here, everyone crammed as much as possible into a 3-day span between the 2 storms. Last week, the kiddos had 3 days of school. Then, on Thursday, when the storm hit, and school was called off for that day AND long weekend of family bonding. (That's what we're gonna attempt to call it. OK? Got it?) Monday, this week, came & the kiddos had school...and then The Blizzard of Oz school on Tuesday or Wednesday. Two weeks ago was a shortened week, too!  If I figured it out correctly (cuz math is SO NOT my thing, yo), the kiddos have had 2ish weeks of school attendance in February. (give or take a couple of days & how you view the weeks)

I need today!! NEED!!

Don't get me wrong, I love my children. Dearly...but mama needs some peace, too.

Who knows...maybe THE MAGIC MISTER SNOWFALLFELEES might do a magic show for me! He did tell me he's working on a trick of making the snow disappear...but I'm supposed to give him time while he perfects that trick. I understand...every magician needs to practice new tricks & illusions.

In the meantime...I might get some stuff done...without being interrupted to pour some milk or tea for one of the kiddos or to get them something to eat.

Wow...I'm all out of whack! What am I gonna do with myself...??

And for those of you who still have kiddos with you today...hopefully you can join in the mom dances with me tomorrow...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

AM~Erica Will Attempt to Introduce You to Someone

So anyway...

With MY CONTEMPLATIVE THOUGHTS today, and an intense, deep & good conversation with a good was time to take in the snow...

Out the boys went to take care of the know...LIKE A FEW DAYS AGO...

Even if it was only a hair warmer this time...the shoveling was different this time. Still the snow blower & manual shovels were used...but this time the snow was heavier & more dense. I think Teen Boy gave up after a while, even. I did take a crack at a few digs of clearing the driveway. That was enough exercise for me! WHEW-WEE!!

Of course, the boys played in the snow...and this time, the snow being so wet & dense, made it great for snowball fights!!! And we took in one...and it was WAR!! But I have no idea who actually won... the outcome is still being disputed...

Not long after that, someone showed up on our front walkway...

This stately dude:

I swore I heard him introduce himself as "The Magic Mister Snowfallfelees"! I asked him three times!

When I told the family who he is...they looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I did hear wrong, and it was REALLY cold out...and I was hit a few times with some cannon-sized snowballs. So I can neither confirm nor deny what his name actually is yet...

Mr. Snowfallfelees (I'm pretty sure that's his name) decided he wanted to stay at our place & has made himself comfortable in the blankets of snow that was left for him.

Maybe I'll get some rest tonight & I will try to find out more about him tomorrow. But he is pretty snazzy! I hope he's a magician! That. Would. Be. AWESOME!

But he seemed to travel in from somewhere & my guess he'd been on quite a journey...So I've decided to let him rest...for tonight. But the interrogation is ON tomorrow!! I want answers!!

And we'll be here since there's no school tomorrow, again, anyway.

Oh...and he's tall! Very, VERY tall! My guess is over 6'! Seriously.

Teen Girl is about 5'1"...Mr. Snowfallfelees is definitely more than a foot taller!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

AM~Erica is Sitting Here

So anyway...

Round 2!

The snow storms have hit again. SNOWPACOLYPSE II HIT just a few days ago...and now the BLIZZARD OF OZ HAS OFFICIALLY COME!

And we are hunkered down. And we are sitting here.

I am so blessed to be able to have a warm home, electricity, coffee, food...we can be settled in. And I know that not everyone has all of these things...if any at all.

This round has placed me in a very contemplative mood. HERE I GO BLOGGING AGAIN...but there are things that I think about, or things that come to the forefront that need to be thought about.

Being snowed in, and while the news people are staying on air thru this whole thing to remind us that it's snowing & to stay inside, we are almost used to it. And this time around, as the snow gently falls & quickly builds, it causes me to pause.

I still have other things I want to cover, but this sitting & contemplating has brought on other thoughts...

I've already covered part of my thinking of how blessed I am/we are. I was making cinnamon rolls, from a tube that we could buy from the store, and getting the coffee ready...I couldn't help but think about it. Again...I do so hope that those who don't have the blessings we have readily available could at least get to somewhere to have their needs met in this mess.

