Tuesday, February 26, 2013

AM~Erica Will Attempt to Introduce You to Someone

So anyway...

With MY CONTEMPLATIVE THOUGHTS today, and an intense, deep & good conversation with a good friend...it was time to take in the snow...

Out the boys went to take care of the snow...you know...LIKE A FEW DAYS AGO...

Even if it was only a hair warmer this time...the shoveling was different this time. Still the snow blower & manual shovels were used...but this time the snow was heavier & more dense. I think Teen Boy gave up after a while, even. I did take a crack at a few digs of clearing the driveway. That was enough exercise for me! WHEW-WEE!!

Of course, the boys played in the snow...and this time, the snow being so wet & dense, made it great for snowball fights!!! And we took in one...and it was WAR!! But I have no idea who actually won... the outcome is still being disputed...

Not long after that, someone showed up on our front walkway...

This stately dude:

I swore I heard him introduce himself as "The Magic Mister Snowfallfelees"! I asked him three times!

When I told the family who he is...they looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I did hear wrong, and it was REALLY cold out...and I was hit a few times with some cannon-sized snowballs. So I can neither confirm nor deny what his name actually is yet...

Mr. Snowfallfelees (I'm pretty sure that's his name) decided he wanted to stay at our place & has made himself comfortable in the blankets of snow that was left for him.

Maybe I'll get some rest tonight & I will try to find out more about him tomorrow. But he is pretty snazzy! I hope he's a magician! That. Would. Be. AWESOME!

But he seemed to travel in from somewhere & my guess he'd been on quite a journey...So I've decided to let him rest...for tonight. But the interrogation is ON tomorrow!! I want answers!!

And we'll be here since there's no school tomorrow, again, anyway.

Oh...and he's tall! Very, VERY tall! My guess is over 6'! Seriously.

Teen Girl is about 5'1"...Mr. Snowfallfelees is definitely more than a foot taller!

Stay tuned...

God Bless, AM~Erica

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