Showing posts with label daycare-searching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daycare-searching. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Prepping AM~Erica

So anyway...

WOW! My hubby & I got to go see one of our very fave musicals last night. "Crazy for You" is a fun & elaborate comedy that we got the privelege to see a few years ago @ the Music Hall in KC. We were blown away! Well, one of the members of our current church, Ben Nordstrom, is an actor, and a very busy one at that. We found out he was getting ready to do "Crazy for You", and we went nuts! We begged him for tickets if possible, and he was a good boy! He hooked us up with a couple of comp tix to see the show. (Thanx, Ben, for giving us a date night!) He was hysterical, and the show was phenomonal! However, it didn't start until 8:00 PM (yes, on a school night), and didn't end until nearly 11:00 PM...we didn't remember the show being that long. Luckily we got a sitter from church (who happens to be the cousin of a couple of school mates/activity chums in Lee's Summit - small world) who was very understanding, and her parents, too. WHEW! Exhausted, but gotta keep truckin'...

We are getting ready to head out of town - back to good ol' KC! But...only for a quick in-and-out stop. We are leaving Friday afternoon so we can spend time with Chris' side that night, then breakfast in the AM with my side so we can see them, too. Then?? Off to a wedding. My hubby is officiating this one. Then back home to StL. We have to get a lot in for such a short stay, so the schedule is tight!

Then...there are some things going on around here, in StL, that we are getting rev'd up for:

1. Back in KC there is the annual Ren Fest. I haven't been to it in years, but I sure had fun when I went. Well, there is a Ren Faire in StL that is getting ready to start...but...only after their spin-off St. Louis Pirate Festival ( It starts this weekend, but we won't be in town, but maybe next weekend before our next big event (see below). I know our kids will enjoy it, and it sounds like fun! And, if you know me well, and you've read my motto (see blog header), you will see that I will make sure the family is ready to go! We all have pirate shirts to work with, so no one will be left out. I may take it a bit further & completely embarrass my hubby, and possibly my children, but it's about the fun! Arrrr.

2. If you saw a previous post of mine, you would know that the very well-known contemporary Christian artist, Chris Rice, is coming to our church to perform a concert next weekend (9/22). My family & I are SOOOOOOO excited!! My hubby & I have been fans of his for the last 5 or 6 years, so this is a treat for us. We are so glad our congreation, and others coming in, will be introduced & treated to his music. He has done songs like, "Smellin' Coffee", "Thirsty" (this one is beautiful, and Ben, listed earlier, sang it this past Sunday @ church), "The Cartoon Song" (a personal fave), and more recently "Pardon My Dust". He is completely off-beat & goofy, and I can't wait to see him perform live! Check him out at, and check out his video blog to see how goofy he really is. It's ab fab!

As for everything else, still looking for a job & still looking for "affordable" daycare. The search continues onward...

Oh! And Liz's middle school is getting ready to do the play "Once Upon a Mattress". She is so hoping to get the part of Winefred. She's perfect, but in 6th grade, so we don't know how that will work out with other 6th, 7th & 8th graders trying for it, too. We shall see & pray for her!

Stay tuned!

God Bless, AM~Erica

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hectic AM~Erica

So anyway...
I see it's been a week since my last post. YIKES!
Things have been CRAZY! I had some more interviews, and had company over the holiday weekend.
The last interview I had was with an insurance company...wanting me to sell insurance, of course. Oh...and having to pay to get a license to do so. Plus, it would be nice if they said it would take about 2 hours for the presentation & interview when they first called. GRRR! Then I got so lost coming home. I would get lost in KC (where I lived all my life), but to come to a new area & try to get home from there? Insane, I must say.
Anyway, still looking for jobs & daycare. There is a daycare in the area looking for teachers & a receptionist. Maybe this one? I am also looking into a couple of different things that can be done from home.
Yes, it is so much work to find work! I'm exhausted, but not beaten. I will perceiver...some way...somehow...
In the meantime - went to 6 Flags with company (hated the Batman ride), and we went to see Big Foot - the world's tallest monster truck. (yipee on the latter - can you sense the excitement & enthusiasm)
Well, I'm off to figure out about these other job prospects.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Search for AM~Erica Continues

So anyway...

The Hairy Elephant wasn't the best deal...but only because of pay. Bummer!

I have interviewed with 2 daycares of the same chain now. We shall see how those come out.

I have, also, posted my resume on all of the main sites to get more exposure: Monster, CareerBuilder, HotJobs. I have gotten some bites, but they seem to be a bit ridiculous. One e-mail said I need to be a Financial Advisor. OK, I already hear most of you laughing. Don't worry, I did, too. First, you have to kinda like numbers to do that, and I am mathematically-challenged; second, you have to have a license & be certified to do the job - DUH! They said they read my resume...HA - I really don't think they did. Oh, my other favorite was the one about being a dental hygenist. I hate having to reach into my son's mouth, so why would I want to do it with a stranger? There was another one about being a doctor's transcriptionist from recorded tapes. This one can be done from home - so it has possibility.

Oh, the daycares share information,too, so I can have more exposure within that franchise. Plus, I had one of the interviews today, couldn't find it & went to 2 wrong locations. At the second wrong location, I ended up meeting the district manager for the daycare & got her card. That worked out pretty well...and I didn't have to fill out the 6-page application again. WOO HOO!!

Daycare is still a continued search, and depends on the daycare franchise, above.

I did get a phone call today from an insurance company looking for an assistant manager, and they saw my resume on the heck - I'm set up for an interview on Friday (as we get ready for company during the weekend).


Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Searching AM~Erica

So anyway...
OWIE! (Like my youngest likes to say)
I had my meeting with my personal trainer. I still hurt! He worked me so hard, I wanted to hurt him...only if I could lift a leg or arm to strike him with, but to no avail.
I'm supposed to see him again in about a month...oh boy...I can't tell you how excited I am about that one. I thought I wanted to puke after my 15-minute workout. My hubby's workout was longer, but he was in the same position as me. He asked me what the name of my trainer was, so I told him it was Adam (as my eye started twitching...because it was the only part of me not hurting), and he told me, "Oh, that's nice...mine was named Satan." My hubby had to meet with his trainer again today. Poor baby...REALLY!
OK - after trying to muster up some normal movement without hurting, I put on heels & a suit today for my interview. It went very well, but now I've got some decisions to make. It's the perfect work enviornement for me, the hours are perfect, it's something I'm good at (I don't brag often), and it's just down the street. So what's making my hubby & I question? The pay. Yikes! Even with all of my expierence, they can't pay very much because they are still a very new company.
So, I may have to keep looking. Just like daycare. Once again, "OWIE!" My leads for in-home have fallen through so far, and the one chain daycare in the area that has openings, wants an arm & a leg. Both of my arms & legs hurt already, and so does my hubby's. That won't work! I did see where some of them are hiring & give daycare discounts & benefits...there may be some hope.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pray for AM~Erica

So anyway...

If you have looked at my profile lately, you will notice that is now says "currently job-hunting".

My husband was helping me look through classifieds to see what might be out there, and there is a place here called "The Hairy Elephant".

The Hairy Elephant is a hair & nail salon for kids. They are looking for a daytime receptionist.

OK - the above should tell you a few things: 1) I have been a receptionist, to some degree, at almost every job I've had; 2) I enjoy working with kids; 3) Hello! Hair salon! You can also throw in one more that they do host birthday parties there, too. Hello! Party planning??

This one has some promise, and I have an interview set up for Wednesday, 8/22, at 10:30 AM. Thoughts & prayers are appreciated.

This leads to another one...child care! I am going to be shopping around for some affordable (HA) child care for Christian, so mommy can go back to work. I have a couple of leads to check into; so, once again, thoughts & prayers are appreciated.

OK, one last thing: we have found a gym prospect so that hubby can work out (he's chompin' @ the bit to get back), and I might have a place for yoga...I love yoga...I miss yoga...
We may be joining Gold's Gym this week or next to get things rolling. So exciting!

It's really hard to get used to a new place & new surroundings. It's very weird to try to get your feet on the ground in a whole new world. I've been in KC all of my life until the end of June. It's crazy!

Stay tuned to find out what happens with all of the above...

Oh yeah...I almost forgot...

God Bless, AM~Erica