But I also have the blessing of wifi to stay connected to everyone. We are sharing our pics & stories with each other & making sure everyone is OK. This is nice side of social media. You know...the caring & sharing of our lives side...not the NASTY MUD THROWING as has not even let up. Ugh to all of you who are keeping up on that! Shame on you! Trying to be all inspirational & then throwing someone under the bus right after the other! Cut that crap out! Either be your rude "informative" (term used very loosely) self OR lift others up! You can't be both!


Like I said..."contemplating"...a lot.

I also came across a blog post from a page I enjoy following on Facebook. The owner of the page flagged down her followers to have them read a blog from another page. I read the blog, and was totally taken. Because it's an IMPORTANT ISSUE THAT I TALK ABOUT HERE, too. The page I follow said she would cover the same subject soon...and I was looking forward to it. And she posted it today...

Friends, I cannot stress enough how much I NEED you to read THIS LINK RIGHT HERE from Frugalista Blog.

I'm still shaken by her words. Like she's been inside my head. It scares a good way. But still scary. And it should be.

As this day continues...and it's a lazy day while being snowed in...I will continue to contemplate, I will be thankful for my blessings, and I will be thankful for all of you who read my ramblings. I appreciate you for hanging with me for the insanity that runs thru my brainy-brain...whether it's funny, weird, informative, or sad...the support from each of you is another blessing I truly count.

Now...onto spending some quality time with the blessings I'm hunkered down with here...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Monday, February 25, 2013

AM~Erica Experiences a Dangerous Combo

So anyway...

Not sure if you've heard yet, but the midwest was HIT WITH A MAJOR SNOW STORM a few days ago. I know! It was a shock! Imagine how surprised I was when they had called off school for a flurry...that built up to be about 8-10 inches of fast-falling-flurrying.
(Obviously brought to you by the letter 'F')

After the crazy amounts of snow & plowed mounds that are already dangerous to try to get around...we are preparing for yet another round! And it's another round of a whole lot!! Like...probably more than the last round! YIKES!!

Look at what's coming, people! LOOK AT THIS!!!

This is the prediction for our area. Hunker Down, folks...A storm's a-comin'!!

I do know that many of you in Colorado & Kansas have already been hit with it or are getting it right now. It's a slow-moving sucker that just keeps dumping on our parades!

It's Insanity, People!!

So, as we prep for another hunkerin', the stores hardly had time to restock anything.

Hubby & I missed our usual Friday shopping due to the last blast of winter, so we had to try to work it into our crazy know...when everyone else was trying get out of their own walls, too. Partially to prep for the next hunkerin' down.

The only way I can describe what we experienced is this...
Survivor: Walmart.

Holy Cannoli!
The shear numbers of people? Insane.
The number of carts crammed into any given aisle? Insane.
The shocking amount of bare shelves due to hoarding? Insane.

Kinda getting the idea?

I was blessed to get one gallon of milk, a big jug of OJ, any sour cream, the last bag of shredded carrots, the last bagged celery was frightening!
If you wanted shredded lettuce or salad mix, sliced bread, eggs, almost any shredded cheese...well, you were out of luck! It was so insane.

And the level of characters out at one time beat out a normal hectic run to Wally World. I think one of my "favorites" (term used very loosely) was the short, heavy, colored lady who about ran me over...
She had no cart. I did. So did a lot of people in front of me who ended up in a big cart jam in a main way. This gal got on her tiptoes & yelled in my ear (I think to "clear the jam"), "BEEP, BEEP!!!"
Seriously, lady? Seriously? *face palm*

The whole trip was stressful. Hubby & I were out of breath trying to work thru the mess of the freak-out shoppers. I think folks are confusing this next Snowpacolypse with the actual Apocalypse. You 5 days ago.

Even worse? Based on the big, scary mounds I talked screwed up parking spaces in majorly busy parking lots! People...we saw an entire row of parking spaces gone because that's where the plows stopped...and shoppers used those areas for parallel parking. Ca-Ray-Zay!! if all this insanity isn't messing with everyone...I noticed something: THE FULL MOON!

