Showing posts with label FaceBook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FaceBook. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2013

AM~Erica is Calling the Pigskin Pretties

So anyway...


The countdown to the 2013 NFL (yes...I do mean FOOTBALL SEASON this time) is coming upon us very soon! Raise your hand if you are excited!!
*raises hand like an overzealous Hermione*

It's during this preseason time that many start looking at and projecting stats to compile to see about building a team of their own. For anyone who is unawares: it's called "Fantasy Football." Some of you are getting excited by that thought...and some of you may be cringing.

Most of you know it's my hubby's fault that I really like football. After being a "football widow" for a long time, it became more of a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" kind of thing. Kind of like my STAR TREK FOLLOWING, I came into it by being baptized in the association river.

Well, my hubby has participated in several fantasy football leagues over the years...there was even the year that he was the commissioner of one, and I helped. It hurt my head. As much as I love keeping up with football, I hated keeping up with the FFL. The team names usually amuse me, as well as the trash-talking...but that's about it.

So, while my hubby does his FFL-thing, I had thought along those lines...

My friend, Lisha, over at THE LUCKY MOM & I did this wager a couple of times. Last season, she asked me if I wanted to wager something for our teams playing against each other.
Now, if you probably remember, my Chiefs last season. Embarrassingly awful! Lisha's team, the NO Saints, were having a tough year, but nothing like ours. So when they played, she offered up an interesting wager: if our team lost, we needed to sport our Facebook profile pic as the other team for 24 hours; the pic being of the winner's choosing.

My family was very busy at the beginning of the game. We had to DVR it & watch the possible massacre when we got back home. We stayed off of social media during that time so we didn't know what was going on until we could watch it. When we got caught up, we got on Twitter & Facebook to catch up on reactions, too. Then I saw the wager offered up. I didn't want to take her up on it & wanted to pretend I didn't even see it. I did tell her I wasn't sure, especially with how sad our team was...
...later in the game, the Chiefs were actually making up lost ground. They put up a fight. They were putting up such a great fight that I flagged her down & asked if she was still up for the wager. Even if we lost & I had to sport a Saints pic of was going to be worth it! She agreed.

Now then, if you don't know how hard I root for the Chiefs' kicker, you need to catch up RIGHT HERE to understand. Because he had an amazing game!!! He had to make up for everyone else that much so...that he led us to 1 of our 2 victories of the entire season!!!


It was quite a game. Quite. A. Game.

And, like a good sport, Lisha said she would hold up the end of her wager, and I would pick the pic for her to use. So...of course I had to use one of Ryan Succop...that I slightly doctored to add his number & "MVP" to his shirt:

The pic I chose & doctored for my friend's profile pic

It was a lot of fun. Now that preseason has been going, the Chiefs played their 1st preseason game against...guess who! That's right! The Saints! So...Lisha offered up the wager again. I'm pretty excited about our team this year, so of course I took her up on it! Why not! Amm-i-rite? it turns out, our backups to our backups' backups weren't so great. We lost in the end. a good sport...I held up my end of the wager. She picked the picture I was to sport for 24 hours:

The pic my friend picked for me to use for my profile pic

You know what? Just that was a lot of fun! No money exchanged & just 1 day of changing your profile pic if you lose the wager!

So...I got thinking...

I know a LOT of gals who are big football fans! And from all different teams! So it led me to thinking about this:

What if there was just a lighter version of a pick-a-team league out there, for the football-lovin' women? You know, you root for your team every week & wager up your profile pic for 1 day should your team lose? Yes...even if it's to one of your twitch-worthy arch rivals.

So, my pigskin pretties...who's in? Would that be something you might be interested in this season? The first official kickoff is right around the corner!

Let me know! If you're on FB, send me a private message. Or you can email me:

This could be fun...and we refuse to be the football widows, yo!

So let me know, if you know someone who would be interested & I'll start working out the details.

Sound good? Starting a League of Our Own?? *wink, wink*

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica


I decided to start a Facebook page specifically for this!

Head on over to WageHer (click for the link HERE), take a look around & decide if you want to join in the fun! Hope to see a bunch of the girls there!

All the football-lovin' gals, put your hands in, and "WageHer" on 3:




Sunday, April 7, 2013

You May Refer to AM~Erica as Your Highness

So anyway...

Believe it or not, I am not one who puts it out there whenever it's my birthday. There is usually too many other things going on right at the same time, our time gets taken being pulled in several directions. So, I just put it off as another day.

I usually don't have it broadcast of Facebook either. But I got Facebook's new timeline setup & think it triggered the re-broadcasting of my birthday. Because...imagine my surprise when I kept getting very sweet well wishes...especially by folks who wouldn't know it was my birthday unless you REALLY knew me! As I got appeared that Facebook was, indeed, the blabber-mouth. But I was very blessed with so many well wishes...I could hardly keep up thru the day! Thank you, all!

Now, please realize this is absolutely NOT a post to pander for more birthday I said...I'm not that person. But I wanted to point this out instead:

Yesterday was Day 1 of Planet Comicon in KC. Originally, I GOT REALLY EXCITED ABOUT GOING & had fully hoped to take it in. I had certainly hoped to meet some sci-fi legendry. However, mommyhood set in...and it turns out that Teen Girl, who also wanted to go, had a choir contest smack-dab in the middle of the day. Figures. And then...Lil Guy got signed up for spring flag football...and found out that his 1st two games would be...oh yes, that's right...the same day. And? Smack-dab in the middle of the day! *sigh*

It appeared that Comicon would not be happening. And I really wanted Day 1 since George Takei & Wil Wheaton would both be there. I think Ray Park, too. *sigh* Figures. But mommyhood had to come first. So I put out a call to any of my friends going to do me a solid & keep bringing up a birthday party that these legendary icons (yes...I am considering Wil Wheaton a legendary icon at this point...he's made his mark) that would want to come to...and then "gently invite" (or possibly steal & throw in a trunk to force <<<=== haha - I said "force") into coming to have cake & possibly some antioxidant fortified Jesus water. That's all. Not much to ask at all! no avail. I heard the security was pretty tight...but the security could've come, too! And then...AND THEN??? I found out my "head geek", whom I put in charge of such mission, actually came into inadvertent contact with George Takei! Yeah...that's all cool & know. It's an entertaining story...that I had nothing to do with. Why? Cuz I was busy being a mommy!


However...being a wife & family did get me some pretty perfect cardage.

First, my kiddos gave me this envelope:

That's does say "Your Highness (:"! And yes...that would be me!

And then here was the card:



Now hubby thinks he's so adorable when he says that I look good for being 45 (or sometimes up to 54). And he's being so ornery since I'm no where near any of those ages! He likes to tell people what a cougar I am...even though he is older than me. I usually say that I'm always 24! And I really like to remind him that I'm totally the trophy wife! DUH! And yes...we really do have this conversation from time-to-time.

With that's the card front I got from my hubby:

Greatest Card Ever! My hubby really does like to golf (even though he hasn't been in a while). I really do dance & have gotten trophies that look very much like the one in the pic. This was so crazy perfect...I can't stop giggling!

I did go out to eat at one of my fave places (got me my Spinada Enchilada at Jose Peppers) & see family, had gifts. It was a good day. Just crazy. Cuz I'm more in the mom role...and it strangely still felt like just another day. Weird? It's my off-kilter brainy-brain.

And today...the kiddos have more stuff going. Just the crazy busy weekend that everyone decided to schedule everything for this weekend. I can't tell you how many things we actually had to turn down! to get George & Wil here for cake & tea...or antioxidant fortified Jesus water...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

AM~Erica Speaks to the Offended

So anyway...

Many of you may have read my blog post CALLING OUT THE OFFENDED. Why do I know this? It's moved WAY up in the popular posts as of this post.

This time around, I would like to continue the conversation about the NickMom fiasco.

When I reposted the link, on the NickMom Facebook page, to my views on the subject of being over offended...I did have a conversation with one of upset moms. In our differing points of views, I did have extra commentary to expand on my previous conversation start up.

We made a break thru with each other, I think. She wasn't happy I didn't cover as much in my post as I did in the comments...but my previous blog post on this subject covered more than just this. So, I thought I'd follow up with some of the commentary and a couple of great posts I came across. So bear with me...


I have "***" where she had some commentary. At one point she did start to see my point & was not happy it wasn't in my post, but I do explain why. I did call out activist moms & she said she was one of the pioneer protesters by chance. I have added some summary of other comments made so you can get the gist of what I'm commenting on.

Oh...I realize how serious the food allergy thing is. Trust me. But I want to point out that my friend who brought it up to me realized the attacks were misplaced. If your PTA had the gall to make jumps like this, you would be offended. And I do believe that was the point. It's making fun of the moms...certainly not the kids at risk! And I'm intrigued as to why you are keeping up with it on a page that you are so against. The more you come over here & click on the things here...the more it brings up this pages ratings. Just an observation.  And it was just a different point of view. It never hurts to have a different perspective.

*** (Here, she brought up that I was name calling about the bullies, and she took offense.) ***

I do believe we will see it differently. And it wasn't a matter of name calling...just reading some of the comments from the protest movement are pretty mean. And that tends to happen in protest movements. I realize that. And people take one thing and do blow it up. That is the bullying part of it. And do understand that I don't think it's the labeling & such they are making fun's the trying too hard to make sure everything is all inclusive, but it ends up separating out these kids. So, we will see it differently. And I know it's not Nickelodeon you are pointing out...but NickMom...which is this page. So there's a lot of traffic being drawn here, too. I would not & do not promote joking about the food allergies...just those who don't understand it & blow it up into something it shouldn't separating them out from others. Nothing discriminatory toward these kids or what they go thru...just the non-understanding moms who think they understand. Like I said...different perspective.

*** (Here, a guy piped in telling me I digested her; she replied to him calling him an idiot) ***

I have a sense of humor. I look for positive in most everything. I learn to laugh. Not at the serious situation...but out of the satirical. I do still think the video was blown out of proportion. I have children with other issues. I have one that thankfully grew out of a food allergy. But I'm not going to throw myself on the floor because a humor-based satirical video made fun of irrational adults. It made fun of the adults! Not the kids! I also want to make it clear that I am not being disrespectful at all. My friend with the child with the major food allergy came to the conclusion that I's about people doing research of those with food allergies. It should have been used as a teaching tool of how not to handle a bake sale. That's all. It's obvious you all are very worked up. I think it's sad all the way around. But like I've been's a different perspective. Plus someone who is on your side of things actually thought the protest was out of context. I'm not blowing off the part of the kids...I just truly believe it was directed at adults who have it oh-so-wrong.

*** (In here , she shared with me a blog on the subject from a nicer point of view, that they are not activists, that I was still name calling & that the video had shown during children's programming) ***

I would like to apologize if my blog post was misinterpreted. And when I wrote it, not only did it cover a couple of other subjects, but all the information I came across looking into this video, when it was presented to me, had almost nothing but vile comments, torches & pitchforks, that kind of thing. I had not seen this blog...because there are vile blogs about it out there, too. So, like I said...most any kind of protest brings out of hoard of crazies with threatening & awful happens so often. I know they are loving & caring parents, but the levels that it sparked was a little intense for what I really thought & felt this video was about. But coming on here & calling someone an idiot is name calling, too. I know that comment in the thread didn't strike you the best...but I ignored it. I'm obviously always OK in having conversations about this. Now then...I was not aware of NickMoms until this whole thing blew up. And part of what I'm saying is that, even commenting on this thread...though great conversation of differing view points, still shows up in news feeds & still brings people to this page. Even with the video being taken down...there's all kinds of other subjects that this programming humorously covers.

I do not know exactly what you said about it or how you vented...but if it jumped all over the food allergy thing in the rant, then it's human nature for a lot of other people to jump on that portion of the issue. So instead of saying, "Hey. I saw this video shown...I'm not happy about it, but what do you all think?", that would have drawn more conversation & many less claws may have come out. I know you are only 1 person, though...and it's obvious many others took it the same direction, too. When it was brought to my attention by my friend, I was asked to watch the video first before we had conversation about it. But the comments left from many other moms/parents out there are very-bullying like: threatening & vile in nature. So please understand how it looks to anyone starting to read up on this & research it. Either they are going to also pick up their torch & pitchfork with the riotous mob...or they are going to face palm from how over-the-top the backlash appears.

And, as I pointed out...I completely understand the fears of children with the food allergies. That is not the part lessened here at all! I just think it's the levels that these parents have actually taken it, too. That is all. I have just recently gotten out of the Nick Jr. if this was airing during a program, I can certainly see an issue with that. But that's the first time I saw where that happened. Like I said, I've only come across a lot of vile comments & come backs.
I would also like to point out that I understand the mama bear thing. Mine certainly comes out...but when it personally & directly effects any of my kids. If it's a general thing...I tend to let it go, or at least look into it before the claws come out. But I also know that's me & my own parenting style. It's good there are mama bears to protect their kiddos...but I'm just wondering how much thought any kids put into that video. Kids are very perceptive...I know that, too. But just something to think about. Not that it made it OK to put on during the kids' programming.

If you would like to read the whole back & forth, click HERE.

So after this posting, and my additional thoughts, there was no more from her. But I do believe it was good conversation. I did come to some additional understanding of a few things I was unaware of...but it certainly did not change my mind.

Right around this time, it was beautiful that I came across this posting from George Takei on his Facebook page...

Satire apparently is a disappearing art form. I am experiencing what younger people call "face palm."  ~ George Takei

My thoughts, exactly! It's totally part of my soap-boxy rant.

Right around the same time, one of the raw, real, and hilarious MOM BLOGS I FOLLOW had this posted on her Facebook page:

The majority of you here genuinely get my sense of humor- and I truly appreciate that- but there is always a group that doesn't who feels the need to make condescending and snide remarks about it. I'm in a "NO BS" kind of mood- so I want to make something very clear.  Just because I joke about something does not mean I don't care. Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes the downs make us want to fall apart- and if we DON'T laugh, we will cry. This is why I try to find even the tiniest bit of humor in everything- the tiniest bit of positivity- the littlest giggle. If you don't understand that- you should not be here on this page.  Yes, I do put my life online for the whole world to read, but just like anyone else- you do not know everything about me from what you read online. My family is held together by love and laughter. Plus, I'm pretty sure if I really were some evil hateful b****- my husband would have ditched my a** a long time ago.  Life is so much better when you stop judging everyone for every little thing and just laugh. Try it. Even if just once. I promise it doesn't hurt.~ Holdin' Holden (she is an author who has also dealt with cyber mommy bullies)


We take life WAY too seriously! We post mean things about the other political side, we post digs at religion, we make it OK to want to shoot someone, we tell other people to kill themselves or call them horrible names with awful connotations. And the humor many find is the tearing down of someone else. 

There is a difference between mean humor...and the satirical. Stop a moment & you know the difference? Did they come after you directly? Or are you just grabbing a torch & pitchfork because you got caught up in a misguided idea or notion?

We need to celebrate the moments, not be horribly cynical when someone is being positive. There's no need tear someone down because their humor is different than yours.

Be positive, people! Find humor! Know the satirical & what is being humorously twisted to get someone thru a moment or a day.

We could all learn from that thought.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

AM~Erica is Sitting Here

So anyway...

Round 2!

The snow storms have hit again. SNOWPACOLYPSE II HIT just a few days ago...and now the BLIZZARD OF OZ HAS OFFICIALLY COME!

And we are hunkered down. And we are sitting here.

I am so blessed to be able to have a warm home, electricity, coffee, food...we can be settled in. And I know that not everyone has all of these things...if any at all.

This round has placed me in a very contemplative mood. HERE I GO BLOGGING AGAIN...but there are things that I think about, or things that come to the forefront that need to be thought about.

Being snowed in, and while the news people are staying on air thru this whole thing to remind us that it's snowing & to stay inside, we are almost used to it. And this time around, as the snow gently falls & quickly builds, it causes me to pause.

I still have other things I want to cover, but this sitting & contemplating has brought on other thoughts...

I've already covered part of my thinking of how blessed I am/we are. I was making cinnamon rolls, from a tube that we could buy from the store, and getting the coffee ready...I couldn't help but think about it. Again...I do so hope that those who don't have the blessings we have readily available could at least get to somewhere to have their needs met in this mess.

But I also have the blessing of wifi to stay connected to everyone. We are sharing our pics & stories with each other & making sure everyone is OK. This is nice side of social media. You know...the caring & sharing of our lives side...not the NASTY MUD THROWING as has not even let up. Ugh to all of you who are keeping up on that! Shame on you! Trying to be all inspirational & then throwing someone under the bus right after the other! Cut that crap out! Either be your rude "informative" (term used very loosely) self OR lift others up! You can't be both!


Like I said..."contemplating"...a lot.

I also came across a blog post from a page I enjoy following on Facebook. The owner of the page flagged down her followers to have them read a blog from another page. I read the blog, and was totally taken. Because it's an IMPORTANT ISSUE THAT I TALK ABOUT HERE, too. The page I follow said she would cover the same subject soon...and I was looking forward to it. And she posted it today...

Friends, I cannot stress enough how much I NEED you to read THIS LINK RIGHT HERE from Frugalista Blog.

I'm still shaken by her words. Like she's been inside my head. It scares a good way. But still scary. And it should be.

As this day continues...and it's a lazy day while being snowed in...I will continue to contemplate, I will be thankful for my blessings, and I will be thankful for all of you who read my ramblings. I appreciate you for hanging with me for the insanity that runs thru my brainy-brain...whether it's funny, weird, informative, or sad...the support from each of you is another blessing I truly count.

Now...onto spending some quality time with the blessings I'm hunkered down with here...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

AM~Erica Wants to Celebrate Festively, Simply & Nostagically

So anyway...

If you haven't figured out that Christmas time has set in, you must be living the hermit life under PATRICK STAR'S rock. But seriously...have you noticed?

Well, it is everywhere. There is no way around it. Like a game of dodgeball: you can duck, you can dodge, but you will be hit with it. Like a big game of Dodge-snow-ball, you get hit with it & it gets everywhere!!

So here we are, dealing with it the best we can...planning, dealing, shopping, prepping, make sure the whole Christmas fantasy is perfect & that we can do it all within about 3-4 weeks. And when I say "do it all," I'm talking about our usual routine along with the other 5874.369375 (I'm pretty sure that's an accurate number) things that we want to do on top of that to help get us in that Christmas spirit. Amm-i-rite? The hustle & bustle is what we brace for...and just let it happen!

Guess what! It turns out that marketeering (I don't know if that's even a real word, but I'm using it as such) is taking advantage of that, and has been the last several years. Do you want to know how? Do ya...? Well...DO YA??? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway...

Nostalgia, people. Seriously. They are tugging at our nostalgic & sentimental heartstrings by bringing back our childhood products, memories & decorations in hopes we will buy them so our kiddos (who may or may not even care) can have that same feeling and experience we did. Sneaky & tricky, amm-i-rite?

You know those times when you come across some of those things (toys, treats, decor, etc.), you stop, and you take a deep sigh of remembrance back to a simpler time? Yeah...that's it. That's what they are getting from you. And they seem to be doing a pretty good job of it. From Lincoln Logs to Power Rangers & comic book heros...and the ever favorites of Barbie & Easy Bake Oven. There's the resurgence of tinsel trees, real trees, big bulbs & tinsel stars. It's everywhere!

In a land of crazy-busy & the technology infestation, we long for some simpler times. We see pictures & cartoons from the 50's & before in wonder of what that time might really be like [again]. But because of technology, we have things like Pinterest to give us ideas on MAJOR 50'S HOUSEWIFE throwbacks & ruining my reputation.

But that's beside the point. There is a sense of accomplishment that comes with it.
(Oh man...what am I saying? Who is this person pretending to be me??)

However, we are using some of it to our advantage, especially during this crazy holiday season. In all the hustle & bustle, we (the hubby & I) decided we would try to figure out some simpler family times to help get us into the spirit, while creating some memories & hopefully building some traditions!

We started a tradition about 5 years ago of seeing Santa at Bass Pro. Some of you may be scratching your heads at that one...others know exactly what I'm talking about! It has become so popular, you need to get a reservation pass to make sure there's time & to insure you won't wait in line with your kiddos for 3 hours to see some creepy guy & just to pay $30 for 2 tiny pics.

Here's a sneak peak of the kiddos with one of the most amazing Santa's EVER!!!! (Like...I think it was REALLY Santa. Don't roll your eyes at me...I'm serious!)

Teen Boy, Lil Guy (with Meany Chin - will show up in a future post), Santa & Teen Girl at Bass Pro

Just to watch him talking with the kiddos was entrancing. Hubby & I were giddy my his magicality (I don't know if that's even a real word, but I'm using it as such)! And I will tell you that we had quite the creepy obstacle to deal with to get to see this guy. We had to endure the demonic talking taxidermy caribou. Please allow me to share part of that experience with you...

Aren't you glad I shared. Very creepy. If you squint & tilt your head, you might be able to make out that this thing is talking about Facebook. You're welcome for not capturing the creepy, scary laugh. I still shiver. *shivers* Just like that! Nightmares & night terrors could result from this thing.

Another friend (the one who warned me about it) & I decided this must be...
"Damien the Demonic Reindeer, who had developed a taste for blood; and if you come upon him...children, you'd better run!"

Thanks, Bill...collaboration at it's finest!

But we do love this tradition. The set up is amazing! Well...except for the new reindeer addition.

We always work in seeing the lights of Christmas in the Park at Longview Lake. That is coming up very, very soon...YEA!!

A thing we started this year (and hopefully it will continue) is that everyone in the house draws a number; then that's the order we go in to choose a Christmas movie to watch & a [favorite] Christmas treat to enjoy during the movie! So far we've had:

1. "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" with peppermint hot chocolate

2. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" with fudge & egg nog

3. "Elf" with super soft frosted sugar cookies

Because of the numbers in our house right now, we still have 4 more to cover. After that, we plan on catching up on the down week before Christmas. What fun this has been!

We wanted to do Christmas dinner playlists, but time has sadly not leant to that too well. But we will hold out for that one in the future. We also didn't get to have a Christmas open house to show off our trees due to family living dynamics at the moment. So...we really want to do that next year, too.

Another thing my hubby & I do is wrap gifts together. He wraps & I decorate with the ribbons, bows & tags! We are quite the team...

The adorable decorating duo

Just a portion of the decorating duo's creations...thanks to fun with Instagram to show them off
I am also planning on making some Christmas candies & goodies that I remember from my childhood. There was one I especially wanted to find. My grandmother stopped making her goodies about 15 years ago. Ever since I can remember, I would eat these candies that remind me of peanut butter fudge with a chocolate topping. Almost like a Reece's fudge. But I asked & no one seemed to know what I was talking about. But it JUST hit me a few days ago that I must've eaten all of them before anyone else could see them. D'oh! *face palm*

In this time of tradition & nostalgia, I've noticed my style leaning that way, too. The 40's & 50's have been very influential in my style the last few weeks, in a festive sense. (see pic above with hubby)

We are still in the midst of working in all of our church involvement & family get-togethers, too.

It's the most wonderful time of the year...amm-i-rite?

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, September 20, 2012

AM~Erica Be Talk'n Like a Pirate

So anyway...

I almost wrote this blog post yesterday, but I decided it might have taken me forever to figure out how to word it all. If you didn't know, yesterday was the 10th anniversary of International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

So...did you talk like a pirate?
Did you dress like one?

If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, you're doing it wrong. However, if you answered "aye" to one or both...then you might have gotten in on some free loot that were quietly or not-so quietly being offered if you participated.

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts offered a free glazed donut to anyone who came in talking like a got a FREE DOZEN GLAZED DONUTS if you came dressed in full pirate attire. Any guesses what I got?

All I did was walk in, and they started getting my donuts ready. Seriously! Unshowered, no makeup & with coffee breath. You be more "authentic"...and being short on time. hehe

Then, as it warmed up thru the day, and after I was nice & got all cleaned up, I decided to make the pirate look more feminine:

That's right...that's how I roll on these fun-themed days! And if you know me well know I will get into it!

OK...I need you to stay with me. I promise I'm getting to what I need to say, you just need to know this part first...seriously.

Every week, my hubby & I do meal planning for when we go to the grocery store. This week, we somehow came up one dinner short. We figured we could pick something up thru the week, or see what everyone was wanting. Then it hit me yesterday...we could go out to eat! (Next year I might try to fix something...or not...keep reading...) Because my brain works the way it does, I brought up taking everyone to dinner at Long John Silver's! Duh! And I would still be dressed as a pirate. Duh!

So we went & the crew there were impressed that I was dressed up & that Lil Guy wore the pirate hat (see above pic...but without the flower). Well they challenged us to order in our best "pirate speak". Teen Girl was a no-go, she just ordered. Teen Boy took up the challenge & let a big scary pirate voice come out of him. Hubby ordered for lil guy & pirate speak. Then I stepped up...orderin' in pirate speak. The girl taking our order told me I should be her forensics teacher. *snort* But guess what! Because Teen Boy & I ordered like a pirate...we got 4 pieces of free fish (2 each) with our order!! WOOT!!

Not only do I love me a killer bargain, but I love me some free stuff, too!!

Krispy Kreme highly marketed their TLAP offer. I think it was GENIUS! I am surprised that Long John Silver's did not market so much. We went there just to go with the theme of the day...we had no idea we would get stuff from it.

I wonder how many more businesses may try to get on bandship (yeah, I went there) when it comes to TLAP Day. 

I remember being in St. Louis & wanting to go to the Pirate Fest they have outside of the Ren Fest. I wish they would do that in KC. Maybe on TLAP Day? Hmmmmm...

Now, a few years ago, Facebook added a language you could use for your own usage on your page & browsing. You can change the language that only you see to 'English (Pirate)'. I actually set it up on Tuesday night so that it would already be in use on Wednesday morning. Plus I changed my profile pic to my crazy gypsy friend, Madame Rue. Cuz she's the closest I had to a pic of anything close to a pirate.

I actually started with a different profile pic (I'm about to show you), and used this really big pic as my cover for the day:

(picture taken by Dunn's Cider Mill when I judged the annual scarecrow contest 2010 - winning entry) 

(photo sent to be by Nikki - taken to show me the new artwork at our high school alma mater)

You know...I was always really into stuff & could get into themey stuff for years. But not necessarily the "pirate" mascot part of my high school alma mater. That's right...I'm from a long line of pirates. It's in my blood. Apparently. But I always got into the purple & gold part of the spirit; not really the pirate part of the spirit. Go figure.

Since I really do like to get into characters &/or theme, it should be no surprise that every one of my Facebook & Twitter posts were in pirate speak. I was inspired by the official site of Talk Like a Pirate Day. There is a translator you can use...but it didn't help with everything I wanted, so I made do for a lot of it. And it was fun for me...might have been annoying to others. But that's how I roll. DUH!

I even had a name for my ship. I called her the Sea-Sick Crocodile. Then I asked, on Facebook, if anyone knew what the reference was to; if they knew I'd give them their very own pirate name. My friend, Michelle, got it right off the bat! And...I gave her the name of Snarly Shelly (not Snarling Smelly, like she thought at first *snort*).

I even added a great pirate tune from P!nk. Do you remember when she was on Spongebob? Every time I hear the song, I am so entertained by it!

Isn't that awesome???

OK, all...mark your calendar for next year! September 19th is the day to enjoy all things pirate! (fun pirates...not scary Somali pirates or terrorist types; stick with historical &/or fictional ones to be your best bet) Brush up on your pirate speak, find a Jolly Roger tshirt & wear a bandanna &/or an eye patch, then keep the other eye or a good ear out for any fun offers!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Saturday, July 14, 2012

AM~Erica Thinks You Are Being Awfully Presumptuous

So anyway...

Today I'm fighting a migraine. It's been brought on by a whole lot of stress at once & knowing more is coming to get prepped for. I am feeling better over all...but not in the best of moods. So I'm gonna spend some energy & get on my soapbox for a moment.

The answer is, "YES." We do have a new member of the family that arrived yesterday. I touched on this a few months back & I talked about the use of the "G-Word" at that point.

I'm going to throw out some harsh honesty. Again, probably won't be popular, but I'm throwing that to the wind right now.

Yes, I posted a pic on Facebook...but that doesn't give anyone a right to start throwing terms around. Ever. Guess's not up to you! Did you know that? Even if you grew up using certain terms/names, or are using them doesn't mean they translate. Period.

I also said that any use of any variation of the G-word would result in the feeding of your comment as a sacrifice to Facebook. Ring a bell?

Back off with the G-word or any variation of. ANY variation. Shame on you!

It's not funny.

It's not cute.

It's not sweet.

It's not personable.


If you want to say congrats, then whatever. It doesn't really go to us. We didn't do the work. DUH! Been thru that years ago & that factory is closed.

Just like every pregnancy is different with every kid...every family dynamic is different too. They are not all like yours!!

For those of you already in that position, fine. Don't necessarily tell me how it's gonna be. It's different for every family. So...stop it. Don't give out your advice unless you're asked for it. It's fine to say you enjoy it...but that's all you get.

I know I sound grumpy. I am. I'm stressed with a whole lot right now. I'm not feeling good...and I have people trying to slap me in the face with nicknames.

We will figure out how they come about. Period.

I know this post is not the most positive. I appreciate the well intentions, but turn on filters. It's called common sense.

WHEW! OK, I'm done for now. And I am still "Erica." Deal with that. Got it? Good.

Oh...and the little one is cute as we can tell from pics. Thank you.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, June 28, 2012

AM~Erica is So Annoyed With Phone's Bad Boy Affair

So anyway...

About 2 or 3 weeks ago, my phone is wearing itself out as I find it has been dealing with a new relationship. It tries to keep it a secret, but I always catch it! I've tried to stop the relationship, too. Why? Because this affair it's having is with a real player. I know the bad boy my phone seems so enamored with is doing the same thing with many others. Yours may be one of them.

This playboy is great at networking & is a household name. Even if you've never had a run-in with this bad boy or his products, you are still fully aware of who it is. He's great at sucking people in with his charisma. Many have been drawn to his charms, but he's sneaking around with my phone now, too. I'm trying to tell my phone that the relationship isn't worth it! My phone still lets him in & wears itself down. I try to explain that the battery can't handle this type of relationship, but it's still doing its own thing. Just like a pre-adult.

I can hear how "happy" it is when the bad boy drops by. I keep getting rid of the gifts he brings, but he just keeps bringing more. Did I mention that he's of a billionaire breed?

And the bad boy keeps changing his routine. So he shows up thru the day...and sometimes thru the night. I suspect he's visiting many, Many, MANY others in the same fashion. My phone tries to let me know that it's love...but I keep trying to say that my poor phone is just being used as a business partnership.

And my phone rebels. Grrrr...

I've even told the bad boy to stay away from my phone...but my response has basically come back that my phone wants it to happen.

Is your phone one of the mistresses of this guy? He can't seem to quit & just looks at our phones, in addition to all the other connections he's made, as a collection for him.

That's phone is having a torrid love affair with Facebook.

I've tried to cut if off...but they won't let go of each other. I have a feeling Facebook is doing the same to countless others.

Is your phone falling victim?

*sigh* Technology these days...

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Never mind. As it turns out, resistance is futile.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

AM~Erica Questions a New Generation

So anyway...

I came across a Yahoo! article yesterday that talked about a major generation gap being exposed. How do you expose that kind of thing in this day & age? Through social media, of course!

After reading that article, I got really worked up. So, I'm going to jump on my soapbox about it. I'm hoping I don't sound like the cranky old lady in her porch rocker shaking her fist at the kids & yelling, "GET OFF MY LAWN! AND GET A HAIRCUT!" But, that might be how this goes. I'm going to try not to show too much of my age, but I apologize if I show too much.

Dylan Stableford, of The Cutline on Yahoo! News, has this amazing & frightening article about "kids these days". * read article here * Twitter totally exposed how out-of-touch with important history & pop culture young adults & teens are right now. They are so much into the here-and-now that they have no idea where much of the stuff they know came from. The when, why & how are all missing. They just figure it appeared & they got to witness this birth of greatness without any understanding at all.

When there are people openly putting out there how ignorant they are in today's society (which is not difficult with Facebook & Twitter), it's a sad wake up call that there is a major disconnect in a lot of areas & aspects of society.

~ When there's a slew of tweets & posts questioning who Paul McCartney is, but you are listening to the comeback of music from the Beatles - disconnect.
~ When you idolize & listen to about anything Ryan Seacrest tells you because he's everywhere, and you don't realize one of his idols is Dick Clark, THEN question who Dick Clark is - disconnect.
~ When you recite a quote in the midst of hate & prejudice wars by saying, "Can't we all just get along?", yet you question who Rodney King was & how history surrounds that name - disconnect.
~ When you can sing songs from GLEE & then question why your parents & grandparents are singing along because you didn't know there was such a thing as Journey or Bee-Gees - disconnect.
~ When there is a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of a major event in history & you question the reality of the Titanic because you only saw it thru Hollywood's eyes - disconnect.

People...this is a real issue. I wish it was joke, or some kind of spoof. It's not. Ashton Kutcher is not going to jump out of a wall to tell you this is a prank. It's not.

Sometime later I will have another soapbox to get on about education, but I want to focus on one specific required course of study. It's the history/social studies portion. There's a reason we are forced to take these classes. I see it now, as an adult. The "blah-blah" of stuff repeating itself or something didn't really sink in at that point when I was in school. But...we are doomed to have history repeat itself if we don't learn what's going on around us. Guess what? What is now "history" was actually "pop culture" at some point in time. Even music.

So this begs me to question the curriculum being taught today. Social Studies classes need to get on the ball. There is so much being added to the timeline (the actual timeline, not Facebook's) all of the time. It's not getting shorter. But maybe there needs to be this in music classes, too. I got to experience a little bit of it while I was in high school choir. I know that classes like this do exist, but on an elective level. When "kids these days" are singing their songs that were inspired by someone they refuse to know, how do they really understand where that song came from? There is such a lack of originality to music right now, and the great stuff is now called "oldies". That pains me to say since some of the music I grew up with & listened to is now called "classic". Ugh! But it's being covered by today's artists...and this new generation has no idea it was covered. They think this music is original.

Right now, society & pop culture is moving so quickly that it's really hard to keep up. For anyone. Especially for the flash-in-the-pan memory of the Millennials. They believe they keep up, and all of the media-based multitasking is what keeps them going. There is no roots into why they are into what they are. They think they understand...and they don't. But they truly believe they know it all.

OK...I know that comes with the age of being in your teens & 20's, but it is at an alarming rate right now. When there are living legends doing something big, or are dying off, or when there is a movie made about something in history...the young'uns remain clueless. And not in the "aren't they cute for not getting it" sense, but a frightening cluelessness.

So, how do we get past this? Does it stop? Or is everything, good or bad, doomed to repeat itself out of sheer ignorance of important happenings & people?

Oh, and if you don't know what the event or person is about...try either looking it up or asking someone face-to-face first instead of sharing your ignorance on history. That's scary to openly see what direction the world is heading...

Something to think on.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Sunday, June 10, 2012

AM~Erica is One of Those Pastor Wifey People

So anyway...

I have a confession to make. Some may be shocked, but I think most of you reading this already know that I'm...a...pastor's wife. That's right. You heard me!

My hubby is a pastor in the United Methodist Church of the Missouri Conference. His call-to-ministry story is part of my own faith story. You will have to ask me about it sometime. But this is not the time. I am not here right now to talk about that. I am here to talk about the bi-product of it: becoming & being the wife of a pastor.

The Missouri Conference has brought many of us together. I want you to know that I did not connect with many of them without some kicking and screaming. Because my vision of the typical pastor's wife was not favorable. I did not want to hang out with a bunch of old bitties in tailored Easter-like suits, bobbed silver hair & in their husband's shadow of showing to everything right on his heels. Being in a group with them was NOT for me. I do NOT fit that kind of mold. I think most of you know that.

I kept getting invited to all these spouse retreats & to spouse luncheons. Ick. Not for me. At all.

Then, a couple of years ago at the MoUMC Annual Conference, my pastor wife friend, Catherine (who is nothing like I described above) asked if I was going to the scheduled spouse luncheon. I "gracefully" declined. But I also gave my honest reason for the decline. (see the description paragraph, above) I think there was also a "no agenda" meeting for the spouses, hosted by our bishop's wife. I didn't do it either.

Last year, Catherine was on me again. I tried to decline, but she made sure I showed up to that "no agenda" meeting & made sure I was signed up for the luncheon. I learned that my other fellow spouses were older, younger, big, small, plain, fancy, ethnic, hairy...and we were all in the same boat. Even the guys. That's right...the "hairy" really had to do with the pastor husbands. And it was fantastic knowing that there was this diverse group who know what the other ones in the circle are going thru. Between the "no agenda" meeting & the luncheon, I'd made some wonderful connections! And I have to give credit to Catherine for twisting my arm.

This time around, I went to the "no agenda" meeting & the luncheon again. And since I've stayed in contact with several of these wonderful people, mostly via Facebook, the connections were even stronger this time! And being here to encourage new pastor spouses was & is wonderful! The connections were so great that only one of us would have to camp out just outside of the meetings our clergy connections were a part of, and more of us would gather. Many of us talked more. And I made even more connections. So much so that my hubby thought I seemed to have more events with the spouses than last year. But it was the same as before, just got to be even more social with several of the other pastor wives.

I have grown confident in my role. I am myself. My fellow pastor spouses will be themselves. And it's wonderful to have a group of people you can turn to who understand. Those times when you can't turn to your pastor...or because it's about your pastor. We understand each other. Even in our craziness. I'm not kidding. And I'm looking forward to more spouses joining us in the future.

So, those of you who have a pastor with a spouse, hug them & support them & know that we really are one of you all. No pedestal needed. Please! And we are individuals...we will never be the pastor spouse who was there before us. You can't force us! We might even let you know...

This group of people is a true blessing.

I am a pastor's wife...hear me ROAR!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Apparently AM~Erica Needs More LOL

So anyway...

I was sitting here, on my laptop, checking my sites: Facebook, Pinterst, Twitter...the usual suspects. Lil guy likes to look over my shoulder & attempts to sneak a finger onto the keyboard to see if he can add his own flair. You "h" or a few apostrophes, maybe even a number or two.

Oneth (his version of "first"), he gets really annoyed since he's so bossy and wants ALL attention. Twoth (pronounced "tooth" & his version "second"), he gets really annoyed when I delete his flair to my posts.

Then...he made a decision for me. I needed to add something to the end of my posts...
But I really think sometimes it might be inappropriate:

Hey peoples & others! Sad time, just came from a visitation. LOL!

Well peeps & others...still not feeling good. Puking everywhere. LOL!

Oh, humans & is a hard day & I don't feel like myself. Just feeling really down. LOL!

Hmmm...maybe the addition of "LOL" is not always as fitting as he might think. However, I am pretty sure he'd find it hilarious no matter what. And it's all about him, right?


Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

AM~Erica's Wall of Positive

So anyway...

After making my confession of depression in a previous blog post, there has been a lot of chatter about the subject. Part of it has to do with May being Mental Illness/Invisible Awareness Month, but it's interesting when some of it comes to light.

I believe I've been fighting my depression since high school, but didn't get it officially diagnosed until about 6 or 7 years ago. Yes, I was on medication for a while. No, I am not doing medication now. Even though I feel like it doesn't hit as often, it still does. And it doesn't take much to flare it up. It could be something big, something small, or nothing at all. And it does affect the way I react to situations. It's not the best. Sometimes I don't realize how awfully I've reacted in a situation. People forget that. And then I get to talked to like a child, being scolded for my actions. I hate the way I react to these situations. And, inevitably, I feel like the worst person on Earth...just the worst human alive.

After I openly confessed to my "condition" the other night, I found some posts on Facebook last night that really got some conversation going. Good conversation. It started with this post:

I put my own caption with it saying, "No kidding...I feel like this more than I let on..."

Believe me when I say I don't try to victimize myself. I hate it when people do that. So, I wasn't looking for sympathy & positive thoughts. The post just stated how it is sometimes. Doesn't mean I like it. No matter how much positivity & love come my way, this feeling still washes over me. It just does. And I do thank my friends for the sweet comments, but it's the ones that get the conversation going that I appreciate. I know I'm not alone in this & someone understands. Because there are those who hear or see what you are going thru, try to understand, but just don't.

Then I saw a follow-up post on Facebook that was kind of a slap on the back of the head:

As true as this is, it is still hard for depression sufferers. We try...we really, really do. But it's still a great reminder.

I had a conversation with a guy (this is important to know) when a post much like this one was put out there:

This GUY made a snarky comment that he just didn't understand females feeling like this. It was actually almost rude. I'm thinking in his own mind he was trying to be nice...but it wasn't conveyed like that. So, I stepped in with an analogy brought on by Divine Intervention, alone.

Brick-by-brick, your family & friends build a wall of positive for you. It's building your self esteem & self confidence. It's by positive & encouraging words of love. It takes a long time to build this wall to make it stronger. And it takes a while to make that wall strong & sturdy. However, when anyone comes along with a negative word, comment or action, it's like throwing a stone at the wall; it causes damage with a crack or hole. Any wall, no matter how strong, is in danger of collapsing in the midst of damage. That damage can become greater if not repaired quickly. Soothing repair is what is needed for damage control & you might have to start rebuilding that wall's strength again. It doesn't matter how much encouragement & love you have to build your strength, one bit of negative damage, no matter how small, can cause damage in the strength of our very being.

Those of us with depression always seem to have cracks in strength appear. We don't handle it well & don't know how to tell people there is damage in our wall of strength. Instead of using stones of anger & negativity to try to patch up our damage, we are in need of the grout of healing. The grout is applied with care & helps to fill in those empty spaces. If you just shove in even a pebble, there is still emptiness & more damage can be caused.

It's the only way I can even explain it, folks. I hope it helps you to understand at least a little more. And I ask that you continue to bring bricks of encouragement to those you love. And if you know anyone with depression, take 2 bricks. And we try to carry our bricks to you, but we are clumsy with our emotions & tend to drop our bricks. We just ask for gentle understanding, even if we aren't the most gentle at the moment.

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica