OK...I've posted about MY THOUGHTS ON SWIMSUITS, and I, of course, had MORE BRAGGING TO DO...so what took me so long to get to this? Take solace in knowing that I really was working on it...
As you may know...I am a Chiefs fan. I truly am. Not a bandwagon one, either. Even in their bad times (*cough* this season *cough*), it's always about finding the positive. Always. Like...holding out for just landing the 1st pick in the draft. Yeah...no matter how bad, there's gotta be a positive.
And, if you don't know, there was a group formed, in KC, called "Save Our Chiefs." They pooled funds together to fly a banner over the stadium, by plane, that read:
Yowch! There was even a food drive planned called the "Can Pioli Food Drive"...you know to help Harvesters...*cough-cough* and to make a point *cough-cough*
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The "Can Pioli Food Drive" banner - event was canceled due to the tragic events around Jovan Belcher |
Yeah...Scott Pioli wasn't popular around these parts any longer. And Romeo Crennel was an odd head coach. We finished the season 2-14. Fans wore black to "black out" the games in mourning of how our beloved Chiefs had ended up. No teams were afraid to come here anymore. We had no discipline, and it was bleeding into the personal lives of some of the players. There was a thughish feel about our team (much like the horrible Jovan Belcher situation); I thought the thugs were the Raiders...but we seemed to be slipping into that mold, and not keeping up on a spectacular rivalry with the Raiders, at that. Our Chiefs had fallen into, what I have decided to call, "Patheticism."
I hated seeing the Chiefs like this. We all did. And it was obvious we were WAY overdue for major change. Our hayday had seemed to be far behind us. That's pathetic coming from a hardcore football town.
But then Black Monday hit...you know...the Monday after the last round of regulation NFL games for the season. It's the day when there become job openings throughout the NFL due to a wave of "mutual *cough- cough* parting of ways. (OK...many are not so mutual...but you get the gist.)
The KC fanbase already knew we had the 1st pick in the 2013 draft in the bag, but we needed more...desperately. We needed to have the closure and satisfaction of a major change in the organization.
On Black Monday, we did get word of a swift letting go of Romeo Crennel. That was a start...but not enough...
When? When would we see an exit by Pioli?? We KC fans were getting pretty antsy about it.
However...there seemed to be a bit of hope! It appeared that Clark Hunt (the now owner of the KC Chiefs, inherited from his late father, Lamar) was paying attention. He realized how restless the fans were getting. But, instead of cleaning house mid to late season (like getting rid of Todd Haley with 3 games left to go last season), he waited it out. As awful as it appeared on the surface, I think Clark may have been very smart about this. As we ached, he was planning...I think he wanted to make sure we would get the first pick in the draft sealed. When Haley was let go, we had already screwed up our chances for the "Suck for Luck"...or anyone else, for that matter...so letting him go close to the end of the season didn't make a difference. Waiting it out to get the 1st pick sealed also meant it could be a bargaining chip in a good house cleaning! Well played, Clark...well played.
One of the firings on Black Monday happen to come from Philly. I saw one of the strangest firing press conferences...ever. Watching Andy Reid being let go was...just...odd. After 14, mostly winning, seasons...they turned him loose after a couple of bad seasons. And? They gave him a game ball to commemorate being (I think they said) their most winningest coach, told him they would always remain friends & then wanted him to give his parting speech...in a locker-like room. Probably the weirdest "parting of ways" I've ever witnessed. Ever.
Now, when I watched that spectacle on Monday, I never would have thought the Chiefs could end up with him. I really didn't know who we'd get, actually. I didn't think we looked like a real prospect for anyone. However, not only did we have the 1st pick in the draft in the bag...but it turns out having 5 players going to the pro-bowl is pretty attractive, too!
Now, when Romeo was let go, many noticed that the announcement came directly from Mr. Hunt, himself. That was interesting...hmmmm...not from the current GM. And? AND? Clark said he would PERSONALLY start looking for a new head coach immediately! Wha-WHA??? The owner was taking over what the GM should be doing? Could this mean what KC hoped it meant?
We are having quarterback issues. It's no secret. When we couldn't get PEYTON MANNING TO CONSIDER COMING, and when we really needed a head coach...Jeff Fisher (who may have been my top pick) wouldn't even consider coming, either. UGH! What could be the deal? Well, after some reports of ugly, sneaky & overbearing behavior from Scott Pioli, and with Todd Haley accusing Pioli of spying by bugging his cell phone, who would want to come to this once great organization? *face palm* So we just kept the interim coach, our defensive coordinator, Romeo Crennel. Yeah...that went well.
Well, even though there were reports that Andy Reid was going to head to meet with Arizona & possibly San Diego, Clark Hunt decided that Reid MUST be our guy...and met him in Philadelphia. Didn't even let him leave the airport for 9 hours. It was also reported that about 7 other organization members came, too...one of them being Pioli. Wha-WHA??? All of a sudden, Reid cancelled his trip to Arizona...and any others. It looked like KC might be close to a deal to make Reid the head coach...and, even though not everyone agreed with this move, we were hoping the Chiefs weren't gonna screw this up.
Then the reports were coming out that "...all the major details had been agreed upon; now just waiting to work out the minor details..."
What minor details? This went on for WAY too long! However...we (a large part of the the following KC fanbase) were wondering if it had to do with the fact that Pioli was still around...
Then...THEN? IT HAPPENED! We got word that...Pioli & the Chiefs had "*snicker* mutually parted ways *snicker*." My hubby & I noticed that none of the sports anchors on any station could say that without that snickering in there. But...it was DONE!
Sing it with me, fans:
So imagine my disappointment when there was no dancing in the streets to be found. We finally got it, people! What we had been clamoring for almost all season...and there was no visible celebration? Wow...
Oh...and? Magically, we were being told that Reid was unofficially the new head coach of KC. Go figure! Looks like the "minor details" had to do with getting Pioli out. Reid would have a lot of control & is a good judge of quarterback talent. *ahem*
Oh...and? Just to keep things looking more than "unofficial"...Clark Hunt was personally driving Andy Reid in a black SUV to the Chiefs' facilities. Hmmmm...looking pretty official to me!
All of this was taking place within about a 72 hour span, people. Wow...just...wow.
Now, we were all waiting on pins & needles to see when the officiality & ceremony of the pomp & circumstance of a press conference would happen. But there's a snag: the NFL apparently gets grumpy if any other NFL happenings outside of playoff focus happens. D'oh! So...probably a postponed press conference...but...shhhhhhhhhhhh...there was a modern-day loophole. Social media couldn't stop the Chiefs from making sure the fans knew that Reid was a go!
We were delighted to be treated to this photo posted on Twitter:
*insert cheers from Chiefs fans here*
That's right...
So, we can't have a press conference? Well, we are still going to let everyone know we signed our guy. Thank you, social media!
Thank you, social media, indeed.
Many KC fans owe Clark Hunt a huge apology. HUGE!! He heard the screaming fans, but was smart to wait it out to make sure that 1st pick was a go. Then, he targeted his guy, said he'd go get him, cleaned house, signed his new coach & put faith & excitement back into this organization...all in less than a week. Wow! And it wasn't some chump who was a menial coach somewhere in the league...I think we got who we needed. I hope it was the right move overall, but I do know it's a good start.
Now, just note, tomorrow, Monday, January 7, 2013 at 1:00 PM CT...be watching for the pomp & circumstance of the ceremonial press conference with Clark Hunt OFFICIALLY welcoming Andy Reid to KC as the new head coach. I wonder if any word on a new GM might be at least cryptically speculated during the press conference since there has been a few days to attempt make something happen. Just putting it out there.
So, I would like to take my moment to welcome Andy Reid, too. We expect bigger things...but no pressure or anything...*snickers*
Thankfully, too, it looks like Reid is assembling his Avenger-type staff from all different places...not just a bunch of cronies following him over. In this, we should rejoice. And, no other Chiefs coach has had this kind of power since Hank Stram...you know, the only coach to take us to any super bowl (the ONLY 2 we've ever appeared in)...in the late 60's! *face palm* What took so long? I have never gotten to see my Chiefs in a Super Bowl. I hope this changes in the near future.
I am, once again, ready for some football! Who's looking forward to the draft & the start of next season?
*raises hand* Hope has returned.
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Welcome, Andy Reid. You look good in red. |
Stay tuned...
God Bless, AM~Erica
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