Oh great! If snow doesn't mess with people's heads we gotta add the stupidity levels...
*face palm*

So...a second major snow storm (this one has delightfully been referred to as "The Blizzard of OZ"...Love It! The name...not the storm...) on top of a full moon. No wonder people are losing it!

I want a medal for surviving Walmart during that! Where Is My Medal???

Winter's procrastination amazes me. We got maybe an inch in the last winter We've had a snowfall here already that didn't amount to a whole lot...but more than all of last winter put together...but now we have 5 winters worth of snow that Jack Frost keeping stockpiled in the closet & forgot to bestow on us out of laziness...I'm guessing. And just when Jack found all that stockpile, he unveiled the other stockpile that he stockpiled on top of. So, now he's gifting us with what he's been saving up... the last part of winter...
Way to wait there, Jack!

Oh...and here's your warning:
My brainy-brain has been on warp speed...and since snowy days seem to be a PRIME TIME FOR MOMMY BLOGGERS...and it appears we will be cooped up "lovingly" with each other for a couple of days ready for an onslaught of blog product from my brain factory.

You're welcome...

Stay warm & safe, y'all!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Friday, February 22, 2013

AM~Erica Has Layers

So anyway...

As today is consecutive snow day #2 around here, it probably shouldn't surprise you that I AM DOING A SNOW DAY POST. Amm-i-rite? You knew it was a-comin'...

But today is a bit different. Unlike I POSTED ABOUT YESTERDAY being all snowed in & is less lazy. Today was what we were preparing to actually do for when we got snowed in.

Today, the boys went out in the snow! Well, I say it was the boys because hubby & Teen Boy went to try to shovel maybe about a foot of snow (OK...maybe only SLIGHTLY less) off the driveway. After the big initial snow yesterday, we did get a little bit more that afternoon & again that evening.

So, as I was trying to say before I interrupted myself was that hubby & Teen Boy went out to shovel the tall & thick snow off the driveway. Oh, and attempt a snowblower that we inherited, too. Lil Guy decided to go out, too...but to test out the snow, of course!

I prepped myself to go record some memories. Help out? No way...I'll take pictures of the hard work so we can always remember...
Teen Girl slowly got herself around. See, she just hates the outside. But I kind of guilted her into heading out.

Between Teen Girl "supervising" the boys, hubby, Teen Boy (and sometimes Lil Guy) shoveling, Lil Guy diving in the snow & throwing snow like a fake snowball...I got some pretty good pix:

Hubby assesses the situation

Lil Guy jumps & falls into the thick snow...

Lil Guy throwing snow at me...look at that ornery grin of his...

Hubby & Teen Boy work on the Lil Guy plots his next move

Lil Guy enjoying his impromptu snow fort

Ar-ar-ar (Tim Allen style)...hubby has the power

Teen Boy trying to shovel when Lil Guy plays

The wall of snow after the snow blower made it way thru...once...

Lil Guy diving into the thick snow!

Lil Guy peering thru the peep hole of his makeshift snow fort...

Teen Girl finally joins us

Teen Girl "supervises" as the boys shovel & Lil Guy still plots

Teen Girl with her makeshift gloves from Lil Guy's socks...just in case...

...of having to handle snow...

Teen Girl's momentary attempt to help shovel...that didn't last too long...

All of the events in one pic: the boys shoveling, me pictating, and Teen Girl looking on

Lil Guy got excited as he found "directive" (Wall-E reference to plant life...aka: grass)

Teen Boy about done...

...Hubby getting exhausted...

...Lil Guy cold & coated in snow..
Time to come in

And we made sure we went out like "ogres"...

That's right...we had to peel off several an onion (or an ogre) so we could rewarm back up. Those layers don't keep you very warm anymore once they are coated in snow that melts...BURRRRRRR!!!

