So anyway...
As many of you know, I have shared my disdain for how our school district has handled a lot of things in the last couple of years. Last school year really had me questioning many things. (A reminder HERE <<=== then read the link with it, too, for additional background - then the blogception that will happen. A rabbit hole of background, if you dare.)
With that said, and put BACK out there in the same type of position, again, I feel another open letter is in order. Why the open letter? I need to see what other parents had anything close to what we dealt with. Also, these kids need advocates for them thru this madness. I'm willing to step up & say something in hopes that others will step up to speak up, too. Also, finding anyone from the district, on the school board, or the superintendent are not exactly easy to just find & meet up with.
So, here goes:
Dear Independence School District, ISD School Board, and Dr. Dale Herl,
As a frustrated parent, I am finding this is becoming much more of a regular occurrence than not. Which is not a good sign. The levels of disappointment and anger I have reached are beyond measurable at this point.
Finding a positive, the school district does try to make strides in keeping up with the times. However, I am not sure how tested these methods are.
A couple of years ago, when class registration for high school's upcoming year, there was an idea to do it online. That's fine. But all the students who needed to sign up for classes had to show up to the school AND use any available computer in the library while being on a server that could not handle that much traffic at once. It also included classes no longer available, as well as classes that were supposed to be available, but not listed. The students were frustrated. The parents were frustrated. The counselors were frustrated. The server system was frustrated.
It was a total mess.
Now then, as my son enters his senior year of high school, he has found that he has had to make a schedule change, right off the bat, every year so far except for his freshman year. But he does say it's because he was just starting out and didn't know any better.
For this upcoming school year, the seemingly "optional" online registration (new this year) seemed like a nice amenity to have. So imagine our shock when we went to register our youngest just to find out online registration was mandatory. This is fine, but we took the wording in information to be optional. We found an onsite Chromebook (not our favorite to work with), since we didn't want to head home to register online, just to have to go back up to the school to finish enrollment. (more on this in a moment)
Imagine our additional shock that we had to create yet another online account to set this up. We already have an account set up on Power School to see our kids' grades, and even register for online summer school, but we still had to set this up completely separately. But we still used our kids' ID number from Power School to be able to connect our new account to be able to ensure their mandatory online enrollment. Confusing, but we went with it.
Some of the information in the online fields were pre-filled out from past information we'd given on forms in years past. A little freaky, but fine. Just keep hitting "Save" on all the areas so you could move on to the next page.
This included refilling out information for the health forms, now part of the online process. Odd, but fine. We had to go with it, or the kid doesn't get registered for school. I get it.
When all of that is complete, we can go to the school's office for residency verification & be assigned a teacher (for elementary).
By now, we get it. We realized why we didn't get a large amount of forms mailed to us for our high schooler, like we would usually get. We had to go to the newly set up account, add a kid with their student ID (the one that matches on Power School, but the account isn't attached to the Power School account, remember?) to go through the same process as our youngest.
As I got to the part about Primary Contact, and all my info had been pre-filled in (just like before), I had to put in a couple of things. I tried to save it. It wouldn't save. I tried changing things that might need to be changed, but nothing. I couldn't move on.
I gave it a rest & tried to come back.
The registration process for our high schooler said, "In Progress." It took me right back to the page I'd left off. Still no saving. My stress levels were building. Nothing seemed to be working. So I had to break down and call for help.
When I called the number, I spoke with Edna.
E: *answers introducing herself*
Me: Hi. I am trying to register my son online, and I seem to be having trouble.
E: First you have to fill out all the fields, make sure they are saved...
Me: *cutting her off* Excuse me. I wasn't finished & I need you to listen.
E: Oh, I'm sorry. Please continue.
Me: I am on a page where everything is filled out, but it won't seem to save. I've tried changing some
some things, but it won't seem to save.
E: Well OK. If you don't mind, can I log in to see what's going on?
Me: Sure!
E: OK, I'll need your email address.
Me: *recites email adress*
E: Thank you. Now, can I get your password?
Me: Hold on. Let me go to another room so my kiddos can't hear it.
E: *laughs* Oh, I understand.
Me: OK. *gives password*
E: Thank you. Now which child are you wanting to register?
Me: *face palm* Umm...[Teen Boy], the one in progress.
E: Of course. Oh, I see the problem! You need to put in an employer.
Me: I've been trying, but it won't save. I put it in on [Lil Guy]'s registration & it took fine. I've filled
out everything else, but it won't seem to save here.
E: Well, this does seem to be acting like a booger...
Oh! I see the problem. You have a space after your email address, and this system is very sensitive.
Me: Are you serious?
E: OK. It's saved now.
Me: *a bit irritated how that worked out, but not at Edna* OK. Thank you very much! know those pre-filled-out fields? That's what screwed me over. I couldn't move on because of an extra space in a pre-filled-out field. How frustrating!! I'm thankful Edna could help me, but what hangup in the process! But I got to move on with the rest of it, including the health form section.
But it's done & now I can get my son to the school, on the selected day he was given, to do residency verification and get his schedule. Fine.
Here's where it gets really hairy...
First, we approached the "Start Here" table in the main foyer. A couple of students, apparently part of Student Council, were there to get us "started." We were asked, "Did you register online?" We answered with a yes, and were abruptly handed a salmon-colored form & told to head down the hall to the library.
There's a line that had formed, even so quickly after the hour & a half lunch break had ended. We took a moment to look at the form, make sure we had our residency verification in hand, as well as the mandatory dance contract that has to be signed to have on file. The salmon form had a list of check-off points to stop by, only 3 (or four, if you count "register online") were required.
As we moved our way SLOWLY into the library, we were SLOWLY approaching a table where parents were signing half-sheets of paper stacked on a clipboard & being handed a booklet of papers. When we finally got to the table, we were asked by a woman in scrubs, "Have you registered online?" Umm...yes, or we wouldn't be there in the line, but yes. Then she proceeded to say they needed me to fill out one of the super-simplified half-sheets to have on file if the student needs major health needs within the first week of school because they won't have access to the health info we put online.
But we filled it out just to hurry & wait to SLOWLY make our way around to residency verification. We finally got there! We were to sit down across from one of the four staff members checking documentation (which is not how it worked at the elementary school, but I digress for now). The first question we were asked was, "So have you registered online?"
UGH!!!!!!! *ahem* Yes. Yes, we registered online. It's noted as "REQUIRED" on your salmon sheet. We couldn't move on to going through the process at the school if we hadn't done the mandatory pre-registering online. Why do we keep getting asked this?
Anyway, we were not asked for the student's name, but instead asked for our address first. It was a weird part of the process. But we got through it fine, and then went on to the next on our list: getting the bus pass.
As we got up to the table, there were 3 people working the table with stacks of papers. The woman stepped away to apparently take some sort of bizarre call, so it left a couple of men to handle the families. When it was our turn to step up, we were asked, "Last name?" (glad it wasn't if we'd registered online) So I replied, "[Boy], first name [Teen]." The man in the middle seat detested, "Whoa! A step at a time! We have files to go through!"
The other man kindly picked up on it, then asked if he was going to be a senior. We acknowledged that he had the right student, but the man in the middle was still sorting.
MiM: What's the first name?
Me: [Teen].
MiM: Ah! There he is. So, a freshman?
Yikes! After we went through that weird station, it was time to head to get his schedule.
Remember when I said that my son has just come to realize he will have to change SOMETHING on his schedule? We could not fully brace for what we encountered...
One of my husband's staff also has kiddos at THS. She gave him a head's up that both of her kids' schedules had major missing entire blocks: like no 2nd block class listed, as an example. Apparently it had happened to others, too. So we tried to brace.
When my son got his schedule, he was almost immediately handed a schedule change form. And for good reason...
As he looked at his schedule, he was missing 2nd block, 4th block, and had two 8th blocks. Then he was told that if was taking Advanced Placement World History, then they were scheduled completely wrong, so that would have to be changed. And he didn't see any of his 2nd semester classes listed. On the gold form to make schedule changes, my son had to make notes on 4 of the 5 categories to do so. That's insane! And? The room was full of other students doing the same thing. We didn't see a single student leave that room with a schedule that was fine. Not. A. Single. One.
This never should have happened. For a district to, not only add yet another class to the already crowded high school schedule, but to also force online registration all at the same was too much.
My question really is whether or not this was all tested out to make sure any glitches were taken care of.
Also, for a district to want to cut back on budgeting, like paper usage, there was so much paper & ink used to have such a large populous of the student body schedules to be screwed up.
Oh, and we won't hear anything until August 7th...but start calling if we don't hear anything by the 9th.
All. The. Paper.
All. The. Ink.
Half-sheets & screwed up schedules all due to not matching up with the online registration. That was mandatory.
WHAT A WASTE!! Waste of time. Waste of resources. But teachers need to watch their budgeting & such. Especially on those resources. Right?
In this mess, what was actually accomplished?
Then, when my son made his changes to turn back in, he looked so defeated. He showed me something on his schedule that made my heart sink to my stomach...
He got a new counselor. Again.
See, this will be his 4th year at this high school. This will be his 4th counselor.
He's worked so hard to try to build a relationship with his counselor. Not just for helping him through his high school experience, but to help get him a good reference for college. One of the requirements from his top colleges he wants is to get a reference from their counselor. This is crushing right now. Especially since we just visited his top choices & this is what they are looking for.
As he walked out of that room, defeated, we realized we were still holding on to that dance contract. No one had ever asked for it! We finally ended up asking the "Start Here" table students what to do with it. The girl asked him if he'd already gotten his schedule. Well, yes. Then she shrugged, said she just handed hers to the principal at some point & didn't know from there.
So, we are still hanging onto that stupid dance contract!
It took us over 30 minutes to do what should have taken 5-10 minutes.
Realizing that he has a new counselor, it just hit us the amount of turnover in this district within the last couple of years. It's heartbreaking. My older son was reminiscing that, not only is he on his 4th counselor, but his 3rd principal.
