I got the opportunity to watch some of the 54th Grammy Awards, last night. After watching the bit that I did, with my hubby...it brings up a conversation that he & I have had on more than one occasion: Today's Music.
In the last several years, the overall music quality has dropped significantly. There is a lot of copycatiness going on (yes, I just made that a word) & failed attempts at originality that doesn't showcase musical talent at all. It does showcase theatricality, though. I'm all about theatrics...and, if you know me, then you certainly know that. However, for an award show about music, then it is all lost in translation.
In the hopes & aims to reach superstardom, the length these artists go to make such a mark in these major performances just to be remembered end up leaving us scratching our heads. So...that's what someone wants to be remembered for? Just to get them talking about YOU & not your talent? Sad.
The Foo Fighters, rightfully, won for best rock performance. They even included in their acceptance speech that it was a garage recording with no computer anything...totally old-school. Rock on, man. They even got a standing ovation for these remarks at the digs of today's overall music. But then they show up in the dance music segment of the show. You know, the one that counts on over-synthesized & over-computerized techniques for the end product. D'oh!
And...I do want to talk about Niki Minaj for a moment. I think she might have talent. But I'm not positive. Her copycat performance that mirrored Madonna's 'Like a Prayer' on steroids while copycatting a Lady Gaga-type entrance & style is overrated. Simmer down to those who like her. She is colorful & certainly turns heads. She has even spawned a spark in talent from the adorable British kid duo of Sophia Grace (8) & her hype-girl cousin, Rosie (5) that have been featured on Ellen about 5 times in the last few months. Little Sophia Grace has shown more promise of talent than Niki shows right now. Do you know why? You hear Sophia Grace's VOICE! That's why. (Have you heard her? She's amazing!)Niki only concentrated on this crazy, sacrilegious performance that I think could get her some acting gigs in the future. Song? Where? It wasn't there last night...only an attempt at a confusing shock factor of an alter ego. Ugh.
And as for the snubbed Lady Gaga, she is one who appears to be original, but she is a Madonna copycat who is the ultimate parodist! Her songs really are the underlyings of other artists' songs with her own lyrics, but with bigger theatrics. But here's my deal with her...she really IS talented! She is amazing on the piano & in her singing. Really. Did you know that? Maybe not, to the casual listener. But her actual talent is drowned out by her antics & theatricality. It's sad.
There was a writer that compared to blogging to internet graffiti. I have my own opinions on this, but this is not the place to do it. However, the analogy works well for today's music. There's a some wonderful audible art out there, but there is more ear graffiti than the good stuff. (should give you an idea of my blogging opinion)
However, on subject of Grammy performances, the two acts that got the most praise last night? Adele's return & Jennifer Hudson's tribute to Whitney Houston. Why? They used their God-given talent of their voices. No antics, no theatricality...just sharing the amazing gift of singing they possess. Kelly Clarkson had the same thing when she sang the National Anthem at Super Bowl.
This gives props to the show 'The Voice' as the blind auditions are solely based on the person's singing ability...not "the whole package" as other shows rely on *cough, cough* (Idol) *cough, cough*
My hubby & I have talked about the days-of-old when music be fun, singable & still say something (maybe). But things are so intense now, or you can't understand them. All in the name of trying to make a point that ends up senseless & make a name for themselves. Bad press is still press, right? Ugh.
So the question becomes...where's the music? What really is good music these days?
Adele is great. I will give her a vote. And my hubby knows that I will give props to Harry Connick, Jr. And those that have put out good music, we are losing quickly. Very quickly.
OK...I've gotten that off my chest. For the most part. Now...can we go support & promote ACTUAL talent? Thank you.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
Adele is by far the best. She can sing in sweats and no make up on and it still would be amazing.