So, speaking of onions...I came on in to put on some soup. Beef & veggies (like onions) into a big pot on the stove. I ended up adding rice since we had some to use. It did turn my soup into a stew...but it was hearty & really good for a lunch greeting after being in the snow! made tons! Anyone want some beef & veggie stew with rice?

No recipe yet, folks...this was a "let's throw stuff in a pot" kind of dish.

But, speaking of food, we are gonna have a nice hearty meal of chicken & noodles...which happens to be brewing up in the lazy cooker right now! I love that comfort food. Mmmmmm... a smaller lazy cooker, I've got some chicken tenders going so I can work on having  my Mexi-style chicken noodle soup for tomorrow! 

With still being slightly hunkered down, and all of this hearty comfort food, and being overall pretty lazy...
This is totally MY CHANCE TO BE LIKE A BEAR!!! You know...cuz I'm totally adding more of those onion-like layers anyway... (plus...awesome sleeping weather)

OK...onto the rest of the day...of movie watching, possible fire in the fireplace, antioxidant-fortified Jesus water, chocolate, hot chocolate, hot tea...maybe even coffee...
You our bunker den...

Now prepping for more possibly on Monday...hope we have time to restock the an oger...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, February 21, 2013

AM~Erica is Hunkered Down

So anyway...

I nearly blogged all day yesterday since there's so much going on around me & going thru my brainy-brain. And I am again...blogging.

But I'm not doing a whole lot today...we are hunkered down & waiting today out...

It's Snowmageddon/Snowpocalypse 2013!!

I think the KC area got a total of about 1 inch of snow in the entire winter of the 2011-2012 season. Maybe because we used it all up on February 24, 2011...aka: Snowmageddon/Snowpocalypse 2011.

Here it is, after a mostly mild winter (not as mild as last winter), and we have saved up for a February Snow Dumpin'!

Yes, yes, yes...I realize the Northeast have been HAMMERED with a lot of this white fluff off & on. I totally sympathize! And if they get any more of what we jut heart goes out to you. Cuz...YIKES! Now then, those up's pretty stereotypical you all get a lot of this stuff anyway. If it's worse for you, I apologize.

Being in the actual midwest, we get hammered with a lot of stuff at any given time. I'VE TALKED ABOUT OUR CRAZY WEATHER BEFORE. Even though we knew this was's not a typical thing that happens. So having this as close as 2 years apart is odd.

But we need this moisture!! We have had drought-like conditions for too long. Even big rains, MUCH LIKE OUR VISIT FROM ISAAC, still didn't bring us back up to what we should be at. I guess we'll have to take it.

This is a storm that all of our meteorologists couldn't fully predict (I know, I know...what else is new?) because it kept changing. All any of them knew for sure is that it would be big & it would hit on Thursday! So that gave us plenty of time to make sure our nuclear/[zombie] apocalypse bunkers could be restocked, generators & candles could be taken care of, and a full stock of water, chocolate, comfort food, fire wood, antioxidant-fortified Jesus water, COFFEE (or that would be really bad) could be ready to go incase everyone couldn't or shouldn't leave. And it happened...

Schools decided it would be best to call off all classes in anticipation of dangerous insanity for these wimpy children. Pa-Sha! But it did mean sleeping wimp on, my friends...

Today is also our trash day. Hubby & I talked about needing to make sure trash was out in time. He totally called that they may try to come around early to beat the mess that was on it's way...
Around 7:00 this morning, while I was having a bizarre-yet-realistic dream about Teen Girl's birthday party (I have no idea why...) I heard hubby get up & around. I was in a freshly-wakened daze & wondered why he was moving so fast...then I realized he was emptying the bathroom trash can. Oh's trash day!!

Now then...did you note that it all began at 7:00ish? OK, good...
When my hubby took the trash to the curb, there was just a dusting on the ground. He figured he got the trash out around 7:08...the trash truck showed up at 7:21 (it usually doesn't come until around 9:00-9:30). WHEW!!

Now then...did you note the time & amount? OK, good...
With about a dusting around 7:00 AM, here's a bit of a time lapse on our patio table from there:

After the 10:30 mark, the wind picked up & began to blow a lot of the show around & we could no longer get an accurate reading.