When our youngest went to register, we already knew many of the teachers were planning on hightailing it out of the district. Lil Guy's teacher is new to the district; three of the four teachers in his grade are new this year.
Appears exciting, but that is a lot of turnover!
To use a levy to make it look like all of these new teaching jobs are being created, and baiting teachers from across the state boarder to try to fill positions, is really sneaky. There is no consistency, and I'm concerned for all the new teachers entering. Do they have any idea why there were so many teaching positions? It's not because there was a new school building or two to staff.
When we left the high school today, I was infuriated! My son was so let down. When we got into the car to head home, my son, a gifted speaker & debater, could barely finish a sentence about how crushed he felt. I'm not sure he did finish a sentence for most of the way home. He was choked up with so much defeated emotion.
The more I bring up about the direction this district is going, the more frustrated I become. I want my kids to have a good education; I want them to go to good schools. Because of the fact we were sent here, and then provided a wonderful place specifically to get us to these schools now has me concerned about where this district is headed. There are people from here who had/have faith in the district. And they are seeing it crumble as we are. And we have to attend here.
With that said, I will fight for my kids to have better in the district we were made to believe it once was. Because we don't see it. Today had me at my boiling point. My rising senior, too.
My son's final year in this district, and he already wants it done.
That's heartbreaking!
I'm concerned that decisions are being made based on only trying to move forward with times & for the sake of power, but not with the wellbeing of the students or any faculty in mind. That needs to change!
And it needs to change NOW!
~ A Very Concerned Parent Trying to Advocate for the Kids & Faculty
People who are part of this, raise your voice. Get word out there. Email, blog, call, show up to meetings, etc. ANYTHING we can if you care about your kids in this district. For anyone who grew up here & wanted your kids here, it's not what it was when you went through. It's also not the same leadership, if you want to call it that. If you don't take off blinders, you're kids will fall through the cracks. Not just of our system, but any higher education plans afterward. This is going to affect your kids if they are in sports, too. I guarantee it.
So, anyone else want to speak up? Our kids should not be going through this. At all.
Neither should the educators.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
AM~Erica's Boiling Point Reached
high school
open letter
Saturday, February 21, 2015
AM~Erica Will Be Calling Him Out...Again
So anyway...
I'm pulling my soapbox back out. So just know that this post is not fluffy or fun. We are gonna get down to business...
This weekend, Teen Boy's speech & debate squad was to be helping run a district-wide, state qualifying tournament with another school, within the school district, due to some coach sharing from crazy chess playing of teachers & admin within the school district. So, the kids from my son's high school missed a day of school while taking the day to set up everything at the other school to be ready to welcome in squads from many other schools in the state.
Our squad had been prepping for quite some time for this, as well as prepping their own pieces to try to win over judges so they could increase their chances of getting a bid for state, and maybe even nationals. For them to help host this tournament, which is a required tournament to have, is a big deal.
They took the day to get set, find rooms, welcome schools, get tab rooms set up with computers for helping, judges, missing lunch (because they were going to eat right before the official start of the tournament), and much, much more. Imagine our shock when our son called, at the end time of the regular school day, to say the entire tournament was cancelled just minutes before called.
Remember a few weeks ago when I TOLD YOU ABOUT OUR SUPERINTENDENT? It just keeps escalating. Nothing to redeem himself to soften the blow of any of these decisions. Just a seemingly power-hungry guy who took the position from inside the district when the last guy left to take a position just across the state line. Red flags were going up, but we were willing to give this new-to-the-position guy a chance.
There are several things I could go into right now about a lot of this. But I won't. Instead, I will just say again that he has done "nothing to redeem himself to soften the blow of any of [his] decisions."
That being said, and with the reminder from just a few weeks ago, he has struck again.
With schools already showing up to check in for the tournament, even some on charter busses that had obviously come far enough that they were probably staying the night for this tournament, were told to get back on their busses, turn around & go home.
See, it's Missouri. We have weird weather. We know know this. Our winter has been very strange this year. When all the big snows were being called for, they fizzled out quickly & became nearly nothing. But call for "a few flurries," and we get an inch of accumulated snow. Figures.
As it was being called for this weekend, there was supposed to be some pretty nasty stuff maybe starting on Friday night & on Saturday. When Friday morning hit, all the predictions calmed way down. There might be some stuff overnight on Friday into Saturday, but it wasn't the "event" they first thought. So, even with some possible nasty weather overnight on Friday, the tournament could still happen, and the school was ready to possibly cancel/postpone Saturday's events. No big deal...
...but then they got word that our almighty superintendent decided they needed to cancel ALL extracurricular activities for the weekend due to impending weather. Everyone was to close shop and go home! Except... son's high school courtwarming basketball game was the same night. Guess what got to keep going. Ugh. And, according to an tweeted answer to my hubby's frustrated question to the superintendent was that the speech & debate tourney could be rescheduled, but the basketball game could not. Yes...he said that...out in the open, on Twitter.
If absolutely ALL events had been cancelled, it would still be frustrating, but understood. That whole "looking out for the wellbeing of the kids" thing. But...that wasn't really it. It was a publicity stunt. Well, that's how it appears. All the work the kids put in the entire day was a wash. They were told that all the work they'd put in all day had to be taken down as quickly as possible & to find a way home.
When we went to pick our son up from the other school, we were shocked by the hoards of highschoolers leaving to board busses...even the charter busses...and it was obvious they were there for the tournament. Why? They were all in suits & dress wearing letterman jackets from other schools, grouped together by the same school colors. And as quickly as they were leaving, and we were watching the kids from our own squad walking out with steam shooting out of their ears, we began to find out there was the serious problem of the basketball game NOT being called off.
So, as usual, our superintendent was having to deal with a firestorm of tweets. Why do I keep bringing up the tweets?'s the only way it seems he has chosen to communicate with anyone, if he hasn't already blocked them.
My hubby, as I said, sent a tweet to him wanting to know why events like the speech & debate tournament could be cancelled but not the game. Sadly the response said the tourney could be rescheduled & the game could not. He'd also told folks that only one bus would be in danger of the weather instead of several.
*face palm*
If you are in charge of canceling activities because of impending weather so no one will be in danger, but you allow a high-profile game, that makes money, so only a few will be put in danger is such a hypocritical statement to make. If activities need to be cancelled...then cancel ALL activities! The suspicion of sports taking precedence over any other activity became fact in one-fell-swoop of a decision.
Oh, you better know I tweeted him a major thread to him about how he looks to many right now. Our kids, our squads, our faculty were all thrown under the bus (pun honestly NOT intended) in a hurry.
Oh yes...I said all of that. And I know he read it since he followed my twitter feed as I was tweeting like crazy. However, even though I received no response, I know he was done reading my thread by promptly unfollowing me. He couldn't tow the company line with this like he did with with my hubby & many others.
Now then, remember that all of these events were cancelled for the weekend due to the weather. The weather didn't turn out to be much. Some slick spots, but it got above freezing very quickly. Heck, my hubby & I both went for a run in the beautiful sunshine. I'm not kidding.
I would like to point out there has been a lot of frustrated tweets going out with the positive hashtag of #isdstrong. So, of course, this hashtag has been used with much sarcasm.
This hashtag has been used for both positive & negative messages, depending on where you fall in this debacle. So I checked the hashtag results today. Guess what! My son's activities director tweeted the hashtag to let everyone know that the courtwarming dance was still a go for tonight & to have fun when you show up.
Do you feel frustrations rising? What made it worse was the fact that the school's STUCO replied to it saying:
Oh yes, folks...the dance can still happen. But nothing else could. Amm-i-rite?
We all know this could have been rescheduled. I'm all about high school rite-of-passage memories, but they are not set in stone. These can be rescheduled, like most everything else.
So, of course, I had to respond to this and bring in the almighty:
As you can bet, none have responded to me. This all looks so bad right now.
We have national qualifiers, for the school, in the speech & debate squad. These tournaments have many more life skills for these young men & women as they enter their adult life. If you want to look to the futures, the district needs to rearrange their priorities. Theater, DECA, Choir, Band...just to name a few, have much more impact on a larger group of high schoolers dealing with preparing their futures thru these & the competitions involved. Sports do the same, but all focus is put on the sports part. And it's deafening to all the kids being shoved to the side.
So, it's bad enough that the decision to cancel all of this stuff was already made before honestly checking the latest updates of wether, but to shove all to the side for their "safety" but to say the courtwarming game AND dance may commence is a giant slap in the overall district's face.
This is not the sign of a leader. And it's terribly disappointing.
Tax money...ego...TV face money...
And for those who say I should run for school board to help cover this, there's reasons I cannot, and I cannot go into those reasons here. Also, I do volunteer within the schools when I can & stay quite active. Trust me, I'm not the only one who sees this stuff happening. There could be an uprising from this part of the state.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
I'm pulling my soapbox back out. So just know that this post is not fluffy or fun. We are gonna get down to business...
This weekend, Teen Boy's speech & debate squad was to be helping run a district-wide, state qualifying tournament with another school, within the school district, due to some coach sharing from crazy chess playing of teachers & admin within the school district. So, the kids from my son's high school missed a day of school while taking the day to set up everything at the other school to be ready to welcome in squads from many other schools in the state.
Our squad had been prepping for quite some time for this, as well as prepping their own pieces to try to win over judges so they could increase their chances of getting a bid for state, and maybe even nationals. For them to help host this tournament, which is a required tournament to have, is a big deal.
They took the day to get set, find rooms, welcome schools, get tab rooms set up with computers for helping, judges, missing lunch (because they were going to eat right before the official start of the tournament), and much, much more. Imagine our shock when our son called, at the end time of the regular school day, to say the entire tournament was cancelled just minutes before called.
Remember a few weeks ago when I TOLD YOU ABOUT OUR SUPERINTENDENT? It just keeps escalating. Nothing to redeem himself to soften the blow of any of these decisions. Just a seemingly power-hungry guy who took the position from inside the district when the last guy left to take a position just across the state line. Red flags were going up, but we were willing to give this new-to-the-position guy a chance.
There are several things I could go into right now about a lot of this. But I won't. Instead, I will just say again that he has done "nothing to redeem himself to soften the blow of any of [his] decisions."
That being said, and with the reminder from just a few weeks ago, he has struck again.
With schools already showing up to check in for the tournament, even some on charter busses that had obviously come far enough that they were probably staying the night for this tournament, were told to get back on their busses, turn around & go home.
See, it's Missouri. We have weird weather. We know know this. Our winter has been very strange this year. When all the big snows were being called for, they fizzled out quickly & became nearly nothing. But call for "a few flurries," and we get an inch of accumulated snow. Figures.
As it was being called for this weekend, there was supposed to be some pretty nasty stuff maybe starting on Friday night & on Saturday. When Friday morning hit, all the predictions calmed way down. There might be some stuff overnight on Friday into Saturday, but it wasn't the "event" they first thought. So, even with some possible nasty weather overnight on Friday, the tournament could still happen, and the school was ready to possibly cancel/postpone Saturday's events. No big deal...
...but then they got word that our almighty superintendent decided they needed to cancel ALL extracurricular activities for the weekend due to impending weather. Everyone was to close shop and go home! Except... son's high school courtwarming basketball game was the same night. Guess what got to keep going. Ugh. And, according to an tweeted answer to my hubby's frustrated question to the superintendent was that the speech & debate tourney could be rescheduled, but the basketball game could not. Yes...he said that...out in the open, on Twitter.
If absolutely ALL events had been cancelled, it would still be frustrating, but understood. That whole "looking out for the wellbeing of the kids" thing. But...that wasn't really it. It was a publicity stunt. Well, that's how it appears. All the work the kids put in the entire day was a wash. They were told that all the work they'd put in all day had to be taken down as quickly as possible & to find a way home.
When we went to pick our son up from the other school, we were shocked by the hoards of highschoolers leaving to board busses...even the charter busses...and it was obvious they were there for the tournament. Why? They were all in suits & dress wearing letterman jackets from other schools, grouped together by the same school colors. And as quickly as they were leaving, and we were watching the kids from our own squad walking out with steam shooting out of their ears, we began to find out there was the serious problem of the basketball game NOT being called off.
So, as usual, our superintendent was having to deal with a firestorm of tweets. Why do I keep bringing up the tweets?'s the only way it seems he has chosen to communicate with anyone, if he hasn't already blocked them.
My hubby, as I said, sent a tweet to him wanting to know why events like the speech & debate tournament could be cancelled but not the game. Sadly the response said the tourney could be rescheduled & the game could not. He'd also told folks that only one bus would be in danger of the weather instead of several.
*face palm*
If you are in charge of canceling activities because of impending weather so no one will be in danger, but you allow a high-profile game, that makes money, so only a few will be put in danger is such a hypocritical statement to make. If activities need to be cancelled...then cancel ALL activities! The suspicion of sports taking precedence over any other activity became fact in one-fell-swoop of a decision.
Oh, you better know I tweeted him a major thread to him about how he looks to many right now. Our kids, our squads, our faculty were all thrown under the bus (pun honestly NOT intended) in a hurry.
Oh yes...I said all of that. And I know he read it since he followed my twitter feed as I was tweeting like crazy. However, even though I received no response, I know he was done reading my thread by promptly unfollowing me. He couldn't tow the company line with this like he did with with my hubby & many others.
Now then, remember that all of these events were cancelled for the weekend due to the weather. The weather didn't turn out to be much. Some slick spots, but it got above freezing very quickly. Heck, my hubby & I both went for a run in the beautiful sunshine. I'm not kidding.
I would like to point out there has been a lot of frustrated tweets going out with the positive hashtag of #isdstrong. So, of course, this hashtag has been used with much sarcasm.
This hashtag has been used for both positive & negative messages, depending on where you fall in this debacle. So I checked the hashtag results today. Guess what! My son's activities director tweeted the hashtag to let everyone know that the courtwarming dance was still a go for tonight & to have fun when you show up.
Do you feel frustrations rising? What made it worse was the fact that the school's STUCO replied to it saying:
Oh yes, folks...the dance can still happen. But nothing else could. Amm-i-rite?
We all know this could have been rescheduled. I'm all about high school rite-of-passage memories, but they are not set in stone. These can be rescheduled, like most everything else.
So, of course, I had to respond to this and bring in the almighty:
As you can bet, none have responded to me. This all looks so bad right now.
We have national qualifiers, for the school, in the speech & debate squad. These tournaments have many more life skills for these young men & women as they enter their adult life. If you want to look to the futures, the district needs to rearrange their priorities. Theater, DECA, Choir, Band...just to name a few, have much more impact on a larger group of high schoolers dealing with preparing their futures thru these & the competitions involved. Sports do the same, but all focus is put on the sports part. And it's deafening to all the kids being shoved to the side.
So, it's bad enough that the decision to cancel all of this stuff was already made before honestly checking the latest updates of wether, but to shove all to the side for their "safety" but to say the courtwarming game AND dance may commence is a giant slap in the overall district's face.
This is not the sign of a leader. And it's terribly disappointing.
Tax money...ego...TV face money...
And for those who say I should run for school board to help cover this, there's reasons I cannot, and I cannot go into those reasons here. Also, I do volunteer within the schools when I can & stay quite active. Trust me, I'm not the only one who sees this stuff happening. There could be an uprising from this part of the state.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
high school
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
AM~Erica Will Be One to Call Out the School
So anyway...
Today is cold in the midwest. This is super important to know.
There was a major windchill advisory in place. It was starting at low temps, with much lower windchill temps. The temperature and windchill was going to continue to just...keep...dropping...
After just over two-weeks off for "winter" (cough-cough-CHRISTMAS-cough-couh) break, today was supposed to be the first day back to classes for the kiddos in our public school district. I know I was READY for them to go back!! I love my kiddos, but they needed a change of scenery. And to see their friends. And to get them out of the house. They needed to go back! (said with all the love of a mother)
As we switched between all the local news stations, the numbers might have been different, but we knew that today was going to be miserable outside. To the point that we were discussing whether or not school would actually be called off.
Our school district has changed some stuff up this year in how things would work for a regular school day & for inclement weather cancellations.
1. No more half/shortened days. It's a full-on regular school day or nothing.
2. Instead of just calling off school for nasty weather, there would be the 2-hour delay option implemented, if the superintendent deemed it necessary.
See, Missouri is ridiculous when it comes to education right now. Between horrible standardized testing & attendance expectation extremes as a carrot to hang in front of districts & individual schools to stay accredited & tax payer funded, it's put the schools & districts in an ugly position of trying not to consider our children dollar signs. But they are calling our kiddos dollar signs.
Yes. We even have each school displaying what percentage of school body attendance is present, and they like to keep it in the forefront about how high the attendance needs to be to maintain tax dollars. Oh...and the teachers need to just put their actual teaching plans to the side & worry about how the kids are going to make the school & district look on impossible standardized tests that make no sense.
Don't get me started on the common core B.S. coming our district's way.
Brace yourselves, parents.
We also have a former superintendent who used to like getting a lot of face time on local media. About once a week, we were seeing his face on the screen for something! He left before he could implement year-round-school, and went to a neighboring school district, just on the other side of the state line. We still see his face on the local news media from time-to-time.
When a new superintendent was being searched for, it was absolutely no surprise to the local public they went in-house. Not much would change.
Although seemingly more approachable & connected, quite often we can see our district superintendent's face gracing the screen of our televisions with how great our district is. Some days, our current AND former superintendents will appear on back-to-back stories. A whole lot of face time...
I told you all of that to get to what happened today.
Come time to go to school, several major school districts were waiting for another one to close. So they tested the busses. The busses were running. So now it was about the attendance situation & that state carrot being dangled...
Guess they needed to get the dollar signs into the building.
No child should have been waiting out in this cold. Even though it was said that just wait for 5 minutes before the bus comes, would chill to the bone in less than 2 minutes, even being completely bundled and layered. Also, the busses were not exactly running on time waiting for kids to get to the bus. That 5 minutes turned into 10.
I'm glad we could drive our kids to the bus stop or to school...but not everyone has that luxury.
My youngest was so angry about having school today, I'm surprised he didn't stage a protest at his school. I also know that attendance was down in many area districts due to frustrated parents wanting to keep their kids safe at home. I don't blame them.
However, surprise-surprise, our district superintendent got screen time this afternoon defending the decision to have school. He used the story about how there are kids who need the warm meal, and they could come & get a coat, hat &/or gloves if needed from the schools' surplus.
Don't get me wrong!! There are a whole lot of students in our district who are on the free or reduced lunch program. Really too many. I'm certainly not saying they need to fend for themselves, but what I'm saying is that there are so many that truly are underprivileged. The school district does try their best to make sure it's not open knowledge so they are not looked down upon by other students. It does not change those numbers, however.'s my biggest issue with the superintendent hiding behind the fact they are in a position to have school to be able to give out these items & make sure they are fed is this: they still had to work getting to school in the bitter cold first. They didn't receive the items before they had to head out! This does not make one look like some hero. Especially when the rest of the parents in the district already know our kids are viewed as dollar signs & not individuals.
Our superintendent has done a fairly nice job of appearing approachable (I know, I know...I already said that) by being on Twitter & being fairly regular and open on tweeting with those who have questions for him. Even the students! This was working out fairly well...until today...
Now then, the anger levels were running high today - both from students AND parents. From what I understand, tweets towards him today were less than complimentary. Some questioning his actual reasoning for staying open, but there were inappropriate tweets telling what certain individuals ACTUALLY felt.
Well...this led to a couple of things:
1. From what I understand, instead of handling himself professionally, he actually went on a large blocking spree, whether they tweeted him on this situation or not.
2. According to the news (surprise-surprise), he had good humor about all the tweets & how he couldn't keep up by tweeting this:
Today is cold in the midwest. This is super important to know.
There was a major windchill advisory in place. It was starting at low temps, with much lower windchill temps. The temperature and windchill was going to continue to just...keep...dropping...
After just over two-weeks off for "winter" (cough-cough-CHRISTMAS-cough-couh) break, today was supposed to be the first day back to classes for the kiddos in our public school district. I know I was READY for them to go back!! I love my kiddos, but they needed a change of scenery. And to see their friends. And to get them out of the house. They needed to go back! (said with all the love of a mother)
As we switched between all the local news stations, the numbers might have been different, but we knew that today was going to be miserable outside. To the point that we were discussing whether or not school would actually be called off.
Our school district has changed some stuff up this year in how things would work for a regular school day & for inclement weather cancellations.
1. No more half/shortened days. It's a full-on regular school day or nothing.
2. Instead of just calling off school for nasty weather, there would be the 2-hour delay option implemented, if the superintendent deemed it necessary.
See, Missouri is ridiculous when it comes to education right now. Between horrible standardized testing & attendance expectation extremes as a carrot to hang in front of districts & individual schools to stay accredited & tax payer funded, it's put the schools & districts in an ugly position of trying not to consider our children dollar signs. But they are calling our kiddos dollar signs.
Yes. We even have each school displaying what percentage of school body attendance is present, and they like to keep it in the forefront about how high the attendance needs to be to maintain tax dollars. Oh...and the teachers need to just put their actual teaching plans to the side & worry about how the kids are going to make the school & district look on impossible standardized tests that make no sense.
Don't get me started on the common core B.S. coming our district's way.
Brace yourselves, parents.
We also have a former superintendent who used to like getting a lot of face time on local media. About once a week, we were seeing his face on the screen for something! He left before he could implement year-round-school, and went to a neighboring school district, just on the other side of the state line. We still see his face on the local news media from time-to-time.
When a new superintendent was being searched for, it was absolutely no surprise to the local public they went in-house. Not much would change.
Although seemingly more approachable & connected, quite often we can see our district superintendent's face gracing the screen of our televisions with how great our district is. Some days, our current AND former superintendents will appear on back-to-back stories. A whole lot of face time...
I told you all of that to get to what happened today.
Come time to go to school, several major school districts were waiting for another one to close. So they tested the busses. The busses were running. So now it was about the attendance situation & that state carrot being dangled...
Guess they needed to get the dollar signs into the building.
No child should have been waiting out in this cold. Even though it was said that just wait for 5 minutes before the bus comes, would chill to the bone in less than 2 minutes, even being completely bundled and layered. Also, the busses were not exactly running on time waiting for kids to get to the bus. That 5 minutes turned into 10.
I'm glad we could drive our kids to the bus stop or to school...but not everyone has that luxury.
My youngest was so angry about having school today, I'm surprised he didn't stage a protest at his school. I also know that attendance was down in many area districts due to frustrated parents wanting to keep their kids safe at home. I don't blame them.
However, surprise-surprise, our district superintendent got screen time this afternoon defending the decision to have school. He used the story about how there are kids who need the warm meal, and they could come & get a coat, hat &/or gloves if needed from the schools' surplus.
Don't get me wrong!! There are a whole lot of students in our district who are on the free or reduced lunch program. Really too many. I'm certainly not saying they need to fend for themselves, but what I'm saying is that there are so many that truly are underprivileged. The school district does try their best to make sure it's not open knowledge so they are not looked down upon by other students. It does not change those numbers, however.'s my biggest issue with the superintendent hiding behind the fact they are in a position to have school to be able to give out these items & make sure they are fed is this: they still had to work getting to school in the bitter cold first. They didn't receive the items before they had to head out! This does not make one look like some hero. Especially when the rest of the parents in the district already know our kids are viewed as dollar signs & not individuals.
Our superintendent has done a fairly nice job of appearing approachable (I know, I know...I already said that) by being on Twitter & being fairly regular and open on tweeting with those who have questions for him. Even the students! This was working out fairly well...until today...
Now then, the anger levels were running high today - both from students AND parents. From what I understand, tweets towards him today were less than complimentary. Some questioning his actual reasoning for staying open, but there were inappropriate tweets telling what certain individuals ACTUALLY felt.
Well...this led to a couple of things:
1. From what I understand, instead of handling himself professionally, he actually went on a large blocking spree, whether they tweeted him on this situation or not.
2. According to the news (surprise-surprise), he had good humor about all the tweets & how he couldn't keep up by tweeting this:
That's right. This was a gif of "Bruce Almighty" being retweeted about how quickly he was BLOCKING people!! That, my friends, is not in good humor, as the news graciously said about him. This is obnoxious.
OK, here's the deal...
Our district has already mismanaged cold weather days. There has been twice that should have been the late start option, and one day fully called off.
There was a windchill day that should have been a late start; it was a regular day.
There was a snow day that should have been a late start; school was called off all day.
There was today's windchill & falling all day & should have been called off; it was a regular school day.
As of this moment, I'm not sure what will end up with these words & points. Anyone who has been raising concerns has been put on some kind of roadblock, even by the school board, as being more closed off to listen to parents & students, and instead just having more & more rules put in place to where it has become speak-by-appointment-only, or be completely blocked (see above tweet) or ignored.
Looks like many other districts may be in this type of situation. And parents are mad. And students are mad.
This goes to the the governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, on down. The education of these kids, and the overall wellbeing of these kids, are not being considered fully when the almighty dollar has a grip on you.
Our kids are not tax dollars. Our kids are not bargaining chips.
Today was ugly in the Kansas City area. I'm proud of the districts who were smart enough to close on a day that children could have been really dangerous for them. I thank you.
As for the other districts...
It's disgusting what you have done. It's disgusting when you hide behind charity to make your case.
And, from what I understand, many schools didn't have the attendance hoped for due to the parents using actual common sense.
We are the tax payers. Our money should be going to the education AND welfare of our individuals. Not some blanket form of implementation that is blind to nearly all of this.
Something needs to change! And you are not hiding anything. No more excuses. We can see through your veils of charity. We know what this is about. Take some responsibility & own up to it. Tell the Governor he won't bully you into mainstreaming our children into a mold they don't fit into. It's despicable.
Now then, in the morning, it will be frigid. It will warm up later in the day. Will we attempt a late start? Or continue on as a regular day? I won't complain as much about tomorrow being a regular day...but you owe it to the kids to let them know you might actually care about them. I would hope.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
Just got the call that our district will enforce the 2-hour late start option since, unlike today, the weather will be cold in the morning, but will warm up.
Think he learned from the major lashing he received?
open letter
snow day
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
AM~Erica's March Madness
So anyway...
It's still March. There's been a lot happening in March. It's Madness.
There is so much celebrating that happens in March (reminder HERE) that I make sure to take part in...and kind of force the family to do, too. And there is a crazy basketball thing happening, too.
I realize the college basketball tournament is referred to as "March Madness" due to the fact that any team can beat another team on any given day. This causes great upsets in the well as people's brackets they fill out in hopes of winning money for guessing the most wins all the way down to the championship game. (By the way...I won an office bracket challenge one year. True story.)
The tournament this year has had folks being completely upset over their brackets as so many upper seeds fell out within the first round or two. Coming up on the Sweet 16, there's not many in this grouping that folks actually predicted. this is considered part of the "madness"...this is nothing compared to what my March has looked like.
On top of the celebrating, we have had a family birthday, the start up of sports practices, playwright's roundtable (find out about that HERE), speech & debate tournaments, church stuff, school stuff, 3rd grade insanity of a One-Book-One-School wrap up event & wax museum to prepare for...on top of working all of this stuff around the crazy winter that just won't go away!
Oh...did I mention that we are trying to prepare Teen Girl for prom, too? Just the dress decision has been maddening enough. And they have an early prom! This would be on top of getting her thru her last few*sigh*
Plus hubby & I have gotten a little more social in our going out. Who do we think we are??
And I do want to mention that we got to see Tim Hawkins (our favorite comic right now) live, along with a new found (to us) funny guy, John Crist. I laughed so hard for nearly 2-hours straight. I think I got a serious workout that night!
Did I mention that we are supposed to be going into spring break right now, but we've lost a day of it because of the amount of snow days that need made up? Yeah...that, too.
Today is when I sent Lil Guy to school with a book presentation poster we worked on, pictures for the presentation, costume get together for the 3rd grade wax museum (which is such an awesome thing if you don't know what that post on it coming soon) along with the speech rehearsing, prep for the pre-spelling test...and then come home to probably eat something before Teen Girl has a singing rehearsal tonight for our church's Easter cantata coming up on Palm Sunday...
Oh yeah...I've also been preparing for a Good Friday reading & a dance for Easter. Plus, I'll be getting ready for my part in the Easter cantata, too.
Pa-sha! Basketball-schamasketball!
If there was a reality TV show based on our would be ratings magic with the madness going on right now!
I'm about ready to have a lovely tea party with the Mad Hatter & Alice. Only fitting the March Hare is part of it...
Hope you enjoyed my 300th post! See? More madness!!!
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
It's still March. There's been a lot happening in March. It's Madness.
There is so much celebrating that happens in March (reminder HERE) that I make sure to take part in...and kind of force the family to do, too. And there is a crazy basketball thing happening, too.
I realize the college basketball tournament is referred to as "March Madness" due to the fact that any team can beat another team on any given day. This causes great upsets in the well as people's brackets they fill out in hopes of winning money for guessing the most wins all the way down to the championship game. (By the way...I won an office bracket challenge one year. True story.)
The tournament this year has had folks being completely upset over their brackets as so many upper seeds fell out within the first round or two. Coming up on the Sweet 16, there's not many in this grouping that folks actually predicted. this is considered part of the "madness"...this is nothing compared to what my March has looked like.
On top of the celebrating, we have had a family birthday, the start up of sports practices, playwright's roundtable (find out about that HERE), speech & debate tournaments, church stuff, school stuff, 3rd grade insanity of a One-Book-One-School wrap up event & wax museum to prepare for...on top of working all of this stuff around the crazy winter that just won't go away!
Oh...did I mention that we are trying to prepare Teen Girl for prom, too? Just the dress decision has been maddening enough. And they have an early prom! This would be on top of getting her thru her last few*sigh*
Plus hubby & I have gotten a little more social in our going out. Who do we think we are??
And I do want to mention that we got to see Tim Hawkins (our favorite comic right now) live, along with a new found (to us) funny guy, John Crist. I laughed so hard for nearly 2-hours straight. I think I got a serious workout that night!
![]() |
John Crist & Tim Hawkins teaming up for musical tweets |
Did I mention that we are supposed to be going into spring break right now, but we've lost a day of it because of the amount of snow days that need made up? Yeah...that, too.
Today is when I sent Lil Guy to school with a book presentation poster we worked on, pictures for the presentation, costume get together for the 3rd grade wax museum (which is such an awesome thing if you don't know what that post on it coming soon) along with the speech rehearsing, prep for the pre-spelling test...and then come home to probably eat something before Teen Girl has a singing rehearsal tonight for our church's Easter cantata coming up on Palm Sunday...
Oh yeah...I've also been preparing for a Good Friday reading & a dance for Easter. Plus, I'll be getting ready for my part in the Easter cantata, too.
Pa-sha! Basketball-schamasketball!
If there was a reality TV show based on our would be ratings magic with the madness going on right now!
I'm about ready to have a lovely tea party with the Mad Hatter & Alice. Only fitting the March Hare is part of it...
![]() |
We're all mad here. |
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
March Madness
Thursday, February 6, 2014
AM~Erica Copes with Being Cooped Up
So anyway...
I am sitting here, enjoying my coffee in the quiet moments of my children still sleeping & hubby gone to work...
We are on day #3 of consecutive snow days due to the weather of a crazy snow storm & frigid temps.
I'm glad the kids were kept home for their safety...and, can be a bit much after a while.
I have seen, just this season, that those in the mid-Missouri regions, for sure, have had so many snow days, it's crazy! The winter has been brutal this time around! BRUTAL!
While I sit here...I reflect on my children...
I love them. I really do. I want to make that point very clear. Because you may doubt me as I keep going...but it's said out of love...and probably some insanity...
With 3 kiddos at home...and being cooped in can be overwhelming.
Don't forget: 2 out of 3 kids, in our household, are teenagers.
Some of you know what that can be like, especially with cabin fever setting in.
However, this can be tricky when you can have parent-hating teenagers actually interact with you when they DON'T need something! Amm-i-rite?
Thankfully, my hubby has been home with us, the last couple of days, so I haven't been quite as overwhelmed...and I'm super excited that all the kiddos still want to talk to me (sometimes)...but it's hard when the kids get very talkative at the same time. They tag team each other to take over my 1 set of ears...and sometimes they will double-team...even ears & brain! It's like Conversation WWF! (yes...I went back to older school wrastlin' terms here)
It is so awesome how weird & random my kids are! And they are all differently weird & random! I love it. And they do enjoy sharing their brand of smarticles & wisdom. But when it all bursts forth at my pride as a parent, my brain begins to melt. My brain cannot keep up with all the information being thrown at me! Then they get very upset if I didn't remember that one little detail of an overlapping, say...they needed to be at a practice or something. Whatever...I digress...
I have seen awesome pop culture references from other parents about their cabin fever experiences. I've seen where a parent was concerned their home situation had turned into something out of "Lord of the Flies." I have seen parents want to [lovingly] volunteer their own children as tribute. Even ideas along the lines of kid-swapping has been implied...
My insanity is setting in at greater levels, I'm afraid...
I offered up, at one point, that Hollywood should take hold of these ideas, place a movie in a winter setting, and then as parents are working out a kid swap for their own sanity actually volunteer their children as tribute...and it becomes a Hunger Games-turns-Lord of the Flies. That, my friends, would be an intense movie, lending to extreme parenting examples to show your children, and then you could remind them that it could end up that way if they don't simmer down!!!
I need to get more coffee...the boys have gotten up...and my ears need to stretch before today's rounds of conversation...time to suit up...
And, I promise: I love my kids...I love my kids...I love my kids...I love my kids...
(Anyone repeating it with me?)
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
*WARNING: written under duress of cabin fever*
I am sitting here, enjoying my coffee in the quiet moments of my children still sleeping & hubby gone to work...
We are on day #3 of consecutive snow days due to the weather of a crazy snow storm & frigid temps.
I'm glad the kids were kept home for their safety...and, can be a bit much after a while.
I have seen, just this season, that those in the mid-Missouri regions, for sure, have had so many snow days, it's crazy! The winter has been brutal this time around! BRUTAL!
While I sit here...I reflect on my children...
I love them. I really do. I want to make that point very clear. Because you may doubt me as I keep going...but it's said out of love...and probably some insanity...
With 3 kiddos at home...and being cooped in can be overwhelming.
Don't forget: 2 out of 3 kids, in our household, are teenagers.
Some of you know what that can be like, especially with cabin fever setting in.
However, this can be tricky when you can have parent-hating teenagers actually interact with you when they DON'T need something! Amm-i-rite?
Thankfully, my hubby has been home with us, the last couple of days, so I haven't been quite as overwhelmed...and I'm super excited that all the kiddos still want to talk to me (sometimes)...but it's hard when the kids get very talkative at the same time. They tag team each other to take over my 1 set of ears...and sometimes they will double-team...even ears & brain! It's like Conversation WWF! (yes...I went back to older school wrastlin' terms here)
It is so awesome how weird & random my kids are! And they are all differently weird & random! I love it. And they do enjoy sharing their brand of smarticles & wisdom. But when it all bursts forth at my pride as a parent, my brain begins to melt. My brain cannot keep up with all the information being thrown at me! Then they get very upset if I didn't remember that one little detail of an overlapping, say...they needed to be at a practice or something. Whatever...I digress...
I have seen awesome pop culture references from other parents about their cabin fever experiences. I've seen where a parent was concerned their home situation had turned into something out of "Lord of the Flies." I have seen parents want to [lovingly] volunteer their own children as tribute. Even ideas along the lines of kid-swapping has been implied...
![]() |
This amazing compilation, and others, can be found at The D Continuum on Etsy (HERE) |
My insanity is setting in at greater levels, I'm afraid...
I offered up, at one point, that Hollywood should take hold of these ideas, place a movie in a winter setting, and then as parents are working out a kid swap for their own sanity actually volunteer their children as tribute...and it becomes a Hunger Games-turns-Lord of the Flies. That, my friends, would be an intense movie, lending to extreme parenting examples to show your children, and then you could remind them that it could end up that way if they don't simmer down!!!
I need to get more coffee...the boys have gotten up...and my ears need to stretch before today's rounds of conversation...time to suit up...
And, I promise: I love my kids...I love my kids...I love my kids...I love my kids...
(Anyone repeating it with me?)
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
Monday, February 3, 2014
AM~Erica is Getting a Hang of this Super Bowl Thing
So anyway...
It all built up to last night. All of it. And many (OK...not all...I know) tuned in to watch how the whole thing would finish...
I even learned a couple things about the big event:
A. I learned it is now considered a[n unofficial] national holiday
2. It is the 2nd largest food consumption day only to Thanksgiving
You know what I'm talking about...amm-i-rite? would be the Super Bowl I'd be talkin' 'bout, y'all.
Last year, we were finally having a bit of a get together for it, after several years of either going elsewhere or just doing something small at home with hubby & kiddos. However, even though we had just a few extra people, I couldn't do a whole lot. (read about it HERE)
This year, we understood it would be different. We were heading to the house of some family, but after some crazy things that happened in between, we ended up back home with just hubby & me with the kiddos. It's how it goes. But we wanted to finally kick it up a bit!
Don't forget, we have teenagers. Have you seen the semi-hightened reality-based commercial for KFC where the parents hardly see the kids?
Any of you with teenagers now know this feeling? It's OK to raise your're in good company here.
It's because of this that my hubby still wanted to do something more for our Super Bowl...even if it was just us with the kids. That...and I've rubbed off on him. (read HERE how I love celebrating everything)
We made plans! But to do what we thought about, we would have to DVR the game & festivities, then just be about 30 minutes to an hour behind. See...Teen Girl had a commitment with the Coterie Theater (reminder on what that's about HERE), and they actually scheduled a playwrights' meeting overlapping the start of the Super Bowl! *sigh* But that wasn't as big of a deal since we were just having our own family living under the same we didn't have to worry about timing with others.
We planned the food out: barbecue wings, barbecue meatballs, chips, cinnamon soft pretzels, meat & cheese tray, grapes, cookies, candy fruit slices, and M&M's to fill our bellies while the game was going. Yum-my! Amm-i-rite? (trust me...I'm right)
Then, hubby & I searched for games & found some to keep the kiddos engaged in the whole experience!
Hubby found a commercial bingo online to be able to print out to play. That was so fun to keep up with as we tried to enjoy the commercials. (our feelings on leaked commercials HERE)
We did the end-of-quarter score grid. That was so fun watching the kids trying to root for the score change in their favor (because we weren't really rooting for a team...there was just one team wanted to win way more than the other).
We also did an ongoing "raffle": the chances were for the drawing depended on what happened throughout the game, commercials & halftime. At the end of the game, one of the "tickets" (slips of paper with the scavenger game item) was drawn & the one who had that item happen got the big prize! I saw it called the Super Bowl Fish Bowl game...but we don't have a fish bowl, so we used a bag. A large bowl would work just as well...
We did prizes for these things, too!
No matter what was happening on the screen...the whole family was into it! Yelling at the screen & eating like crazy!
We figured out that...
...we don't need no stinking party!
We just needed to get the stuff together to get everyone in the room involved! Not just involved...but totally interacting...with each other!! Even the teenagers!
It happened, people. And it was awesome!
Even when Lil Guy got up, he was talking about how much fun we had last night! SCORE!
Here was a total blow out of a game...and we had so much to look for, that we had the greatest time!
Next year...whether we have additional peeps over or not, we know how to have to party! And...we need to stock up on more prizes...we needed more last night!
If I can figure out how to get the templates we used for the score grid & fish bowl ticket items, then I'll put it up & update you.
See? I'm FINALLY getting this Super Bowl celebrating thing down! I should dump Gatorade on my hubby for most of these ideas...
Until then, keep celebrating you all!
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
It all built up to last night. All of it. And many (OK...not all...I know) tuned in to watch how the whole thing would finish...
I even learned a couple things about the big event:
A. I learned it is now considered a[n unofficial] national holiday
2. It is the 2nd largest food consumption day only to Thanksgiving
You know what I'm talking about...amm-i-rite? would be the Super Bowl I'd be talkin' 'bout, y'all.
Last year, we were finally having a bit of a get together for it, after several years of either going elsewhere or just doing something small at home with hubby & kiddos. However, even though we had just a few extra people, I couldn't do a whole lot. (read about it HERE)
This year, we understood it would be different. We were heading to the house of some family, but after some crazy things that happened in between, we ended up back home with just hubby & me with the kiddos. It's how it goes. But we wanted to finally kick it up a bit!
Don't forget, we have teenagers. Have you seen the semi-hightened reality-based commercial for KFC where the parents hardly see the kids?
Any of you with teenagers now know this feeling? It's OK to raise your're in good company here.
It's because of this that my hubby still wanted to do something more for our Super Bowl...even if it was just us with the kids. That...and I've rubbed off on him. (read HERE how I love celebrating everything)
We made plans! But to do what we thought about, we would have to DVR the game & festivities, then just be about 30 minutes to an hour behind. See...Teen Girl had a commitment with the Coterie Theater (reminder on what that's about HERE), and they actually scheduled a playwrights' meeting overlapping the start of the Super Bowl! *sigh* But that wasn't as big of a deal since we were just having our own family living under the same we didn't have to worry about timing with others.
We planned the food out: barbecue wings, barbecue meatballs, chips, cinnamon soft pretzels, meat & cheese tray, grapes, cookies, candy fruit slices, and M&M's to fill our bellies while the game was going. Yum-my! Amm-i-rite? (trust me...I'm right)
OK...pretzels aren't pictured...but this is the spread on a card table we brought into the living room |
Then, hubby & I searched for games & found some to keep the kiddos engaged in the whole experience!
Hubby found a commercial bingo online to be able to print out to play. That was so fun to keep up with as we tried to enjoy the commercials. (our feelings on leaked commercials HERE)
We did the end-of-quarter score grid. That was so fun watching the kids trying to root for the score change in their favor (because we weren't really rooting for a team...there was just one team wanted to win way more than the other).
We also did an ongoing "raffle": the chances were for the drawing depended on what happened throughout the game, commercials & halftime. At the end of the game, one of the "tickets" (slips of paper with the scavenger game item) was drawn & the one who had that item happen got the big prize! I saw it called the Super Bowl Fish Bowl game...but we don't have a fish bowl, so we used a bag. A large bowl would work just as well...
"Fish Bowl (in a bag)" game, End of Quarter Score Grid game & Commercial Bingo |
End of Quarter Score Grid game...the final results |
We did prizes for these things, too!
Movie candy - EOQ grid prizes; cup & water bottle - bingo prizes; sherpa throw - end of the game raffle draw |
We figured out that...
...we don't need no stinking party!
We just needed to get the stuff together to get everyone in the room involved! Not just involved...but totally interacting...with each other!! Even the teenagers!
It happened, people. And it was awesome!
Even when Lil Guy got up, he was talking about how much fun we had last night! SCORE!
Here was a total blow out of a game...and we had so much to look for, that we had the greatest time!
Next year...whether we have additional peeps over or not, we know how to have to party! And...we need to stock up on more prizes...we needed more last night!
If I can figure out how to get the templates we used for the score grid & fish bowl ticket items, then I'll put it up & update you.
See? I'm FINALLY getting this Super Bowl celebrating thing down! I should dump Gatorade on my hubby for most of these ideas...
Until then, keep celebrating you all!
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
holiday food
party idea
Super Bowl
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
How AM~Erica Almost Got Her Groove Back
So anyway...
There is this new term out there for the weather-talkers began throwing around this week. And has had a frigid effect on much of the U.S. Many of us have experienced...THE POLAR VORTEX!!!
As the kiddos had been finishing up the 2-week(ish...depending on where you were at) holiday/winter break, the Polar Vortex decided to show up.
With snows that had come thru during the break that kept families super cozy with each other for a couple days at a time...we had been working around that crazy Christmas schedule & stuffs, too. Right?
And, after a couple of restless teenagers AND Lil Guy nearly bouncing off the walls, we'd gotten thru Christmas (it really was great, folks) & toasted in the new was TIME for those kids to go back. Getting back into a routine was quickly becoming necessary.
Don't get me wrong...I truly love my children! But I also got a glimpse of what it might be like if we were stranded in the middle of nowhere together. It might be entertaining at first...but I'd be worried of who might win that particular version of Family Survivor! *shudders* Not something I honestly want to think about...
So, as we were planning on getting ourselves together to begin a new week & get the kiddos off to school to begin the new semester & in a brand new numerical happened. The Polar Vortex. *sigh*
After the 1st few days of the break, it's not so bad. The change of pace is usually a welcome one. But when you start hitting day #6 of begging to play Go's time to start making an appointment with the men in the little white coats. As the kiddos count down to Christmas...the parents usually count down to when the kiddos head back to the regularly program...
|||| |||| ||||
...then...the super chill of the Polar Vortex happened...and schools began to close. But if we had another day...that's fine. We understood. We couldn't believe that the high would maybe not even hit 0 degrees F, and we knew it was miserably colder in other areas. Dangerous! And we got the call. But we figured. But I hadn't had any, just, time! Sunday, church got cancelled, too, so we'd been inside since the Polar Vortex had hit on Friday night & into Saturday. We had cabin fever. As I was trying to figure out how to get a small break from my beloved children (I swear I love them dearly), I had hoped I could get out to pick up the Sunday paper for the sales ads & coupons (of course). Well, hubby & I bundled up, headed out to QuikTrip (by car) to get a paper & get drinks for the kiddos. It was 10 minutes, but it was nice. Because we were getting another day closed up inside.
|||| |||| ||||
So we stayed bundled up, inside, on Day #15...I was trying to keep my cool, especially since hubby needed to go into work for just a little while. However, as the day went, and as hubby still had folks coming into his office & got caught up in a couple of meetings...I can only take being asked to play Go Fish & listening to the strains of teenage voices attempting to "softly" sing what is being piped into their ears & the TV blaring Skylanders. The kiddos arguing over video games & who is singing & who won't play nice with whom...a mama can only take so much. Only. So. Much. the day wore on...and after a few more games of Go Fish (which is a game that does not like me...and I really hate playing games anyway), I was ready for the temps to warm up the following day so my beautiful children could GO...BACK...TO...SCHOOL...already.
We did see that some of the rural areas were canceling school for the next day, but early that evening. With the high temps the next day getting into the 20's...the brief interlude of below 0 temps wouldn't hurt the kiddos too much. Amm-i-rite?
So, by the time we went to bed, we were pretty confident (Ok...maybe 75% confident) that I could get up early & shift these kids out! (Totally out of love...for all of our own sanity.) With that...we drifted off to sleep, planning the morning & breakfasts & everything...
However...when we got simultaneous phone calls at 4:36 AM...we just ignored the calls & said, in stereo, "Oh no..."
We shut off our alarms...since we could get a little extra sleep (except when we got a 2nd simultaneous call from the schools around 4:47), but we would just surprise the kids of the their continued extended break. *sigh* Apparently some of the busses weren't exactly working well, and they couldn't send them out to pick up
|||| |||| |||| |
On day #16 proved to be a near breaking point. First began hearing the sounds of a loud zipper down the hallway. After a couple of minutes, Lil Guy sauntered into the living room while dragging his backpack with him. It was about 8:30 (I was up & enjoying my coffee, thank you very much). He asked me why I didn't get him up. I explained there was no reason to. He looked confused & then lit up as he realized school had been called off...yet...again...
Around 9:15, I figured I should wake up Teen Boy...otherwise he gets really grumpy if he doesn't get his day started by 10:00. So, I woke him up letting him know the time. He semi-sat up, looked confused, paused...and then started laughing! I think he realized why I woke him up with daylight shining into his room.
Teen Girl could care less. She said she woke up around 6:30 & thought she was sleepy-hilucianting. But she figured out around 7:30, and I no one had checked on her...she figured out there was no school. But she still had to get around for play practice anyway. (Yea! She's in another play!) the day went on... were fighting, children complaining they are bored AS they are messing with their iPads/laptops, knowing you can only play certain games a certain amount of times before wanting to throw the games out the window, nearly eating us out of the house while complaining they are hungry, and we all could only deal with each other so much....NEEDED A BREAK!!!!!!!!
Luckily, the boys headed out for a little time in the snow, but we watched the weather carefully, all day, to make sure we were still on track for tolerable weather in our area to get these kids back.
Finally! We got the kids to bed, we got to bed, and I was thrilled to have my alarm go off at 5:30 AM. This meant we were on track to get a school-day routine going! WOO HOO!!
Remember the part in the song "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" where the lyrics go:
I was ready to get my own days back. Errand s & things on my time...
And then we got word about a short-but-sweet graduation we might want to attend (that was on, then off, then on, then off...and apparently on again). OK, that's in the morning & have the day to do what else I need to do! I did get an errand done...and then I realized...'s the high school's short day! They get out an hour early on Wednesdays!!!
I was so close to getting the groove back in my "routine". But it may have to wait...
At least I have a new workout routine to be doing to help out. (read about it HERE)
And as for the others who have been terribly affected by the Polar Vortex...I have no words. I would send straight jackets in bubble wrap with the men in the little white coats for you...but I think they would all freeze on the way to you.
Stay safe & warm, my friends...and may we all get our groove back...soon...
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
P.S. This post took me pretty much all day to write. Why? Timing of listed above, plus Lil Guy came home and automatically started on wanting to do a scavenger hunt & play Go Fish...
There is this new term out there for the weather-talkers began throwing around this week. And has had a frigid effect on much of the U.S. Many of us have experienced...THE POLAR VORTEX!!!
As the kiddos had been finishing up the 2-week(ish...depending on where you were at) holiday/winter break, the Polar Vortex decided to show up.
With snows that had come thru during the break that kept families super cozy with each other for a couple days at a time...we had been working around that crazy Christmas schedule & stuffs, too. Right?
And, after a couple of restless teenagers AND Lil Guy nearly bouncing off the walls, we'd gotten thru Christmas (it really was great, folks) & toasted in the new was TIME for those kids to go back. Getting back into a routine was quickly becoming necessary.
Don't get me wrong...I truly love my children! But I also got a glimpse of what it might be like if we were stranded in the middle of nowhere together. It might be entertaining at first...but I'd be worried of who might win that particular version of Family Survivor! *shudders* Not something I honestly want to think about...
So, as we were planning on getting ourselves together to begin a new week & get the kiddos off to school to begin the new semester & in a brand new numerical happened. The Polar Vortex. *sigh*
After the 1st few days of the break, it's not so bad. The change of pace is usually a welcome one. But when you start hitting day #6 of begging to play Go's time to start making an appointment with the men in the little white coats. As the kiddos count down to Christmas...the parents usually count down to when the kiddos head back to the regularly program...
the total number days the break should last
...then...the super chill of the Polar Vortex happened...and schools began to close. But if we had another day...that's fine. We understood. We couldn't believe that the high would maybe not even hit 0 degrees F, and we knew it was miserably colder in other areas. Dangerous! And we got the call. But we figured. But I hadn't had any, just, time! Sunday, church got cancelled, too, so we'd been inside since the Polar Vortex had hit on Friday night & into Saturday. We had cabin fever. As I was trying to figure out how to get a small break from my beloved children (I swear I love them dearly), I had hoped I could get out to pick up the Sunday paper for the sales ads & coupons (of course). Well, hubby & I bundled up, headed out to QuikTrip (by car) to get a paper & get drinks for the kiddos. It was 10 minutes, but it was nice. Because we were getting another day closed up inside. more day...
So we stayed bundled up, inside, on Day #15...I was trying to keep my cool, especially since hubby needed to go into work for just a little while. However, as the day went, and as hubby still had folks coming into his office & got caught up in a couple of meetings...I can only take being asked to play Go Fish & listening to the strains of teenage voices attempting to "softly" sing what is being piped into their ears & the TV blaring Skylanders. The kiddos arguing over video games & who is singing & who won't play nice with whom...a mama can only take so much. Only. So. Much. the day wore on...and after a few more games of Go Fish (which is a game that does not like me...and I really hate playing games anyway), I was ready for the temps to warm up the following day so my beautiful children could GO...BACK...TO...SCHOOL...already.
We did see that some of the rural areas were canceling school for the next day, but early that evening. With the high temps the next day getting into the 20's...the brief interlude of below 0 temps wouldn't hurt the kiddos too much. Amm-i-rite?
So, by the time we went to bed, we were pretty confident (Ok...maybe 75% confident) that I could get up early & shift these kids out! (Totally out of love...for all of our own sanity.) With that...we drifted off to sleep, planning the morning & breakfasts & everything...
However...when we got simultaneous phone calls at 4:36 AM...we just ignored the calls & said, in stereo, "Oh no..."
We shut off our alarms...since we could get a little extra sleep (except when we got a 2nd simultaneous call from the schools around 4:47), but we would just surprise the kids of the their continued extended break. *sigh* Apparently some of the busses weren't exactly working well, and they couldn't send them out to pick up
That extra marking for the extra day is what was nearly the breaking point
to bring in the men in the little white coats, mad laughing, and soft crying while needing
a straight jacket & padded cell (or at least a corner with bubble wrap)
a straight jacket & padded cell (or at least a corner with bubble wrap)
On day #16 proved to be a near breaking point. First began hearing the sounds of a loud zipper down the hallway. After a couple of minutes, Lil Guy sauntered into the living room while dragging his backpack with him. It was about 8:30 (I was up & enjoying my coffee, thank you very much). He asked me why I didn't get him up. I explained there was no reason to. He looked confused & then lit up as he realized school had been called off...yet...again...
Around 9:15, I figured I should wake up Teen Boy...otherwise he gets really grumpy if he doesn't get his day started by 10:00. So, I woke him up letting him know the time. He semi-sat up, looked confused, paused...and then started laughing! I think he realized why I woke him up with daylight shining into his room.
Teen Girl could care less. She said she woke up around 6:30 & thought she was sleepy-hilucianting. But she figured out around 7:30, and I no one had checked on her...she figured out there was no school. But she still had to get around for play practice anyway. (Yea! She's in another play!) the day went on... were fighting, children complaining they are bored AS they are messing with their iPads/laptops, knowing you can only play certain games a certain amount of times before wanting to throw the games out the window, nearly eating us out of the house while complaining they are hungry, and we all could only deal with each other so much....NEEDED A BREAK!!!!!!!!
Luckily, the boys headed out for a little time in the snow, but we watched the weather carefully, all day, to make sure we were still on track for tolerable weather in our area to get these kids back.
Finally! We got the kids to bed, we got to bed, and I was thrilled to have my alarm go off at 5:30 AM. This meant we were on track to get a school-day routine going! WOO HOO!!
Remember the part in the song "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" where the lyrics go:
And moms & dads can't wait
for school to start again.
![]() |
Found at (click the pick to follow the link to the page) |
I was ready to get my own days back. Errand s & things on my time...
And then we got word about a short-but-sweet graduation we might want to attend (that was on, then off, then on, then off...and apparently on again). OK, that's in the morning & have the day to do what else I need to do! I did get an errand done...and then I realized...'s the high school's short day! They get out an hour early on Wednesdays!!!
I was so close to getting the groove back in my "routine". But it may have to wait...
At least I have a new workout routine to be doing to help out. (read about it HERE)
(this choice was rocking back in forth in my padded corner while in fetal position)
And as for the others who have been terribly affected by the Polar Vortex...I have no words. I would send straight jackets in bubble wrap with the men in the little white coats for you...but I think they would all freeze on the way to you.
Stay safe & warm, my friends...and may we all get our groove back...soon...
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
P.S. This post took me pretty much all day to write. Why? Timing of listed above, plus Lil Guy came home and automatically started on wanting to do a scavenger hunt & play Go Fish...
Polar Vortex
Thursday, April 25, 2013
AM~Erica Will be Watching the NFL Draft: the DVR'd Special
So anyway...
Today is a big day.
Today is a big day for KC.
Today is the 1st round of the annual NFL Draft.
Today...Kansas City Chiefs have the #1 pick overall in that draft. FINALLY!
And, as my entire day has been turning upside-down &'s taken me hours to get to this part in this post. And we are just under an hour until the draft begins...
Now isn't going down as hoped...
It's about being a parent. Being a parent can throw some wrinkles into timing of things. Sometimes it thwarts our original plans all together. You know...kind of like MISSING COMIC-CON to be a parental unit instead.
Well...I am missing (again) meeting my kicker. That's right... Ryan Succop is the player I root for. Ever since the 2009 draft.
A. He was crowned that year's draft's "Mr. Irrelevant" (aka - the last player chosen); went to KC
2. He's a kicker
III. His last name is pronounced "suck-up"
Everything was against this poor guy. So I took it upon myself to be his fan. Someone needed to be rooting for him...and I decided it would be me. And this is while we were living in St. Louis. He may have been crowned "Mr. Irrelevant", but I crowned him as my very own Chiefs' player.
Well...he was making a couple of quick appearances at a couple of draft parties in town. Because of being a mommy on kiddo time...going to either of these was now out of play (sorry for the pun)
I barely missed him when we checked out Chiefs' training camp last year. I was so close to get my pic with my very own Succop jersey...but it was the one day in the entire drought-like conditions that sent a storm a-brewin'...and the quick evacuation of the players before I could get to him. *sigh* figures.
Then...who schedules things around here during a BIG drafting moment? about Lil Guy's very last football make up practice (irony?) & a meeting hubby had to be at. Go figure.
Yes...DURING the draft. What is wrong with this pic??? So much...that's what.
However...we are in an age where we can record, via DVR, and watch the event later. But I'm super bummed that we couldn't get to a party, or just watch live...or take in big festivities. Cuz it's an exciting time in KC right now, yo.
This week has had me in many different places:
1. A fine-dining/antioxidant-fortified Jesus water outing at OUR LOVE LOCK SPOT with great company
II. A poetry & music filled concert at the Kauffman Center, called Verses & Voices
C. Took in a night of the Young Playwright Festival at the Coterie Theater at Crown Center - in which Teen Girl is PART OF THE ROUND TABLE
#. I will be helping with costumes for Teen Girl's play next week
As you can see: I am having a very cultured week. I think my pinky finger may be permanently raised with so much culture taken in. I really NEEDED this sporting event!
Don't get me wrong...I love the cultured stuffs! LOVE IT!!! But there's gotta be some balance for me...
If you weren't aware, or might have forgotten, I REALLY LOVE FOOTBALL. Especially my Chiefs. It's totally my hubby's fault, too.
But we will have to enjoy this as a delayed special. And not until my hubby is home from his meeting.
And now as I start this part of the post, the draft has been going for 30 minutes. And we must wait...
But it didn't stop me from dressing the part.
I will always show my support!
Even the Royals (who are doing very well so far) even pulled off an unbeliveable extra inning win in celebration of the great things in Kansas City! Amm-i-rite?
2013 is a good year for sports in KC. We can feel it!!
So it looks like we will get to start watching the NFL Draft: DVR Special in about 1 hour delay. You know...for censorship...and stuffs. Amm-i-rite? *shrugs*
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
**** Oh...and because of kiddos getting cleaned up for the may be on an hour-&-a-half delay. Go figure in the Parenthood...*sigh* Tick-Tick...
***** OK...maybe only 1 hour & 15 minutes. Whatever...still behind. But gonna watch...GONNA WATCH!!!
Today is a big day.
Today is a big day for KC.
Today is the 1st round of the annual NFL Draft.
Today...Kansas City Chiefs have the #1 pick overall in that draft. FINALLY!
And, as my entire day has been turning upside-down &'s taken me hours to get to this part in this post. And we are just under an hour until the draft begins...
Now isn't going down as hoped...
It's about being a parent. Being a parent can throw some wrinkles into timing of things. Sometimes it thwarts our original plans all together. You know...kind of like MISSING COMIC-CON to be a parental unit instead.
Well...I am missing (again) meeting my kicker. That's right... Ryan Succop is the player I root for. Ever since the 2009 draft.
A. He was crowned that year's draft's "Mr. Irrelevant" (aka - the last player chosen); went to KC
2. He's a kicker
III. His last name is pronounced "suck-up"
Everything was against this poor guy. So I took it upon myself to be his fan. Someone needed to be rooting for him...and I decided it would be me. And this is while we were living in St. Louis. He may have been crowned "Mr. Irrelevant", but I crowned him as my very own Chiefs' player.
Well...he was making a couple of quick appearances at a couple of draft parties in town. Because of being a mommy on kiddo time...going to either of these was now out of play (sorry for the pun)
I barely missed him when we checked out Chiefs' training camp last year. I was so close to get my pic with my very own Succop jersey...but it was the one day in the entire drought-like conditions that sent a storm a-brewin'...and the quick evacuation of the players before I could get to him. *sigh* figures.
![]() |
Hard to see...but it's my #6 Succop jersey |
Then...who schedules things around here during a BIG drafting moment? about Lil Guy's very last football make up practice (irony?) & a meeting hubby had to be at. Go figure.
Yes...DURING the draft. What is wrong with this pic??? So much...that's what.
However...we are in an age where we can record, via DVR, and watch the event later. But I'm super bummed that we couldn't get to a party, or just watch live...or take in big festivities. Cuz it's an exciting time in KC right now, yo.
This week has had me in many different places:
1. A fine-dining/antioxidant-fortified Jesus water outing at OUR LOVE LOCK SPOT with great company
II. A poetry & music filled concert at the Kauffman Center, called Verses & Voices
C. Took in a night of the Young Playwright Festival at the Coterie Theater at Crown Center - in which Teen Girl is PART OF THE ROUND TABLE
#. I will be helping with costumes for Teen Girl's play next week
As you can see: I am having a very cultured week. I think my pinky finger may be permanently raised with so much culture taken in. I really NEEDED this sporting event!
Don't get me wrong...I love the cultured stuffs! LOVE IT!!! But there's gotta be some balance for me...
If you weren't aware, or might have forgotten, I REALLY LOVE FOOTBALL. Especially my Chiefs. It's totally my hubby's fault, too.
But we will have to enjoy this as a delayed special. And not until my hubby is home from his meeting.
And now as I start this part of the post, the draft has been going for 30 minutes. And we must wait...
But it didn't stop me from dressing the part.
I will always show my support!
Even the Royals (who are doing very well so far) even pulled off an unbeliveable extra inning win in celebration of the great things in Kansas City! Amm-i-rite?
2013 is a good year for sports in KC. We can feel it!!
So it looks like we will get to start watching the NFL Draft: DVR Special in about 1 hour delay. You know...for censorship...and stuffs. Amm-i-rite? *shrugs*
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
**** Oh...and because of kiddos getting cleaned up for the may be on an hour-&-a-half delay. Go figure in the Parenthood...*sigh* Tick-Tick...
***** OK...maybe only 1 hour & 15 minutes. Whatever...still behind. But gonna watch...GONNA WATCH!!!
Kansas City
Ryan Succop
Sunday, April 7, 2013
You May Refer to AM~Erica as Your Highness
So anyway...
Believe it or not, I am not one who puts it out there whenever it's my birthday. There is usually too many other things going on right at the same time, our time gets taken being pulled in several directions. So, I just put it off as another day.
I usually don't have it broadcast of Facebook either. But I got Facebook's new timeline setup & think it triggered the re-broadcasting of my birthday. Because...imagine my surprise when I kept getting very sweet well wishes...especially by folks who wouldn't know it was my birthday unless you REALLY knew me! As I got appeared that Facebook was, indeed, the blabber-mouth. But I was very blessed with so many well wishes...I could hardly keep up thru the day! Thank you, all!
Now, please realize this is absolutely NOT a post to pander for more birthday I said...I'm not that person. But I wanted to point this out instead:
Yesterday was Day 1 of Planet Comicon in KC. Originally, I GOT REALLY EXCITED ABOUT GOING & had fully hoped to take it in. I had certainly hoped to meet some sci-fi legendry. However, mommyhood set in...and it turns out that Teen Girl, who also wanted to go, had a choir contest smack-dab in the middle of the day. Figures. And then...Lil Guy got signed up for spring flag football...and found out that his 1st two games would be...oh yes, that's right...the same day. And? Smack-dab in the middle of the day! *sigh*
It appeared that Comicon would not be happening. And I really wanted Day 1 since George Takei & Wil Wheaton would both be there. I think Ray Park, too. *sigh* Figures. But mommyhood had to come first. So I put out a call to any of my friends going to do me a solid & keep bringing up a birthday party that these legendary icons (yes...I am considering Wil Wheaton a legendary icon at this point...he's made his mark) that would want to come to...and then "gently invite" (or possibly steal & throw in a trunk to force <<<=== haha - I said "force") into coming to have cake & possibly some antioxidant fortified Jesus water. That's all. Not much to ask at all! no avail. I heard the security was pretty tight...but the security could've come, too! And then...AND THEN??? I found out my "head geek", whom I put in charge of such mission, actually came into inadvertent contact with George Takei! Yeah...that's all cool & know. It's an entertaining story...that I had nothing to do with. Why? Cuz I was busy being a mommy!
However...being a wife & family did get me some pretty perfect cardage.
First, my kiddos gave me this envelope:
And then here was the card:
Now hubby thinks he's so adorable when he says that I look good for being 45 (or sometimes up to 54). And he's being so ornery since I'm no where near any of those ages! He likes to tell people what a cougar I am...even though he is older than me. I usually say that I'm always 24! And I really like to remind him that I'm totally the trophy wife! DUH! And yes...we really do have this conversation from time-to-time.
With that's the card front I got from my hubby:
Believe it or not, I am not one who puts it out there whenever it's my birthday. There is usually too many other things going on right at the same time, our time gets taken being pulled in several directions. So, I just put it off as another day.
I usually don't have it broadcast of Facebook either. But I got Facebook's new timeline setup & think it triggered the re-broadcasting of my birthday. Because...imagine my surprise when I kept getting very sweet well wishes...especially by folks who wouldn't know it was my birthday unless you REALLY knew me! As I got appeared that Facebook was, indeed, the blabber-mouth. But I was very blessed with so many well wishes...I could hardly keep up thru the day! Thank you, all!
Now, please realize this is absolutely NOT a post to pander for more birthday I said...I'm not that person. But I wanted to point this out instead:
Yesterday was Day 1 of Planet Comicon in KC. Originally, I GOT REALLY EXCITED ABOUT GOING & had fully hoped to take it in. I had certainly hoped to meet some sci-fi legendry. However, mommyhood set in...and it turns out that Teen Girl, who also wanted to go, had a choir contest smack-dab in the middle of the day. Figures. And then...Lil Guy got signed up for spring flag football...and found out that his 1st two games would be...oh yes, that's right...the same day. And? Smack-dab in the middle of the day! *sigh*
It appeared that Comicon would not be happening. And I really wanted Day 1 since George Takei & Wil Wheaton would both be there. I think Ray Park, too. *sigh* Figures. But mommyhood had to come first. So I put out a call to any of my friends going to do me a solid & keep bringing up a birthday party that these legendary icons (yes...I am considering Wil Wheaton a legendary icon at this point...he's made his mark) that would want to come to...and then "gently invite" (or possibly steal & throw in a trunk to force <<<=== haha - I said "force") into coming to have cake & possibly some antioxidant fortified Jesus water. That's all. Not much to ask at all! no avail. I heard the security was pretty tight...but the security could've come, too! And then...AND THEN??? I found out my "head geek", whom I put in charge of such mission, actually came into inadvertent contact with George Takei! Yeah...that's all cool & know. It's an entertaining story...that I had nothing to do with. Why? Cuz I was busy being a mommy!
First, my kiddos gave me this envelope:
![]() |
That's does say "Your Highness (:"! And yes...that would be me! |
And then here was the card:
![]() |
![]() |
Now hubby thinks he's so adorable when he says that I look good for being 45 (or sometimes up to 54). And he's being so ornery since I'm no where near any of those ages! He likes to tell people what a cougar I am...even though he is older than me. I usually say that I'm always 24! And I really like to remind him that I'm totally the trophy wife! DUH! And yes...we really do have this conversation from time-to-time.
With that's the card front I got from my hubby:
Greatest Card Ever! My hubby really does like to golf (even though he hasn't been in a while). I really do dance & have gotten trophies that look very much like the one in the pic. This was so crazy perfect...I can't stop giggling!
I did go out to eat at one of my fave places (got me my Spinada Enchilada at Jose Peppers) & see family, had gifts. It was a good day. Just crazy. Cuz I'm more in the mom role...and it strangely still felt like just another day. Weird? It's my off-kilter brainy-brain.
And today...the kiddos have more stuff going. Just the crazy busy weekend that everyone decided to schedule everything for this weekend. I can't tell you how many things we actually had to turn down! to get George & Wil here for cake & tea...or antioxidant fortified Jesus water...
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
being mom
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