If you are in the KC area...there's obviously been a lot going on around here!
As we brace to see what this winter storm might or might not do as we are stocked up & hunkered down...waiting to see if there's school cancelations... we also are bombarded with the tragic insanity of THE DESTRUCTION OF JJ'S ON THE PLAZA. Just crazy is in the air!
Today, as we try to plan ahead the best that we can for this storm, my hubby came home for lunch to try to catch the weather to see what they are saying this time. See...our weather predictions change pretty much hourly around here...it's always entertaining to see what the new totals & predictions are. So, as he was watching to see what might be happening...we were bombarded with more updates about JJ's. This is fine & understandable...but I would think there might be more going on around here, around the country & around the world. Or maybe not...
Then it happens...
There is breaking news & we will go to the news chopper who is right over head of a police chase...and it's begun in our town. Go figure. And they are keeping the live feed going, too. The JJ's coverage lasted around 3 & a half hours...so why not follow this, too??
You know what? It was the dumbest yet most entertaining car chase...nearly ever!
It started after a guy stole a Nissan Pathfinder, grabbed a cop & tried to ram one of the police cars. Ummm...he's already in big trouble with them...
Then he takes off & the police are behind him! And it's on...!!! Right...??? Uh...
It actually looked like something familiar of years ago...as things went, they weren't exactly high-speed. It was a light-colored SUV going about 30 MPH with the police just following along...
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This is the OJ Simpson car chase scene back in 1994. Today's chase looked much like this, except the cops were single file... |
The whole thing looked like a weird funeral procession...there was the lead vehicle & then a string of evenly-spaced cars with flashing lights in a line behind it. And every time the SUV slowed up, so would the police cars...?? *scratches head*
However...there were spikes thrown down on a couple of curves that the SUV tried to miss (as well as the cops when he would dodge them). About 10 minutes into the chase, as he tried to dodge some spikes...he misinterpreted where they were & it got the back passenger side tire! They got him, right???
The spike line shredded that tire...there was nothing left...yet he kept going...and going...and going...and...going...
It Was Crazy!
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This is the end of the chase. See the missing tire on the passenger side? This vehicle drove for miles like that! It was weird & wild to witness (brought to you by the letter "W") |
So I looked at my hubby & said, "Well...that's an interesting testimony to the construction of the Pathfinder." He just started laughing...
Then he brought up that maybe the Super Bowl could use better commercials...so Nissan needs to jump on this & use this chase as testimonial! Amm-i-rite?
Hubby & I noticed something else...the newscast had added something up in the corner of the upper left corner of the screen during this spectacle: a hashtag to use on Twitter!!! *face palm*
But thru this debacle, the driver even pulls into a QuikTrip, cops still following, some cops going around the corner...and they let him thru the parking lot AND out onto the street with the chase continuing! Are you kidding me? No...no I am not.
It was like watching some bizarre movie. Hubby & I were yelling at the screen and heckling the newscast, the chase & the cops. We aren't sure what all was going on with this craziness...
Eventually the vehicle loses yet another tire. As the anchor AND the chopper captain were saying that it would be about over...it wasn't! This thing went...and went...and went...and...went...
The captain of the chopper makes a comment that this is a testament to Nissan [in the construction of the Pathfinder]! Hubby burst out laughing. I experienced a moment of deja vu. Weird.
At one point, the anchor asks for the camera to zoom out so the viewers could witness the shear number of police cars that are part of the chase...
The camera zooms out...
And the anchor counted 3...
...then he pointed out that he "understood" there was about a dozen in the chase. *face palm* D'oh!
This whole chase went on for 30+ minutes. Over 20 minutes of it, the Pathfinder was missing at least 1 tire. It was when the 3rd tire went is when the major loss of control happened.
Then the guy just gave up. It was all very strange... Oh...and that's when about 30 more police vehicles end up appearing. *face palm*
Oh...and thru much of this, pretty much all of our town's cops left the city limit to "chase" this guy. My hubby said this would be the time for crime to rise in our area...all the cops were across the city limit & it was being televised!
Well...watch some of it here (about 9 minutes worth):
And after this insanity, I figured out a few things:
1. Nissan totally needs to jump on Super Bowl bandwagon & use this chase
B. #HashtagsAreEmbarrassing
III. If you're wanting to catch the weather because something's brewing...Murphy's Law will find something else to put in it's place...like a really stupid car chase
8. When this dude gets out of jail, he needs to drive for NASCAR...Seriously
K. My next vehicle totally needs to be a Nissan Pathfinder
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
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