As I'm typing this part at 12:30 PM, the snow has just lightened up. I know many around us have gotten a foot of snow. I'm pretty sure we may be around that, too.

We were trying to figure out what to do for dinner. We have a few things to choose from, so we were figuring our options. I totally facetiously brought up that we should just order pizza. People...I would NEVER do that! I would hope that, with so many highways, business, airports, etc. were closed or closing due to this mess, that no pizza or food delivery chain would allow employees to be out in this. I couldn't imagine...
As we watched a newscast, one of the poor reporters who had to do their feed from outside the station's building, stopped the PIZZA DELIVERY GUY that they had bring them 30 pizzas! *face palm* And then...THEN? He said that was his 1st delivery...there's others orders to deliver after that one. *shakes head in disbelief*

People are being told to stay home, to hunker down where they are. And there are business & people deciding pizza would be a great idea & that someone should bring them some? This bothers me greatly...and I sure hope that delivery person gets paid time & a half for their shift AND customers tip above & beyond!

Speaking of the newscast thing...there is all of this team coverage about this nasty storm. As hubby & I sat watching with the boys, each reporter would say, "Stay home, folks! Don't get out unless you have to!" As Lil Guy, being the smarty-pants he is, starts talking back to the TV, "Well, then why are you out there? Why didn't you just stay home?" Out of mouths of babes, people. He was exactly right!

And the roads & highways were littered with stuck vehicles. It looked very much like an apocalyptic album or book cover. And yet...people were still getting out in it. There's people stuck at their jobs because they didn't stay home. All roads leading where they need to go are closed. What a frightening thought.

It's days like today that makes me thankful for a warm home & food to be able to get to. We have warm clothes & electricity to keep us warm. Many do not have this. I do pray for them in hopes that they can find shelter, warmth, food...that breaks my heart to think about.

Be careful out there people! As we prepare for more possible snow...I'm glad we have the better line of thinking of just staying home. We're good. Now, someone get me some antioxidant-fortified Jesus water!

We've been enjoying coffee & a fire...and some "quality family time"...

Mmmm...nothing like knowing you can consume some hot coffee on a cold snow day...

Toasty snow day our "bunker" (read 'house')

Boys are playing the Wii...and movies may begin soon...

We are snowed in & hunkered down! And we wonder how big of a baby boom might happen close to the end of 2013...hmmm...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Saturday, April 19, 2008

StL Weather 'n Stuff 'n AM~Erica

So anyway...

Since we have moved to St. Louis, we have experienced some interesting/strange things. I have noticed that when the wind blows, SOMETHING is blowing in (i.e. snow, rain). There was one day when the day got up to 60º & sunny, got cloudy, started raining, started snowing, then started sleeting, and ended up around 30º...all in about a 2-hour timespan. INSANE!!

Then, if you look at my last post, there is the fact that it snowed on Easter. CRAZY!

We have, also, had so much rain, it has closed down highways due to flooding. Streets have been turned into waterways. We have gotten some water in our basement, but nothing that would require flippers & a snorkle.

Then, we were awakened just after 4:30 AM on yesterday morning to the house shaking. We didn't know what to make of it; since there is usually a lot of wind, we thought that's what it might be...but it kept going. We silently pondered the thought of an earthquake, but passed off that thought as a silly idea. was an earthquake. It happened on part of the New Madrid fault about 130 miles away from StL. It sounds so weird to say that we had an earthquake. I can still feel my insides vibrating when I think about it. It sounds more like something out of a movie.

I remember in junior high & high school, talking about the New Madrid fault everytime California had yet another large earthquake, and talking about the possibility of one happening in Missouri...but never thinking I would ever actually experience it. So, here we are, about 20-years later, and, BINGO! I have been through my first earthquake.

It's so weird & scary to think about. What if it had been bigger...or closer. We would have been woefully unprepared! This can actually happen, folks.

Now, I guess we just wait to see what next great weather/natural adventure St. Louis has in store for us...

And on another note, today is my 12-year wedding anniversary with my wonderful hubby. Happy Anniversary, Honey!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica