Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

AM~Erica Just Takes it All In

So anyway...

Even though the school year is officially over, things really haven't slowed at all.

Generally, I would look forward to this time of year so I can finally sleep in...but I'm not a morning person. Well, I kind of take that back: as a mommy, I'm almost forced to be a morning person. But you may know that it takes the help of my little friend, COFFEE. Otherwise, it's difficult for me to function. That's true.

Also, keep in mind, that I'm not a super outdoorsy person. I've been there & done that as a kid. I put my time in & moved into another phase of enjoying thrifty fashion & mommy blogging...

However, here's where it gets a little different for me, in the sense of taking in mornings...

Right now, I do not get to sleep in. Summer school started just a very few short days after the end of the official school year. No rest for the weary, y'all! And bus situations for summer school are just weird around here. Hubby takes the teenagers since they would have to travel quite a ways to get to the nearest bus stop. *face palm* It's just easier to drive them the whole way. Seriously. And Lil Guy's summer school bus stop is a long block uphill. Yeah...I went there. But it's true. So that leaves us with a lot of getting up early & scrambling. The school times have earlier-than-usual start times even. Did I already say, "No rest for the weary"? I did? OK...just checking.

And, if you remember, I AM AN AUTUMN SEASON PERSON! The biggest reason is the weather. I love me some crisp, fall weather. Ahhhhh...

Now that 1 block walk isn't so bad. We had a few autumn-like mornings. We are getting into more summery weather, but the mornings are still really nice. And I take a look around as I pound the pavement. When I do, I see the leaves, the shadows, the clouds; I can smell the early morning dew on the grass where I can literally smell the green. I can even feel the cool breeze or the early sun warmth. I take a cup of coffee with me & enjoy the other things I see on my suburban nature walk. Neighbors wave, I can smell the amazing smells of freshly-cut grass, I see flags flown in pride of being American, and beautiful landscapes of flowers planted as well as the blooming surprise flowers that God created (but suburbanites call "weeds"). I take a look at where the utilities are placed, and how the sidewalk tilts. I've even gotten to see the beginnings of apples on our APPLE TREE IN THE BACKYARD!

In our crazy-busy lives, how often do we actually "stop to smell the roses"? Do you take in sights & smells around you?

Natasha Beddingfield had a great song that will ring true for many, many years. The song is "Unwritten".

So I want you to stop a moment. Have you stepped out on your porch or outside of your living quarters to feel the rain on your skin? Because it's true that no one else can feel it for you...or smell it...or see it...
I can point out & talk about & blog about it, but you need to go experience it yourself. If you haven't experienced your own surroundings for a while...or at all...just take a moment or two so you can soak in what your environment is. You may be surprised of what you had no idea was going on around you! Even when you find something new, it doesn't stop there...keep looking. There is always something new, something different & something beautiful to find right there in front of you. You'll be amazed!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Monday, October 8, 2012

AM~Erica Celebrates the Fall of Isaac

So anyway...

The midwest had a brutal summer. We are technically still in a drought & desperately behind in moisture. And it has been so dry that the colors of autumn were being threatened.

That's where I draw the line, buddy!

I have brought up before how much I LOVE FALL. I can't say it enough. Ever. So the thought of having one of my favorite parts taken away is totally unacceptable.

There were so many people watering their lawns, and then there were limits set on that from different cities around the KC metro (and other areas) due to supply & demand. And we were trying so hard get our apples going.

Then there was a weather event at the end of July that looked to be changing things: Hurricane Isaac.

Now, don't get me wrong...Isaac was a meany-head when he got done swimming in the ocean. He did quite a bit of damage in the NOLA area (New Orleans). However, he worked on his journey northward...and sauntered into the midwest. The south was not so hospitable to their hostile guest...and that is understandable. The south needed Isaac to leave! But having him chill out & mosey on into our territory worked out really well. He behaved by the time he got here. He cooled down the 100 degree air & stayed for a good, long visit. I think I figured it was a calm, peaceful & delightful 31-hour stay.

We left the doors open to enjoy Isaac's visit. We rejoiced in the fact that we were catching up on major moisture we so desperately needed. I'm sure Isaac is very sorry for the tantrum he threw down south. But we enjoyed his visit here. He really helped us out! And we truly enjoyed him coming.

After that, the rest of August was much calmer. What should have been the "dog days of summer" being so hot & awful, it became much more mild than expected. But we were concerned about the damage that had already set in. There were leaves changing color & singeing even in July. We also believed that autumn would be much more muted in hues due to the drought.

As the new season of autumn came upon us, the weather became just as it needed to be. I have been loving wearing my scarves, boots, leg warmers & sweaters. And, also, my hubby & I have been noticing a change in color of the leaves. The hues seem to be deep, rich, and much more vibrant than the color was believed to be.

This. Makes. Me. Happy.

We owe Isaac so much. He's given our area the gift of a beautiful fall. We are still behind in ground liquid, but Isaac did more than you could possibly imagine. Hurricanes & their damage make me sad. Isaac learned his lesson by the time he got here & used his powers for good.

So we celebrate this "Fall of Isaac"! I'm sure many will join us in our sentiment.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Due to me not having my camera during most of October, I didn't get a lot of the beautiful color that came from the autumn leaves. However, we do have a little still in November. This is due to the long visit we had from Isaac back in the summer, as of today, November 7th, 2012:

Beautiful, right? Thanks, again, Isaac!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

AM~Erica Witnesses Apple Tree Homage

So anyway...

It's July. I know. And I'm not about wishing time away, really. My kids are growing so fast, it's almost unbelievable. However, I hate summer. I know it's one of the seasons & I love having seasons, and God created the seasons, but it's just TOO HOT!!! At least for me.

The midwest is really good for having seasons. Cuz we get SEASONS. Winter is what you'd imagine winter to be, spring is the same, as well as this nasty hotness of summer. We also get to revel in the fall season. Not sure if you can tell or not, but it's my favorite! I LOVE ME SOME AUTUMN!!

You know what I really love about Fall? ALL OF IT! I'm not kidding. The crops (pumpkin, apple, etc.), the weather, the color, the holidays, the sports (*ahem* Football). Ah...I can't wait.

The weather & weather conditions have been crazy all over the U.S. the past several months. A lot of rain in some areas, crazy fires in others, and then we have been having drought-like conditions envious of those getting the rain. The several days of triple-digit temps is ridiculous. Luckily we are no where near the number of days this has happened like back in 1936. 50+ days of triple digits temps? NO THANK YOU!

Lately (the last few days), we have had a break from the 100+ temps & it's only been in the 90's. OK, still...YUCK! However, it has brought on low temps in the 60's & 70's. YEA! My kind of temps, people!

Just to hold a cup of hot coffee while standing on the deck feeling those low temps that I was wishing were the high temps. I love some crispness in the air. And we do have some leaves in the backyard that lends to the fall-like feel. OK...just a few, but I'll take what I can get. Then I can gaze upon our lone backyard tree that has become apple bearing...and that helps me focus on the upcoming fall season, too.

This tree is something interesting. We moved into this house 2 years ago. It was exciting that there were 2 trees side-by-side in the back corner of the yard. One of them was apple-bearing. And I cannot exaggerate that enough. I truly believe there were more apples than leaves on that tree. I was SO excited! It made me think of growing up at my grandmother's when she lived in her house with one big tree in the backyard, plus 3 apple trees. I loved those apple trees. They were easy to climb (so cool for an 80's prodigy kid), and they bore apples! One of the great memories from my childhood.

Oh, let's skip back to my backyard and the trees: people figured I would be making a lot of apple pies by the time September rolled around. But it wasn't to be. *sigh* about 2 weeks after we moved in, we had a big storm come thru. The trees were fine, just a few branches down. About a week later, another storm hit...and the roots of our very heavy apple tree were very shallow. That second storm took that tipped over. We lost the tree I was so excited about. I was so sad. But we had the other tree that now stood alone.

Last year, I noticed something about that tree...on the side that faced where the other tree once stood...a single apple grew. I was shocked to see this fruitless tree carrying an apple on a single branch.

Here it is, another year later...and here is that single tree that was fruitless 2 years ago:

Do you see what is on there? Those green polka dots are apples. They are everywhere on the tree!

Smack dab in the middle of this pic is where the single apple grew last year. Look at it now!

Look at how the fruit is growing. Abundantly!

I can't help but feel like this tree has taken on the legacy of the other tree. Like paying homage to a fallen friend. Weird? Maybe...but I keep saying my brain works in odd & interesting ways. And seeing this...*deep sigh* I can't help it.

Fall is coming, y'all. And there is beauty all around to show it. Like the homage of an apple tree.

Until then, I will deal with the icky heat & pray for rain. I got to stand outside in a light rain shower...and it was refreshing.

A hot mug of cider, the air being about 50-60 degrees, a crispness in the air & a snuggle by a fire would be quite refreshing, too...


Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Friday, May 18, 2012

AM~Erica is Gonna Get Burned

So anyway...

Summer vacation is quickly upon us. And Memorial Day is right around the corner to kick off the summer season (even though it doesn't REALLY truly officially happen until June 20-something). So, time to get prepared, right?

Not too long ago, I brought up swimwear. I'm still on the search for my perfect dream swimsuit! But, in the meantime, I need to deal with a bigger issue for me: the sun.

It has come out that any sunscreen (it's no longer "PC" to say "sunBLOCK") with any higher SPF protection of 50 will do no good & will, therefore, be discontinued.


This is oh-so-very wrong!! Who the heck did they test? It certainly wasn't any of the fair-skinned brand of folks. *raises hand*

So, what are the those with the Irish, Scottish & Netherlands blood supposed to do in this situation? And what about the albino folk? (See? Still talking about you, Nikki!) Well, since we obviously weren't asked...we are left to do one thing:


There is gonna be a slue of crispy critters going around since the sunscreen will only act as a marinade for us. Trust me.

Wanna know what I use on the kiddos & myself? I use this amazing, magical brew:

That's right. It's hardcore stuff. And I love it! It's the stuff that actually works for me. And it works for my kiddos. Well, the fair skin ones. Teen boy got the working complexion of his dad's Native American side. Teen girl & lil guy sport my Irish complexion. Nice, right? And I have used & tested a WHOLE lot of different lotions to fight off the sun for the sake of our poor skin. And this is it! Now? They are planning on taking it away.

Happy May...Melanoma Awareness Month! Let's take away what actually helps the fair skin peeps & let 'em fry like lobsters. Awesome!

Oh man, oh man...I am hurting just thinking about it. *sigh*

And if any of you doubt my paleness, I have a couple of stories for you from high school. And my skin hasn't changed in that time. So here we go:

1. I remember being in one of my "I don't care" moods one day. So, I wore cut off sweats that were turned into shorts (shut up, they were cute in the early 90's) & a souvenir-type tshirt. I was sitting in the choir room when my good pal Nikki (Hi, again, Nik! Still talking about ya!) came & sat next to me to talk, as usual. She had a weird freak out moment when she realized an awful truth & shared it with me. Well, the truth was awful for me & joyous for her. My albino friend had discovered that my pasty legs were whiter than hers! UGH!! And then, my fabulously loud & eccentric friend declared to our whole class of her discovery. *face palm*

2. I did track my senior year at the nudging of my friend Cara. (Hi, case you read this). She wanted to "get in shape" & convinced me to do it with her. And we were both dancers at that point in our lives. But we didn't want to run or anything. So, what was left? Oh, I know...shotput & discus! I'm not kidding. I'm shaking my own head as I type this. Anyhoo...this meant we were outside in the elements everyday to practice. I eventually got a tan line! Farmer's kind of tan line, but it still proved that I had color! Woot! I was excited until another classmate looked at my legs one day & proclaimed that I needed to get a tan. Imagine her face when I moved my sock to reveal my tan line. *face palm* get my point right? I didn't earn the nickname of "Casper" in high school without merit! (Right, Crispy Legs?)

I can burn in a 10-minute, partly cloudy outing. Oh jealous. Maybe it's a superpower!

Nonetheless, getting rid of the higher SPF products just isn't right. I will take my vitamin D by chugging milk, just don't make me get skin cancer because Dr. Tanhide doesn't feel higher numbers do anyone any good. Hope you enjoy your trips to the Carribean! Grrrrr...

I have no aspirations of being like the Tan Mom (ick!) & I would still prefer to keep myself from looking like leather to any extent if possible.

Maybe I'll feel differently when I get my dream swimsuit. I'll just have to worry about my crispy critter of a face.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

AM~Erica is Eyeing Swimsuit Season

So anyway...

We have officially entered May. Where does the time go? 2012 is slipping away quite quickly!

But, no matter what, there is an explosion of swimwear everywhere once May hits. There's always a little bit in December thru February (yuck) for those going on spring break, but it's the approaching hot weather that makes us want to wear much less & jump into some kind of body of water.

However, I always find this swimsuit finding a challenge. I'm like so many other women who dread it. But it's not for the same reasons necessarily.

If you haven't picked up on it by now, I am SUPER fair skinned. I fry...easily. So, on top of swimwear, I have to find mega sunscreen, too. And for the "experts" who say that going over a 30 or 45 SPF does no good, you have tested the WRONG people!! That low of an SPF is just a marinade for my skin. I'm not kidding. I have found that Walgreen's 90+ SPF is fantastic for me. It's OK...I hear you laughing out of shock, but it's true. So, so true. I always look for swimwear that covers more so it is less likely for sunscreen to be my marinade.

Also, I am modest. I love me some fashion. Many of you know that. But, if you truly pay attention, I have this philosophy that you can look great AND not have to have everything hanging out. So, again, the more covered...the better.

I have told people in the past what my dream swimsuit would be. I think some might think I'm joking, but I'm not. Here is an example of my dream swimsuit:

Nice, right? I think so! I can be covered, so less sunscreen (much, much less) AND my modesty is taken care of.

Until then...I will be wearing my 2-piece tankini with boy shorts. Because it covers more than most 1-piece swimsuits now.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica