Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Searching AM~Erica

So anyway...
OWIE! (Like my youngest likes to say)
I had my meeting with my personal trainer. I still hurt! He worked me so hard, I wanted to hurt him...only if I could lift a leg or arm to strike him with, but to no avail.
I'm supposed to see him again in about a month...oh boy...I can't tell you how excited I am about that one. I thought I wanted to puke after my 15-minute workout. My hubby's workout was longer, but he was in the same position as me. He asked me what the name of my trainer was, so I told him it was Adam (as my eye started twitching...because it was the only part of me not hurting), and he told me, "Oh, that's nice...mine was named Satan." My hubby had to meet with his trainer again today. Poor baby...REALLY!
OK - after trying to muster up some normal movement without hurting, I put on heels & a suit today for my interview. It went very well, but now I've got some decisions to make. It's the perfect work enviornement for me, the hours are perfect, it's something I'm good at (I don't brag often), and it's just down the street. So what's making my hubby & I question? The pay. Yikes! Even with all of my expierence, they can't pay very much because they are still a very new company.
So, I may have to keep looking. Just like daycare. Once again, "OWIE!" My leads for in-home have fallen through so far, and the one chain daycare in the area that has openings, wants an arm & a leg. Both of my arms & legs hurt already, and so does my hubby's. That won't work! I did see where some of them are hiring & give daycare discounts & benefits...there may be some hope.
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica

1 comment :

  1. man i feel your pain. just started back at a good reginmen. you have to find a job that gives you joy and pays you enough to make it worth leaving your babe. that's not too hard, is it?! yeah right!
