Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2015

AM~Erica Enjoys Ink & Words of Whimsy

So anyway...

I have been so entertained by my hubby lately. He's taken on some new things in his life, which is kind of a big deal!

For those of you who know him, you need to be sitting for this next part:
In the midst of me trying to convince him to come along my STEAMPUNK JOURNEY, it caused something else to happen: Pinterest.

That's right, folks. My hubby has discovered the world of Pinterest. He set one up quite some time back, but didn't even know why he had it. He didn't know what to do with it or how to use it. But now he's got a hang of it! And it's so much fun watching him come across pins for different things. He's got different boards set up. I find it adorable.

But that's a slight issue with him. He doesn't want to feel like he should turn in his man card because he's finding things on Pinterest. I'm trying to tell him that there are other guys on there pinning things for their cars, beer, wrestling, gadgets,'s not just a girl thing!

But it was still that slight mental block when he was looking for things that could inspire a style he likes. He was coming across some things to give any dapper ensemble some pop: accessories! The problem became the word, itself. He didn't want a board with the word "accessories" on it. He didn't feel it was masculine enough...probably because I love using & talking about my own accessories I love to use. So We were trying to think things thru; we needed to find another word he might feel better about using for his manly accessory board. Then, it came out of my mouth: Haberdashery.

I tend to thank SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS for bringing things to my attention sometimes, but sometimes other kid shows help with things. Just as 'Phineas & Ferb' helped teach us all what an aglet is, it was 'iCarly' that taught me (at least) what a haberdashery is. Go figure!

As my hubby perked up at the thought of "haberdashery," we started talking about the fantasticalness of the very word. We lamented as to other words like it & the lack of their uses in everyday language.

Going along this steampunk journey, a large facet of the world contains authors/writers. Words are important in stories! And in order to keep a reader's interest, the writer must find ways to hold the attention of their audience. So using an array of words is a great way to do it! Well that along with a good story. But it's the words I'm focusing on here.

Around our house, when we find a crazy-fun word, we will use that thing from time-to-time, even if it's at random. Another favorite of ours is "shenanigans." We LOVE that word so much. And now we have "haberdashery" to add to it.

So I got thinking. I was thinking about what other words of whimsy & of old that are not used much anymore, if at all.

I enjoy a great refresh like this. When I'm researching for a character, one of the things I always look at is language they might use depending on the era the character is from. If it's a historical or historical-like period, I want to find terms & words that could have been used...and may even try to rework them back into everyday conversation.

How much fun it is to find links to articles which point out obsolete words that need to be brought back, or even some of those whimsical ones!

Another go-to place I love is a thesaurus! Oh, the fun ways you can twist a sentence with just the change of a word. Sometimes it's beautifully ironic. Much like me sitting here enjoying my coffee. So, as I am being completely entertained by words of old & whimsy, I decided to find synonyms for coffee. One of them happens to be "ink." Well that's fun considering I'm looking at words to use. Whether it's in conversation or on paper (well, probably in a blog), the word ink was loosely used as a switch-out word for my java. I was fully entertained by this! As much so as the words I was coming across. I mean, if Brian Kesinger can use tea AS ink to create his Tea Girls (check them out HERE)...then, "ink."

Not only was I finding the word haberdashery on lists, but words like gobbledygook, doohickey, flabbergasted, finagle, periwinkle, skedaddle & squelch are all words I do use from time-to-time already! YAY, me! But I see other words that inspire wording in my head. And I love when ideas start swirling around there.

I now have a Pinterest board just for my logolepsy for these amazing words! (HERE)

And it all started from my hubby wanting to keep his masculinity on Pinterest.

*sips ink*

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, October 17, 2013

AM~Erica Should Probably Take it as a Sign

So anyway...

For quite some time, I have heard about & caught some posts from a fabulous writer/blogger/humorist, Snarky in the Suburbs. And because several of my friends & online friends sharing so many of her things, I thought I was actually following her. When another face-to-face friend brought Snarky up to me, I wanted to make sure I was actually following her...and I wasn't. I was, inadvertently, following her vicariously thru others. D'oh!

Well, I am officially following her now. And you should check out her stuff & see if you'd like to follow her, too. (click for blog HERE; click for Facebook page HERE)

Now then, the other day, Snarky shared a blog post that contained a guest blogger. It was from an angry health-nut, hippy-commune-needing mom who is looking to ruin every child's Halloween & how Halloween celebrating moms/parents are actually child killers.

No. Really. You can read it right HERE.

Now then, I realize it was probably written in over-dramatic satire. But I did comment on the post in hopes that Snarky would just give me a virtual cinnabon.

But, I want to get to my point. In my comment, I brought up making pumpkin hummus. I said it just to prove a point. I'm not really a hummus eater, but just because it's not really around...I'd probably be the only who really ate it in my house, anyway.

Then, as I was browsing Pinterest...imagine my shock when I came across this staring at me today:

Savory Pumpkin Hummus
Click the pic, above, to take you to the pin & eventually to the recipe

Yeah...that's right. Pumpkin hummus, which I'd never heard of before & thought it was something created in my head, and here it slapped me in the face!

*sigh* It's fall. And autumn is my favorite time of year! With THE COLORS, with it being FOOTBALL SEASON, and it's time for MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY. So I guess I might have to work getting this hummus working. Amm-i-rite? It's a total sign. Amm-i-rite?

I'll make it while I'm chowing on the candy that's supposed to be for Halloween...and finding one of those cinnabons from Snarky.

And I'll also be going thru a bag of baby carrots to dip into the pumpkin hummus...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Why AM~Erica Celebrates Pretty Much Everything

So anyway...

Not too long ago, an article had been put out there by a mom who was frustrated with Pintrest moms. You know the ones that seem like they want to be the Martha Stewarts of every party, every meal is perfect, every "small gift" looks like $50 bucks was spent on know: the one-uppers! And this mom was venting about how Pinterest has ruined the simplicity of the school parties, costumes, teacher gifts, snacks, etc.

Believe it or not, as much as I love Pinterest for ideas, I mostly agree with her.

Yes, yes, yes...I hear you!
"Hey! She posts things up of new recipes & crazy holidays. Who does she think she is?"
(totally said in my best Jim Gaffigan voice)

Here's my deelio:
I'm sure you might be shocked to know that I have a theatrical background. I understand your shock. And sometimes I love having the theatrics in real life, too. Holidays give me that opportunity. And I guess I'm along the lines of a "method actress." I will research & dig to get inspired on how to play out a part...or serve a meal...or wear an outfit/costume.

In doing these things, not only do you learn more things because you force yourself to research, but you may find that you can add to the mundane dinner menu rotation for the family!

Personally, I love to keep things as authentic as I can, but add a bit of a pun or quirk to it.

* A lot of this started in 2001. A little before then, too, but it really kicked off then. It was with Halloween coming & I came up with my Vulcan, T'Rek. Find out how that went down HERE!

The (half) Vulcan, T'Rek, circa 2001

* I learned about fashion & makeup from the 60's when I took an old internet quiz years ago about which supermodel I was most like. When it came up Twiggy...I started digging more into more about her.

* I learned about fashion, makeup & the times of the 50's when I was part of a diner theater (yeah...I said "diner") at our church, "Uncle Phil's Diner."

Me as Miss Donna Lee in "Uncle Phil's Diner", circa 2008

* I love using St. Patrick's Day to dig into some of my Irish background. So I try to keep it authentic. And I love learning how much we actually get wrong in overall celebrations. Check out some of my discoveries HERE.

* I love, I love to set my brain loose when celebrating that Dr. Seuss! Outfits, foods & rhyming galore; each March 2nd we try to do more. If you'd like to know which way to steer, check out what I've done before HERE!

Dressed for Dr. Seuss' birthday...a pic from last year & again today! I did the striped shirt on my own, the spotted scarf & feathers set the tone! Blue on the neck & in the hair really give that Seussy flair!
March the 2nd is the date; a Seussy day to celebrate!

* Aye! Me loves to take in & talk like a pirate! Each September 19th, we set creative ideas to sail a course of the day! Check out what I've done before HERE!

* I love marking the Ides of March & Pi Day, too! Check 'em out HERE!

But I'm also a shortcutter. If my kids need something for a school party, I will totally just send the valentines of their favorite character. I don't need to have a pencil or a Hershey's kiss/hug attached to it. Or if my kid has "hat day" at school, I'll offer up a brightly colored stovepipe hat, but am fine when they just choose a baseball cap. Eventually if they want to do more, I'll support them & help them...but if not, as quietly sad as I might be on the inside, I am still glad that they are willing to participate in something beyond the ordinary.

I'm not a Martha Stewart. I use Pinterest & Google to get inspired for things, but I am not (usually) going to put tons of money into what I'm doing if I don't need to. It's about setting an ambiance. It's about making memories. But it's not about killing myself to do it. It's not about being a one-upper. I do what I love to do. And if it inspires someone else to try something, that's awesome! It's never about setting some bar super high to prove no one can top it! Trust me...anyone can top me. I just know how my brain works. And then I go with it.

At times, I'm sure my family gets frustrated with my crazy ideas...but sometimes it proves to be fun & OK. Even if they roll their eyes...they will still be talking about it quite some time later...and might even ask if we will get to do it again!

And if you offer up any sort of creativity like that with your kids, it encourages them to think about what they would do, too. I've even had my kiddos start to make suggestions for some of these special days! And the ideas are often good ones. hubby helps with the ideas sometimes, too!!

So where there is a semi-revolt against increasing hype for other holidays, I say go for it! Start small. Do what you can. If you think you need to one-up anyone, then you're doing it wrong. Just up your own creativity & dig into research for yourself. You will enlighten yourself & it will rub off on your family. It will be amazing to see what happens when you change up a couple of things while you have a history & explanation behind it.

You know what? Being that shortcutter allows me to find the quick way around fixing things up...where it's more about the presentation. I still want things to taste good, too...but I'm not above throwing some store-bought stuff together. I'm willing to fake it til I make it. can, too. Trust me.

So go out there, have fun, celebrate, and just challenge yourself a little bit. You'll be amazed!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Monday, September 9, 2013

Allow AM~Erica Help You Ready Yourself for T'nLAP

So anyway...

As you probably know, I am strangely stupid-stoked for the prep of TLAP Day!

I am continuing to gather event & promotional information for you all to be able to join in more easily & really enjoy a holiday like this!

Do be sure to read my previous post, HERE, to help get some ideas & read about some of the things happening already. But I do have some updates, and some other ways to help you brush up for the day.

As for those who may be in the Champaign, IL area on September 19th, my fabulously pirate wench friend got back with me about their GYPSY ROSE PIRATE SHIP! For the 2nd year in a row, the Gypsy Rose (landship) will be making an appearance at the University of IL there. And believe me when I say it's something you do NOT want to miss!

And I've been waiting for the announcement from the REAL PIRATES EXHIBIT at Union Station in KC. They have something planned for Talk Like a Pirate Day! However, they have not yet gotten back with I will update this post once the information is shared! I hope it's worth the anticipation...
I will share it with you either way & let you decide.

As for Krispy Kreme, the "official participation list" does not include all participating stores! My hubby was so sweet this morning to surprise me with pumpkin donuts & a pumpkin spice latte from there! YUM-YUM! And then he did say that our local store (which was not on the official participation list) has the decals & fliers up in the store for TLAP day! Looks like they are participating again! Woo-Hoo! So if your store was not on the "official list", call or double check with your particular store just to make sure.

Now then, I had to share that I had the most hilarious email come to me from my Long John Silvers inquiry. I did get a surprisingly fast response from the VP of Operations, Tony Lukasavage (What a great pirate name...amm-i-rite?):



Thanks for your interest in Long John Silver’s and yes, we will continue to celebrate “Talk Like a Pirate Day” every September 19.  You’re invited to come to your local LJS and give us your best “Arrrr!”



I was thrilled & entertained! But I also got this hilariously crazy email from a more general LJS account a couple of days later. It was from LJSCARES (which I totally read as 'LJ Scares'...but whatever). And this is exactly how it came thru to my inbox:


'Ahoy Erica! You'll be glad to know that "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" is celebrated annually on September 19!  Participating LJS restaurants  will again have the free fish offer this year!  Here be some "Piratey" Expressions that ye need know if ye want to not be mistaken for no landlubber!
* Ahoy Used to hail a ship or a person or to attract attention.
* Arr! / Argh / Arrgh! / Yarr! / Harr! etc. A general piratical term - can be used with anything.
* Avast! Used as a command to stop or desist.
* Belay Used in the imperative as an order to stop.Belay there!
* Blimey! Used to express frustration.
* Bucko A friend.
* Dead men tell no tales Phrase explaining why pirates leave no survivors.
* Gangway! Used to clear a passage through a crowded area.
* Hang the jib To look ill-tempered or annoyed. To pout.
* He's gone to Davy Jones's locker He is dead. (Davy Jones's locker is also the bottom of the sea)
* Me hearties My Comrade; boon companion; good fellow; a term of familiar address and fellowship among sailors. Captains often refer to their entire crew this way.
* Shiver me timbers! An expression of surprise.
* Sink me! An expression of surprise.
* Smartly Quickly.
* Splice the Mainbrace! To have a Drink, or perhaps several.
* Yo-ho-ho Completely meaningless, but fun to say.



See? Fun...but so crazy!

However, I just need to point out that "Arrrr" (or any form thereof) is used in the affirmative and an in general response. If you add the 'G' to the end of it, it becomes the negative response or showing discontentment. So take note of that.

If you want more in brushing up on some pirate speak, you can head over to the official & original INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE site! You'll find some help in this area, like:

Pirate Speak in ENGLISH; in GERMAN; in DUTCH (not sure why Spanish isn't here yet)

Here's also an ENGLISH-TO-PIRATE TRANSLATOR (although, it didn't help me out as much, but fun)

And don't forget to get some PIRATE PICK UP LINES for the unattached buccaneers

Now that you got some ways to sound like a pirate, but you don't want to TOTALLY dress like a pirate, but still want to look the part? There is a way I can help! I have some inspiration for you from a thing call Disneybound! The chic on this tumblr site helps put together everyday street wear to reflect & inspired by Disney characters, and has branched out into other brands, too.  So I give you some of the inspired pirate outfits, via Pinterest, to help inspire your September 19th look (click each picture to take you to the Pinterest layouts for inspiration):


OK...if these are not enough for you, click HERE for a wider Pinterest Disneybound selection of ideas; click HERE for a more general Pinterest selection of inspiration. Or you can go right to my own Pinterest board collection of PIRATEBOUND outfits. 

Hopefully this will at least get the creative juices working for how you would work pirate wear for the everyday wear. Or...go all out like I do! *snort* can just throw on a skull/jolly roger t-shirt, throw on a ruffle shirt, put on a hoop earring &/or wear a bandanna on your head. Whatever. Just have fun!

So do you now have plans working for September 19th? How do you plan to celebrate this fun holiday?
Need some more inspiration? I have a Pinterest board just for TLAP DAY IDEAS!

And if you know of any events happening in your area, please share with the class! 

In the meantime, I will keep working on readying my ship: the Sea-Sick Crocodile. (But, of course!)

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

********** UPDATE **********

First, in KC & in Philly should be interesting as they play the featured Thursday Night Football game that night. Time to incorporate some Chiefs in the ol' pirate wear. But I digress...

I finally heard back from the Real Pirates Exhibit at Union Station! Here's is what they are offering for TLAP Day (directly from the email sent to me):

Union Station Kansas City and Krispy Kreme Doughtnuts® are teaming up to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Visit any local Kansas City Krispy Kreme location onSeptember 19 and enjoy special savings!
Talk Like A Pirate
Give your best pirate impersonation and receive one free Krispy Kreme doughnut and $2 off regular admission to the Real Pirates exhibition at Union Station.*
Dress Like A Pirate
Come dressed in your best pirate garb and receive one free dozen of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and $5 off regular admission to the Real Pirates exhibition at Union Station. 
Three pieces of pirate attire required.
*Krispy Kreme Doughnuts® offers only valid September 19, 2013. Real Pirates coupons valid for regular adult and child admission September 19-22. Valid one per person. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. 

~~ So...there you have it! Start brushing up on your Piratese, find your attire, figure your grub & grog, and set sail for a fun-filled day!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

AM~Erica Continues Cooking

So anyway...

I'm really not sure what my deal has been. And I keep bringing it up...but this is super weird for me. WEIRD!!

In the midst of NOT FEELING TOO GOOD, I decided to make some seriously healing Chicken Noodle Soup. It's pretty serious stuff!

But I get this strange thing that happens to me. I start getting inspired & stuffs...and then I can't stop! I try versions of things. It's crazy! Especially since this whole 50's HOUSEWIFE THING is so weird to me. I am not a June Cleaver type...but with Pinterest & my brainy-brain tag-teaming...things happen. Things happen that make my family laugh at me since I said I couldn't be this person.

Like, making things from scratch & coming up with recipes. Wha-WHA??? What is with this madness?

I don't know either. But it happens. And I got something worked up in me that made me want to try a slightly different version of my soup.

We really enjoy eating Mexican around here. Tacos are a staple favorite. It's one of the few things that we know everyone will eat. Nachos, enchiladas & taco mac are also big hits. I think this is about the only line of things my whole family will eat together. Seriously.

Now, even though some of my family freaks out over soup...cuz they are weird...I will have issues with them trying this new version. But...I am quite happy with it!

So...wanna try to make it, too?


Cilantro Lime Mexican Chicken Noodle Soup with Green Tea

2 lb boneless/skinless chicken breast, cooked & cubed or shredded
1/2 C lime juice
80 oz chicken broth
4 C brewed green tea (yes! Green Tea)
¼ sweet onion, chopped
2 C finely chopped spinach or kale (or other dark leafy greens)
1 – 10 oz can cilantro lime Ro-Tel
1 can black beans, drained & rinsed
1 small can whole kernel corn – no salt added, drained & rinsed
¼ bell peppers (each color – red, orange, yellow, green)
3 T ground cinnamon
¼ C cilantro
3 T parsley
3 T smoked paprika
2 T garlic powder
2 T chili powder
1 T onion powder
2 T green onion
1 bag whole wheat egg noodles

Pour lime juice, chicken broth & green tea into a large pot. Bring to a boil.

Once boiling, turn heat down to mid-hi heat. Put in the chicken into the broth.

Begin adding the vegetables plus the herbs & seasonings to the soup. Continue to let boil on mid-hi heat.

Then add the noodles. Make sure they are tender.

Begin testing the soup's broth to make sure seasonings are to your liking; adjust as necessary.

Let simmer.

Garnish with shredded cheese & tortilla chips (crushed or strips). Serve


Still quite healing...but with some kick. And yet...still comfort food.

Aye-yi-yi...I think I need another bowl...

Soup's on, y'all!

(If you make it or the other soup...let me know what you think.)

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

AM~Erica Wants to Celebrate Festively, Simply & Nostagically

So anyway...

If you haven't figured out that Christmas time has set in, you must be living the hermit life under PATRICK STAR'S rock. But seriously...have you noticed?

Well, it is everywhere. There is no way around it. Like a game of dodgeball: you can duck, you can dodge, but you will be hit with it. Like a big game of Dodge-snow-ball, you get hit with it & it gets everywhere!!

So here we are, dealing with it the best we can...planning, dealing, shopping, prepping, make sure the whole Christmas fantasy is perfect & that we can do it all within about 3-4 weeks. And when I say "do it all," I'm talking about our usual routine along with the other 5874.369375 (I'm pretty sure that's an accurate number) things that we want to do on top of that to help get us in that Christmas spirit. Amm-i-rite? The hustle & bustle is what we brace for...and just let it happen!

Guess what! It turns out that marketeering (I don't know if that's even a real word, but I'm using it as such) is taking advantage of that, and has been the last several years. Do you want to know how? Do ya...? Well...DO YA??? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway...

Nostalgia, people. Seriously. They are tugging at our nostalgic & sentimental heartstrings by bringing back our childhood products, memories & decorations in hopes we will buy them so our kiddos (who may or may not even care) can have that same feeling and experience we did. Sneaky & tricky, amm-i-rite?

You know those times when you come across some of those things (toys, treats, decor, etc.), you stop, and you take a deep sigh of remembrance back to a simpler time? Yeah...that's it. That's what they are getting from you. And they seem to be doing a pretty good job of it. From Lincoln Logs to Power Rangers & comic book heros...and the ever favorites of Barbie & Easy Bake Oven. There's the resurgence of tinsel trees, real trees, big bulbs & tinsel stars. It's everywhere!

In a land of crazy-busy & the technology infestation, we long for some simpler times. We see pictures & cartoons from the 50's & before in wonder of what that time might really be like [again]. But because of technology, we have things like Pinterest to give us ideas on MAJOR 50'S HOUSEWIFE throwbacks & ruining my reputation.

But that's beside the point. There is a sense of accomplishment that comes with it.
(Oh man...what am I saying? Who is this person pretending to be me??)

However, we are using some of it to our advantage, especially during this crazy holiday season. In all the hustle & bustle, we (the hubby & I) decided we would try to figure out some simpler family times to help get us into the spirit, while creating some memories & hopefully building some traditions!

We started a tradition about 5 years ago of seeing Santa at Bass Pro. Some of you may be scratching your heads at that one...others know exactly what I'm talking about! It has become so popular, you need to get a reservation pass to make sure there's time & to insure you won't wait in line with your kiddos for 3 hours to see some creepy guy & just to pay $30 for 2 tiny pics.

Here's a sneak peak of the kiddos with one of the most amazing Santa's EVER!!!! (Like...I think it was REALLY Santa. Don't roll your eyes at me...I'm serious!)

Teen Boy, Lil Guy (with Meany Chin - will show up in a future post), Santa & Teen Girl at Bass Pro

Just to watch him talking with the kiddos was entrancing. Hubby & I were giddy my his magicality (I don't know if that's even a real word, but I'm using it as such)! And I will tell you that we had quite the creepy obstacle to deal with to get to see this guy. We had to endure the demonic talking taxidermy caribou. Please allow me to share part of that experience with you...

Aren't you glad I shared. Very creepy. If you squint & tilt your head, you might be able to make out that this thing is talking about Facebook. You're welcome for not capturing the creepy, scary laugh. I still shiver. *shivers* Just like that! Nightmares & night terrors could result from this thing.

Another friend (the one who warned me about it) & I decided this must be...
"Damien the Demonic Reindeer, who had developed a taste for blood; and if you come upon him...children, you'd better run!"

Thanks, Bill...collaboration at it's finest!

But we do love this tradition. The set up is amazing! Well...except for the new reindeer addition.

We always work in seeing the lights of Christmas in the Park at Longview Lake. That is coming up very, very soon...YEA!!

A thing we started this year (and hopefully it will continue) is that everyone in the house draws a number; then that's the order we go in to choose a Christmas movie to watch & a [favorite] Christmas treat to enjoy during the movie! So far we've had:

1. "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" with peppermint hot chocolate

2. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" with fudge & egg nog

3. "Elf" with super soft frosted sugar cookies

Because of the numbers in our house right now, we still have 4 more to cover. After that, we plan on catching up on the down week before Christmas. What fun this has been!

We wanted to do Christmas dinner playlists, but time has sadly not leant to that too well. But we will hold out for that one in the future. We also didn't get to have a Christmas open house to show off our trees due to family living dynamics at the moment. So...we really want to do that next year, too.

Another thing my hubby & I do is wrap gifts together. He wraps & I decorate with the ribbons, bows & tags! We are quite the team...

The adorable decorating duo

Just a portion of the decorating duo's creations...thanks to fun with Instagram to show them off
I am also planning on making some Christmas candies & goodies that I remember from my childhood. There was one I especially wanted to find. My grandmother stopped making her goodies about 15 years ago. Ever since I can remember, I would eat these candies that remind me of peanut butter fudge with a chocolate topping. Almost like a Reece's fudge. But I asked & no one seemed to know what I was talking about. But it JUST hit me a few days ago that I must've eaten all of them before anyone else could see them. D'oh! *face palm*

In this time of tradition & nostalgia, I've noticed my style leaning that way, too. The 40's & 50's have been very influential in my style the last few weeks, in a festive sense. (see pic above with hubby)

We are still in the midst of working in all of our church involvement & family get-togethers, too.

It's the most wonderful time of the year...amm-i-rite?

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Monday, November 12, 2012

Back to the 50's With You, AM~Erica

So anyway...

If you are not aware, things changed in our household recently. There is a whole bunch of us here! I mean, we already had a lot of kiddos (or so it seems with 3 at home), but we have gained some additional bodies temporarily.

This post has absolutely nothing to do with the recent elections & how people feel/felt about a particular candidate...but instead it's about the reality in our house right now. And. Just. Wow. Because I'm modern gal who is all about moving things forward & girl power stuffs & equality stuffs...just...sometimes...

OK...I have never been a June Cleaver type chic, and have totally prided myself in that. But in the last very few years, I've been scaring myself. And? It has family almost laughing AT me in bewilderment. OK...they really are laughing. I've been baking, cooking (see the whole "finding new menu dishes" thing in LAST NIGHT'S POST), and asking for kitchen appliances as gift ideas. What is wrong with me??? And I do stay home right now. So that probably doesn't help matters at all with this particular situation reputation. But it is good with the overall running of the house...for us.

However, I do have very modern conveniences I can use to help out, but still. It's weird.

Now, I'm not full-out, hardcore 50's housewife. I can fake my way thru a lot of it. And I have found Pinterest & Cozi on the interwebs to help me out, too. Oh...and a microwave. *snort*

I already felt like I was running around like crazy & dodging peeps within the walls of my household. Then...they moved in with us due to life circumstances: stepdaughter, her man & their itty-bitty.

I am not kidding when I say there's a lot of people to dodge around here. Twice yesterday, the subject came up as several of us couldn't get around each other in the same room. Don't get me wrong, we have a roomy house! We are very blessed & thankful to be in's just interesting when a couple more adults are added to 2 adults (relative term), 2 teens & a kid already here. Add a baby to the mix & there is chaos!

Back to my point...
With the chaos happening, everything builds up & gets behind quickly. All of a sudden, dishes need to be done twice a day, the cooking & meal set up takes much longer, the laundry schedule is crazy, people want more baking done...WHEW!!

This is how it's starting to feel 

OK...I do NOT iron, but this is how I end up feeling by day's end

I can get a sense for how it was for the housewives of the 50's. I have a crazy appreciation for what you all did. I'm still not sure exactly how you did AND looked fabulous. For me, this is what it is:

Well, I am happy we are in a place that we can help out family. But I guess I should go get one of my aprons & spend some time in the kitchen...
Wat'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis? I am NOT like June Cleaver!

*face palm*

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Apparently AM~Erica Needs More LOL

So anyway...

I was sitting here, on my laptop, checking my sites: Facebook, Pinterst, Twitter...the usual suspects. Lil guy likes to look over my shoulder & attempts to sneak a finger onto the keyboard to see if he can add his own flair. You "h" or a few apostrophes, maybe even a number or two.

Oneth (his version of "first"), he gets really annoyed since he's so bossy and wants ALL attention. Twoth (pronounced "tooth" & his version "second"), he gets really annoyed when I delete his flair to my posts.

Then...he made a decision for me. I needed to add something to the end of my posts...
But I really think sometimes it might be inappropriate:

Hey peoples & others! Sad time, just came from a visitation. LOL!

Well peeps & others...still not feeling good. Puking everywhere. LOL!

Oh, humans & is a hard day & I don't feel like myself. Just feeling really down. LOL!

Hmmm...maybe the addition of "LOL" is not always as fitting as he might think. However, I am pretty sure he'd find it hilarious no matter what. And it's all about him, right?


Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica