Showing posts with label pastor wife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pastor wife. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

AM~Erica Has Spoken

So anyway...

Today I am back home from a big weekend. BIG!

This past weekend, my hubby & I do what we do every year: Go to the annual conference of Missouri United Methodism. Clergy & laity gather to take care of conference-wide business, take in some worship opportunities, have the fixing of appointments (where each pastor will be thru the upcoming year), and to basically hob-nob & catch up with friends, colleagues, as well as meeting new people.

I do go each year, but certainly not-Not-NOT for the business!! I like the time away, but I also like to catch up with a lot of different folks, too...clergy I know, laity I know, vendors I know, and absolutely with the other clergy spouses! (read HERE about me being a pastor's wife)

If you read the above link, you will see that I truly have a passion for lifting up my fellow spouses. Why? It's because I've heard enough stories from them about how each of us are expected to be like the previous spouse before us. And...if you read the above will note why this is quite difficult. should read the above link.

Two years ago, I heard enough of these stories & became sad and baffled by the thought of it. And then I was SO bold as to actually imagine myself SPEAKING about this at conference!! WHAT??? Who do I think I am?? I don't even sit in on the business sessions because I would get bored & yell, "BINGO!!" just to throw things off a bit. It's just how my brain works. I was even working on soccer chants with my friend, Rob, to possibly yell/sing. But I would have to leave that to him since he is clergy.

See why I'm not in there??

But I digress...and back onto how bold I apparently am. Who do I think I am?? (OK...back on track now.)

Yes. I imagined myself standing in front of people letting them know how beautifully different each & every spouse of clergy is. At conference. Whatever...must be me with big thoughts. Right?

Well...this year I was asked to help out somehow with the annual clergy spouse luncheon. I had no idea what that meant, but went with it & figured someone would tell me what was happening.

Last week, I found out that I would be greeting the spouses coming to the room our luncheon was being held. OK...I can TOTALLY do that!! And as I was speaking with this other lovely spouse, she told me she probably wouldn't be there & wanted to hand off several things to me. She had an idea for a song to sing, but needed someone to lead it. There was going to be a speaker, but it fell thru. So things were up in the air...

...then it happened... voice was coming out, but it wasn't me talking...

I found myself saying I could do table decorations, maybe lead the song &/or sing/lead another song...and...speak.

Wha-WHA??? WHO DO I THINK I AM??? Where was this coming from?? It certainly wasn't me, but it was coming out of me!

And there we had it. I began to weave together table decor that would also be fitting for a table with guys, I put both songs on front & back of of some paper that I decorated for each spouse attending, led the first song after a great lunch & awesome conversation...and happened...

See, after God had me agreeing to speak to this awesome group of nearly 30, I didn't have time to work on what I would say. When I tried to start, something always came up. I then knew that God had me speak it, and I should trust Him to guide me thru this.

For all of those who were praying for me, I cannot express enough how much that meant! I could feel them & the Spirit flowing! And? It caused conversation afterward. I spoke to the spouses about being themselves. And I tried to keep in within the theme of the songs chosen.

God laid it on my heart to speak at conference one day about clergy spouse individuality...and I did it! Not for a large group by any means...but in front of a group from all over the state of Missouri, and a group that I hold close & dear to my heart. We share a bond of our very title & role...and it's comforting to know there is the blessing of this group to have my back. Cuz I've sure got theirs!

Two years ago, God laid it on my heart...and this was apparently the time I needed to speak.

This is a big deal for me, y'all! My heart is full & I am blessed by such a wonderful group of gals & guys. My cup overflows with love & support with this group!

Also...those big & bold thoughts & visions you have may very well be God setting you up for something. You may not know when it's coming...but it will. Be ready. God has you on this.

What a beautiful & blessed weekend overall...but this is what we were all praying for!

And thank you for your patience on this. I don't like to put out there when I am out of, with so much going on, it was hard to just sit down & let you all know what all was in my heart.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Magical Scene Set in the Mind of AM~Erica

So anyway...

It's the eve of all hallow's eve. And I'm getting stoked!

Halloween really is MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY, and it also arrives during MY FAVORITE SEASON. Ahhhh...I do so love it all.

Last night was no exception on that reminder...

Around here, there has been some rain with some slightly thick & foggy air. There has been an ever-so-slight chill in the air...just so perfect for this time of year. And this scene got me thinking about a magical night of trick-or-treating a few years ago.


It was a dark & stormy night...
OK, not really, but it was night much like I described before the beginning of this story...

As being the WIFE OF A PASTOR, especially in the United Methodist itinerarent system, your spouse gets appointed to a church somewhere within your state (usually). Therefore, you don't really have a say in where you end up for whatever stint is needed at that church. And there are the churches that have a parsonage for their pastor & family (parsonage - the house or living accommodations for the pastor & family thru the appointed church). Many times, it's really nice when a family finds out there is a house provided! It takes out the stress of having to find living accommodations fitting for the family. And, even though we are fully grateful for the accommodations, it can pose challenges. One of these things is where the parsonage is located. The family moves into where the house is could be right next to the church, it could be in the middle of nowhere, it could be on a tiny side street, it could be in a charming get the idea. This is good info to know for this story.

Several years ago, our family was appointed to a new church. This one was terrifying for me since it would be the first time living out of my comfort zone. We were sent across the state. Luckily we were blessed with the church's parsonage! It was kind of a big deal for us since it was my hubby's 1st major appointment! It was frightening & wonderful.

When we got moved into the house & got settled, we realized a few quirks:
1) the house, which was very close to the church, actually sits close to the end of a long side street with a tiny cul-de-sac at the not much of a "neighborhood";
2) the few neighbors that were on the street with us weren't fond of the church & were not very good neighbors (except for 1).

Since my hubby & I had been together, we'd only lived in 1 place where we had a decent amount of trick-or-treaters. We lived in a neighborhood that did have several kiddos that were willing to go door-to-door begging for candy in crazy-adorable getups. When we had to end up moving to duplexes & townhomes, we lost that fun luxury. Which was sad for me. I love that part! I like putting up some decorations & seeing the creativity & variety of kids in costume. Heck...I love greeting them at the door blaring music & in some kind of getup, myself! So when we wouldn't even get 10 kids coming to the door, it was disheartening.

I looked forward to getting into a a neighborhood! When we moved into that parsonage, I only saw that we were in a house that was surrounded by other houses. Imagine how sad I was when reality set in that there may not be too many kids & answering the door was probably out of the question. *sigh*

There is a family, at the church we were appointed to, that still holds a very special place in our hearts. They invited us over to a family gathering they were having. We were not used to anything like that, but discussed that the kids could go trick-or-treating in that neighborhood, there would be food, and we'd get to share our after a lot of deliberation, we hesitantly decided we would go. And it was quite the deal!

I would like to take a moment to say that StL is quite the area to go trick-or-treating on Halloween! Neighbors/friends/families get together around a firepit in a driveway to hand out candy, there are spirits for adults to be treated with, there are parties, and there is an interesting culture of giving a trick (such as a Halloween joke) to get the treat. I thought it was interesting that my kiddos were sent home with a list of Halloween jokes (which I thought was just for kicks & giggles for the holiday), but come to find was useful information.

We got to the gathering with our friends & their family. The food for the gathering was incredible! The amount of candy for costumed tykes was crazy. There was a firepit outside & a magician inside. And then we decided to wander the neighborhood to see what kind of candy loot the kiddos could collect...and off we headed with our friends & their kids...

Oh. My. Goodness.
The night had a creepy chill in the foggy air. The trees had left a warm-colored carpet of leaves along the sidewalks that rustled as we meandered over the tops of them. The moon shown brightly over the scene set. The decorations & firepit gatherings were incredible. The culture of asking for the trick (of a joke) took a bit to get used to. No matter...this was a Halloween set up straight off a Hollywood set!

I could feel it down to my very bones, in my heart, and an unexplainable tingle thru my body that told me that this...THIS...was the magic of Halloween I'd been searching for! This is what I longed for! This is the kind of Halloween I wanted.

After that, we just raided a neighboring neighborhood (yeah...I just said that) to take in the same kind of experience, minus the house gathering. matter how great all of that was...I was merely a spectator of the event, not a participant. And that's what I missed.

As much gratefulness as I/we had for the church we were at & the home provided, imagine my crazy excitement when the new church we were appointed to, back on our home-side of the state, got a parsonage for us. And it is in a neighborhood with a lot of streets & houses & kiddos!

Growing up, my mom always kept track of how many trick-or-treaters would come by our house on our cul-de-sac. If I remember right, we could have anywhere from 20-40! If I could get something like that, it would be amazing. So, in my excitement for kids coming to the door of our new place, I got my tally paper ready...

It was a dark & stormy night...
OK, still not really, but on our first Halloween in the neighborhood, imagine how my mind was blown when I tallied up 80 trick-or-treaters!!! *happy dance*

So, as the weather, right now, reminds me of that Halloween magic, I look forward to the trick-or-treaters, the pumpkin luminaries we put out, the candy, playing the music, the dinner I plan on having for the family, dressing up, the kids dressing up, the tally marks & costumes of those who appear on our doorstep...

And I feel so blessed to be where we are at.

I'm stoked!!!! Are you?

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Sunday, September 1, 2013

AM~Erica is Blessed with Folks Who Recharge

So anyway...

If there's anyone who doesn't know me well, hasn't seen or connected with me in years, or for anyone who needs a reminder...I'm married to a pastor. Being MARRIED TO MY PRINCE CHARMING does also make me ONE OF THOSE PASTOR'S SPOUSE PEOPLE.

If you need to know how different we all are, please read the above link. Please. It's important to those of us in that title role. Seriously.

And it's the reason I am writing this post today. Because it's hard for us. I don't think a non-pastor/pastor spouse really get it. Because of this, we are clumped together in a group & are treated exactly the same way as any person-on-the-street &/or the general parishioner would treat the other pastor spouses they meet. I get it. But it's frustrating.

My fellow pastor spouses...especially the understand & go thru the same type of frustrations we deal with weekly, if not daily. We are all expected to be the PW's of old, just waiting to cook a large meal for the women's group or Sunday School class, sing in the choir &/or play the piano, and demurely follow in our husband's shadow wherever he goes & know everything that might be going on so that someone might think they can get a run on the pastor if they go thru the spouse first. Grrrrrr...!!!!!

I cannot stress enough that my hubby got the call to ministry. And the family (which is a whole post by itself) needs to meld with God's call. And, we do go along with the call. We know he is strong in the calling & know that's what my hubby needs to be doing! But I certainly don't fill that "demure pastor's wife" role. I'm probably not going to cook for an entire Sunday School class. I don't mind singing...but I'm not in the choir. I don't play the piano or the organ. I know, I know...BLASPHEMOUS! Right?

People do need to know that my calling is elsewhere. I like one-on-one conversations with people. I'm a good listener. I'm also into the field of performing: speaking, acting, dancing, costuming. I am not quiet. I don't walk in my hubby's shadow. He & I are like one in spirit & soul...but we have our own identities.

The point I am trying to get to is that there are the folks that actually GET THAT!! The ones that know I'm my own person. The ones that I can have an open conversation with. Some of them are church folk. Some of them are not. But I appreciate these people more than you know! The ones that don't assume I know what's going on. The one's that know not to come to me for church information. The ones that check on me for me. The ones that know where I am different from other folks & pastor spouses. The ones that know I'm not my hubby's church messenger.

These are the folks that I truly appreciate. I love the people at my church. I love God's children. But I am truly the most recharged by those who can & will advocate for ME being me...outside of my hubby.

Anyone who reads this that talks to me for me...I thank you. You are an absolute blessing! You have no idea. The ones who don't come to talk to me so you can have an in with my hubby.

Trust me, if that's why you try to talk to me, I know it...and your message probably won't reach my hubby. I don't appreciate being used. And that's what you are doing, even if you don't think so.

I love getting connected with my "rechargers". Even if it's a deep conversation, a serious one, or a not-so-serious one...the fun respect & understanding that comes out of those friendships mean more than you know!

I am a pastor's spouse...and I have been burdened with glorious purpose! (Oh yes...I just went there...)

And not everyone understands it. But I am so grateful for the ones that do.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How AM~Erica Views FLOTUS

So anyway...

I'm gonna make it clear that I don't care what you think politically! It does NOT apply here!!

OK, now that I have that out of the way, and if we are all good in this understanding...I'm going to talk some FLOTUS.

Do you know what "FLOTUS" is? Many might...but I'm sure there's those of you scratching your heads, so let me explain...

About 3 years ago, the Simpsons had an episode where Lisa had started a blog for organic gardening. She did not have a lot of hits on her posts, but she always got a comment on her posts that were very sweet & encouraging by someone with the username "flotus1".

During the episode, Lisa starts getting kind of bullied for being an Lisa took to her itty-bitty blog about it...and that's when action was taken...

Eventually, Air Force 1 shows up to Springfield Elementary, and Michelle Obama stepped out, called out Lisa, spoke to the students about the good that can come out of overachievers, and to leave Lisa & those like her alone.

In Lisa's shock, she wanted to know how in the world Michelle Obama would know about her situation. That's when it comes out that it's Michelle Obama who had the username "flotus1". It stands for: First Lady Of The United States One (1). She then went on to say that "flotus" was already taken...and it's because little Ralph has it because he swims with his "flotuses on".

In real life, the First Lady of the US got onto Twitter for her birthday. I am so entertained by the fact that her Twitter handle is @FLOTUS. I thought it was brilliant!!

I got thinking about Mrs. Obama due to the media making a big deal about her mid-life crisis. As I said, she just had a birthday last month, and she turned 49. (I don't care who you are, she looks GOOD, right there...) It came out that she made a video screen appearance on Rachael Ray talking about what she chose to do. Apparently she didn't buy a fancy car, and she's not allowed to go bungee she got bangs.

That's right people...the bangs that the fashion world blew up about, both positively & negatively, was her midlife crisis moment.

In the same interview, it's said that she talks about the one thing that is missed the most since going to the White House: just being able to live a normal life. She was "caught" shopping a Target a couple of years ago...because it was something someone would & should be able to be regular about. And the media went crazy over it!

It's not just Michelle, either...

Any woman who has been in that position would know what that was like. Taking in scrutiny for anything they did, wore, stood for, tiring!! Her hubs is the one elected, but the entire family all of a sudden must take on this role.

You don't have to agree with everything or anything the 1st Lady does, but you must look at her as trying to keep things as stable as possible within their family. But they get thrown into positions where they must take open stands on things. And they have to be advocates for different charities. My head swims thinking about what any of these women have to deal with WHILE trying to be a mother/wife!

I look at their position closely. Although it's not exactly the same, A PASTOR'S WIFE, SUCH AS MYSELF get a very different treatment.

Even in talking about it before, I still get called "First Lady". There are many other pastor's wives that get called "First Lady," too. I'm not sure how all of them feel about that tag, but I do know we want a sense of normalcy surrounding us. And I never use that "N" word of "normal" lightly.

We get scrutinized for where we sit, what service we are in, how we deal with our kids, what meetings we do or don't attend, what group or groups we do or don't associate with...
It's tiring!

As many of you know, I love playing with my own hair & fashion. Because it's fun for me. It helps me express myself! And there are many that want to show up to service or another church event to see if I'm there & what I'm wearing. It's sweet. I don't mind inspiring others to try something, but I am also not a walking landmark of sorts.

Much like our FLOTUS, Michelle Obama...her fashion choices are fantastic, but also get plastered all over the media, then praised or criticized for expressing herself. My favorite is when they give her a hard time (or any celebrity for that matter) for wearing the same outfit for a 3rd time in 8 months. Seriously?

I will make this clear for myself & for another pastor's wife/spouse (cuz there are hubbies, too) that we just want to be ourselves. We are involved in our own things & have our own talents. I try to make it very clear that I am not the former pastor spouse who was there before. I am not Edna & will not cook for the women's group...and you probably won't see me leading a class either. I will use my creativity to do drama or dance or something like that. If there's a spouse that likes to knit, let them! Just know the spouse following them probably won't knit. I don't play the organ or the piano. I don't sing in the choir. There are spouses who can & do some of that stuff...just don't expect that new spouse of the new pastor to take the other one's place.

This is important knowledge!

That's why I cringe so much at the "First Lady" title. I am one of the congregants of the church. I should not be on a pedestal. The higher the pedestal, the harder the possible fall.

Much like the FLOTUS...Michelle is not the same as Jackie O., even though the comparison has been made. She is not Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton (OH, MAN...I STOOD UP FOR HER AGAIN). Not Barbara, not Mary, not Lady Bird, not Martha...
All of these women are & have been completely different!

A collage of both presidents AND first ladies...and they are all different from one another

Yet, no matter who the FLOTUS is, she is plastered all over the media for anything she does, says, wears,'s tiring!

And my little tiny corner of that thought does plague me because of what my hubby was called to do.

We all want some normalcy...and it doesn't happen. Even if I go to WalMart or Target or the mall...I get recognized & hope I don't end up saying something really stupid...cuz...IT'S BEEN KNOWN TO HAPPEN.

Whoever our First Lady of the US happens to be, I look up to them because their position, though much like mine, is much more intense.

I wonder if it will be treated the same when we get our 1st female president...and the media may have to deal with the First Man of the US (or something like that). Or let's pretend for a second (and so I can totally freak a ton of you out) that our next president is a gay man...who is married thru one of the states who has it legal. Either way, in those instances, there would be a man in what has been filled by a woman since the beginning of the US.

I can almost guarantee that they would be viewed quite differently...and probably not in the same way a FLOTUS would.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Saturday, January 12, 2013

AM~Erica Has a Filter Malfunction

So anyway...

In case you are unaware, have forgotten, or need a reminder...I am, indeed, THE WIFE OF A PASTOR.

And most of you have an image in your head like I used to have about them. These days...those visions & thoughts are oh-so WRONG!!

There's something else you need to know or be reminded about: we are still human & are totally a regular folk.

There is a joke about me being called "first lady." Oh, it makes me cringe so much. Because I'm so not a Jackie O., Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Nancy Reagan, etc. type person. *cringes* NO-NO-NO!! But I tend to get looked at in that manner.

I. Am. Me. I am a strong Christian woman. Don't forget it! But I'm also not going to run up to you & start spouting scripture & tell you what you're doing wrong & how you should be like me. That's not fair. If scripture needs quoted, trust will be! But I want you to be you around me.

And because I'm such my own person, and will not squeeze myself into a mold I will not fit into, I have my human flaws. *GASP*

Much like the one that creeps out at strange & inopportune church & church-like settings.

Like the time that my hubby was on a short list to be a guinea pig for a possible interview style test to see if a pastor might be ready for a new church startup. He & I were invited to go to Columbia, MO (where the Missouri United Methodist Conference is headquartered) for this interview. It would include the interviewer, hubby & I, plus the Bishop of the Missouri UM Conference & the cabinet. It was an odd set up of having the cabinet & a video camera set up BEHIND hubby & I during the interview. Only the interviewer was facing the camera.

At the end of the interview session, the interviewer asked my hubby if there was anything he felt might have been left out of the interview. My hubby said he was surprised that the question wasn't raised about what the pastor's weakness(es) might interviewer turned to me & said, "So, Erica...what is Chris' weakness?" I was so put on the spot! I freaked a little, but answered, "Listening. It would be great if he listened more instead of trying so hard to jump on fixing things." (not verbatim, but you have the major gist) The interviewer turned to my hubby, then said that's basically what all guys do, called him "brother", then high-fived my hubby! As I was mortified by that awfulness, I heard laughing behind me..., remember everyone else is behind me, so I forgot who was back there. I stood up, turned swiftly, circled my right hand in the air to finish in a closed-hand position...when I realized I had just shushed the Missouri United Methodist cabinet...on camera. *face palm*

So, in Ron White fashion...I told you that story to go into these...

Because my inner filter malfunctions, I tend to do &/or say things at these times that turn them into "D'oh" moments & deserve a giant face palm. Like...tonight. I have a two-fer that happened within mere minutes of each other...
You may need to brace yourselves...

Tonight was our church's annual chili supper. It's known all over our large community. Hey! For a bowl of chili, veggie soup or a chili dog, plus a drink &'s only $5! Can't beat that!! And it goes from 4-7 PM...and it is always busy! Well, hubby & I sat at a table by ourselves, smack-dab in the center of the crowded gym. But several people always walk by for some quick conversation.

However, as we finished eating at our table, we get up JUST as another couple were ready to set their food at our table. I made a sarcastic joke to them that we were getting up & leaving because of the sole purpose that they showed up. The lady laughed & said it happens often. However, I made the joke at least 2 more times...when...someone told me...that it's our city's mayor & his wife! D'oh! *face palm* Think I made an impression?

Yeah, if that wasn't bad didn't stop there...

Then, as we were leaving, I was playing with a baby of one of our member families. Hubby ended up talking to some other folks that had entered to eat at the chili supper & I heard him introducing himself. I, then, hear him try to introduce me. So, I turned around, shook hands...and never got their names. But they came with one of our more stately & established members. They asked if we were smelling like chili filter malfunctioned as I said, "Well, we'll probably be smelling like chili later." Hubby's eyes about popped out of his head.

Yep...I disgraced myself in front of our mayor, and then turned around to make a fart joke. At church. I have SHAMED MYSELF yet again.

Please, folks...don't ever judge the pastor by their spouse. The spouse is an individual of their own...even though we are fully connected to your clergy. Things slip. We are human.

I am human...with a weird & wicked sense of humor. It's how God made me. Fearfully & wonderfully I am made. Sometimes the fearful part is greater than the wonderful part...and there might be times when it's the other way around. Just watch out when they work together!

Oh...and on a side note with some of this...always assume I don't know. If I do, it's bonus. But I probably don' don't ask me.

Oh...and on another note...there could be a whole other kind of special music at church tomorrow. You wanna come & find out?

Christ United Methodist Church has worship times as follows:
8:35 - traditional in the sanctuary
9:45 - is learning hour (aka Sunday School)
10:55 - contemporary in the sanctuary & traditional in the chapel

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica
P.S. ~ Yes...I totally used a fart joke to invite you to church.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

AM~Erica is One of Those Pastor Wifey People

So anyway...

I have a confession to make. Some may be shocked, but I think most of you reading this already know that I'm...a...pastor's wife. That's right. You heard me!

My hubby is a pastor in the United Methodist Church of the Missouri Conference. His call-to-ministry story is part of my own faith story. You will have to ask me about it sometime. But this is not the time. I am not here right now to talk about that. I am here to talk about the bi-product of it: becoming & being the wife of a pastor.

The Missouri Conference has brought many of us together. I want you to know that I did not connect with many of them without some kicking and screaming. Because my vision of the typical pastor's wife was not favorable. I did not want to hang out with a bunch of old bitties in tailored Easter-like suits, bobbed silver hair & in their husband's shadow of showing to everything right on his heels. Being in a group with them was NOT for me. I do NOT fit that kind of mold. I think most of you know that.

I kept getting invited to all these spouse retreats & to spouse luncheons. Ick. Not for me. At all.

Then, a couple of years ago at the MoUMC Annual Conference, my pastor wife friend, Catherine (who is nothing like I described above) asked if I was going to the scheduled spouse luncheon. I "gracefully" declined. But I also gave my honest reason for the decline. (see the description paragraph, above) I think there was also a "no agenda" meeting for the spouses, hosted by our bishop's wife. I didn't do it either.

Last year, Catherine was on me again. I tried to decline, but she made sure I showed up to that "no agenda" meeting & made sure I was signed up for the luncheon. I learned that my other fellow spouses were older, younger, big, small, plain, fancy, ethnic, hairy...and we were all in the same boat. Even the guys. That's right...the "hairy" really had to do with the pastor husbands. And it was fantastic knowing that there was this diverse group who know what the other ones in the circle are going thru. Between the "no agenda" meeting & the luncheon, I'd made some wonderful connections! And I have to give credit to Catherine for twisting my arm.

This time around, I went to the "no agenda" meeting & the luncheon again. And since I've stayed in contact with several of these wonderful people, mostly via Facebook, the connections were even stronger this time! And being here to encourage new pastor spouses was & is wonderful! The connections were so great that only one of us would have to camp out just outside of the meetings our clergy connections were a part of, and more of us would gather. Many of us talked more. And I made even more connections. So much so that my hubby thought I seemed to have more events with the spouses than last year. But it was the same as before, just got to be even more social with several of the other pastor wives.

I have grown confident in my role. I am myself. My fellow pastor spouses will be themselves. And it's wonderful to have a group of people you can turn to who understand. Those times when you can't turn to your pastor...or because it's about your pastor. We understand each other. Even in our craziness. I'm not kidding. And I'm looking forward to more spouses joining us in the future.

So, those of you who have a pastor with a spouse, hug them & support them & know that we really are one of you all. No pedestal needed. Please! And we are individuals...we will never be the pastor spouse who was there before us. You can't force us! We might even let you know...

This group of people is a true blessing.

I am a pastor's wife...hear me ROAR!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica