Another double-posting day. Even though I posted earlier today, I have to come clean about something: I have an appointment that I am long overdue for.
No one should ever go this long between times. I know. But circumstances stopped me for a while, and I never got back into the routine of doing it.
Tomorrow, I am going to the dentist. *GASP*
It's not that I have a fear of going, but I'm freaked out because I'm out of practice of being poked in the mouth with a metal hook. But the good news is that I have flossed more in 2012 than I have in probably my entire life. So there's a springboard for the positive...right?
OK, my heart is beginning to beat faster just thinking about it! And as much as I want to eat Cheetos & Oreos before I go (a la Tim Allen), I need to set a good example for my kiddos. It will be a family event. And because it will be a family event, maybe that thought will stifle the possibility of me screaming like a little girl. We will see...
I won't go into how long it's been. That part is even more embarrassing. But when you don't have insurance for a little while in your life, you forget you have it when it becomes available thru work as part of a package deal. By then, I was already out of practice.
Now, it's time to put on my big girl britches & go back. And I'm hoping it doesn't get to a point where my hubby must escort my children out of the area because I'm behaving ridiculously like a toddler. That wouldn't be pretty.
So, for the sake of all involved...
I must set a good example...
I must set a good example...
I must set a good example...
I must set a good example...
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
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